Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Omg. Be prepared. It’s a lot. A LOT, a lot.

Just FYI. The souvenir shop Sudden Impulse in Indoor 4 has lots of cute WEC stuff.


I would only do that on the “ well it’s not staying here”’thing, which is how I rescued another starved horse.


She rents dry stalls at a TB racing barn, I have been there. She doesn’t hold domain over the property. Only the owner or the legal holder of the property can claim Castle I believe. But Im sure I will be corrected.


She can claim Stand Your Ground. Castle applies to a residence or other dwelling … as “a man’s home is his castle”’
SYG is hard to get… after being arrested she would have to have a motion before the court for it and more often than not it’s denied.
First she would have to prove she was being threatened or attacked to motion for SYG, and I feel safe saying no one here thinks she’s worth that…

Just if anyone goes, be smart and don’t go alone. Take witnesses.


I do want to say. This filly is turning out nice. Lets no trash her. Her initial pics were horrid. I know the owner who got super lucky not knowing this breeders background got an good filly for her purpose. She arrived in rescue condition. That is not disputed. She really is turning into a nice natured filly. She will have some challenges. She had the worst start. But still from what I have seen is probably the nicest foal from that cluster F program. She is much superior to that silly colt or anything Ive seen. It’s kinda ironic, you sold the best of your brood inutero. And the only worth looking at.


Kinda feels like Karma.


Legit question here. I honestly can’t keep up. Other than the filly, how many has she sold say, in the last 2 years? How many are for sale now? Are the broodies still up for sale? Now that her main egg dispenser has died, what now? thanks!


I believe there are 4 for sale. All born that year, but only my guess. The rest out of 12 aborted, or died or the broodmares died. I maybe making that assumption from the wrong year. Between dead mares, aborted foals and small foals I cant keep up.


What made the owner buy this particular horse inutero? What attracted her to to breeding and breeder? Do you happen to know?

Just out of curiosity.


Wouldn’t that only apply if she actually lived on that property?

It was my understanding it is just a place where she rents stalls or maybe even just paddocks for her animals.

Thanks. I am almost sorry I asked. :disappointed_relieved: :grimacing:


Yes, this cross is not a wrong thing. This can be a good cross managed well. Perhaps not in first generation but can work in 2nd. With the right cross, and not a shit mare in a good breeding program this can work.

Owner has been breeding quality horses for generations. Still has her fabulous main mares I own a offspring from. Top quality. This is not a case of her looking to compete Olympics, but to include add new blood to her breeding program. This is not a bad thing as a cross. I can’t talk for her. But I believe she went into this with a long term goal. She just didnt know this breeder was a piece of crap. Honestly I’d never heard about her as well until all this went down.


So is the idea that the filly will eventually have a performance career of some sort? Or will she just go directly to being a broodmare?


I can’t speak for the owner, but I hope she would agree, she will be breeding stock. I could be wrong, I cant speak for her. I can say, she is turning into the nicest foal KS has breed. She is the only foal with an ass.


Interesting, thanks. I hope it works out for the filly and the owner.

That is disputed, actually.


:joy: :joy:

another question. If the mare is going to be breeding sock, do they break them at all and just make them able to handle well?

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Pictures tell the story

I can’t answer that. All I know is she will be in the best care. She is only here temp.

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I am not saying I was disputing it.

But it is not a fact that the condition of the horse is not disputed.

Kate has disputed it quite a bit here, actually.