Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Opps, now I suppose Im going to be sued again.


She’s still got to sort out her insane Arizona suit. And then there is whatever the heck she has going on with EMCO. Not sure if it’s an actual lawsuit yet or just a lot of noise about it on this thread.


Yeah Kate, This isnt great. Same photo.


Incidentally I just had a chat with our local commonwealth attorney and animal control about why you can’t monitor horses body condition via binoculars, you have to have hands on them. Thick hair and shadows and certain poses can hide a lot.


And thats bullshit. It was longer then that after she had free choice hay and water.

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Since you continue to say against community standards

2 points:

  1. How do you think pictures of another, different starved horse in any way, shape, or form excuses your MANY starved mares and babies (which you admitted were starved but blamed on the help)? This is classic ‘two wrongs don’t make a right’ territory and, if you graduated from a decent law school, you would know ‘yeah, but she did it, too’ is not a persuasive argument.

Pointing out other animal cruelty does not diminish your own.

  1. You’ve heard the phrase ‘glass houses’, correct? What in dog’s name would possess you to post pictures shaming someone when horrific pictures of your own starved horses have been circulated far and wide?

Pot calling kettle; come in kettle; do you read?


Unfortunately for the yhs that already starts in may-ish they require 1.10m for the 2yo. We put him through 4 times. We will revisit it again this summer once or twice then he will go to tryon in November so he will truly be “2”. And all my horses go hang out at shows etc as I believe getting them out is ideal for their health. As to the jumps, that is what Derek had set up. Looks like someone seriously battered the one standard but there was no other option. Believe me I asked him as he was there. The ring had home was completely replaced but is too big to manage free jumping.

Exactly!!! I’m getting tired of the Fiona chick though with the barrage and doctored stuff. As someone mentioned above horse magically grew a longer tail and packed on pounds with pics sent to me by the owner that she got from Fiona day after Fiona’s online tirade? Hmmmm

And no one believes I have any starved horses. Coth junkies might have their own time here but not a single person has in person seen or been to the farm has any issue with a starved horse. That’s what you all are failing to see

Why did you say you ‘owned it’ then? You did not deny it previously. You said it was the fault of people you trusted to care for the horses in your absence, but you copped to it and said you ‘owned’ it.

And what of the dead mares and the aborted fetus in a filthy stall?


There were two old mares that yes I had to make the decision to pts in 2022. It was horrific not being there and the first time making that call for me. The vet tech is the one who finally filled me in on the condition at the location. That being said I absolutely do believe (as I didn’t have cameras up yet in the barn) that the hired staff had not been bringing the horses in to eat and feeding the correct amount. I have no problem owning up to that and I did. But the discrepancy in photos is what I wanted to point out nothing else. Now that I am constantly watching staff on camera they are actually doing their job. People take advantage when they know you are gone often. I pop in unannounced etc. That being said I will thoroughly enjoy watching everyone here eat crow as my homebreds continue to go thrive and my breeding direction is imagined. I’m not sure the obsession but hey whatever floats your boat. My fb is always set to public so the stalkers can stalk.

It’s called defection.


The ‘obsession’ is that people are horrified by and react to animal cruelty. The pictures of your skin and bones babies, your ribby, dull-coated mares, and the filthy stall with the aborted fetus and the mama in desperate need of care shocked horse people, many of whom have owned, cared for, and ridden horses for decades and never once saw even one mare or foal in that condition. Not once, for me.

It shocks the conscience. That is why people are here. We are deeply and genuinely shocked at not only the state of the animals, but how many of your animals are in that state (or dead).


Except the fact they are not. And no one that has been to the farm is shocked including the vets. That is what flabbergasts me. Look at Mr Tolman he lost multiple mares and multiple foals last breeding season, as have many others. So to have had one horrific year absolutely. And anyone that knows about icsi pregnancies knows that they tend to not have amazing endings which is why they tend to not be insurable. That being said you guys have analyzed every aspect of my life down to the fact I love wearing flip flops. That is far more than a conscience shocking about animal welfare, that’s straight up obsession! But it’s fine because I know that none of these keyboard warriors will I ever meet in person anywhere as they do not go and do what I do. That is fine. I accept that this is the only place they can feel important

Actually, that’s straight up revulsion.

That you would wear flip flops in a ring is so gross. And that you are so unaware/unobservant of time-honoured common sense horse handling standards (e.g., closed-toe shoes at all times when around livestock) speaks to a level of ignorance of, or disdain for, professional standards such that, yes, people are going to remark.

I haven’t commented on anything else in your life. I want to see your broodmares and babies fed. Period.


Kate, I am sorry to tell you that just because you can post photos of another horse being too thin does not negate the fact that your horses are also too thin.
It does show that you are able to recognize a too thin horse, which makes how that foal looked even more upsetting and it makes how the foals you presented confusing, and it makes how some of your mares look just plain sad.

But keep posting, we all know that your goal is to take the eyes off what you have done because you have no way to explain away the condition of that foal or your mares, etc.


@EventerAJ, what a lovely relaxed horse in that video. That is how free lunging is supposed to look. Great job.


I’m not sure how a tense, extremely over the shoulder jump with somewhat low and uneven knees is proof of a great breeding program. My backyard bred grade QH jumps way nicer.


Hey Kate, since you know how to care for and feed this colt that you are so very proud of, why is it that your other foals and your broodmares do not get the same level of care?

I do think it is great that you take him places and expose him to things.