Any FB updates on KS’s page? I’m blocked. lol.
Any update on these two?
The bar exams were yesterday and today, so she should be sitting for those, if she actually signed up.
There’s a photo of three babies she refers to as 10 months and younger, so… yearlings. Through their thick winter coats they appear to be in good condition, especially compared to what’s been seen in the past.
Based on her posts, it looks like she’s traveling the show circuit and braiding.
No mention of bar exams.
Was just coming here in hopes of seeing an update that a fellow COTHer had scooped the two up.
It seems they were purchased and not shipped out IMO because they were both off the website around the same time and prior to a bunch being taken off. It would be a real shame if that is not the case.
That site gets checked like it’s time to shop, but I swear I am just practicing.
The TB mare is off the site too. So I assume she sold?
Someone posted on the Racing forum about buying her.
Oy vey
And “Fur kids” sets my teeth on edge.
Along with (shudder) “pet parent.”
One of the vet techs at the small animal clinic I use trots out both those phrases. It sets my teeth on edge.
Every time she does, I really want to ask her if that means she’ll take my BCBS insurance card for payment since my dogs and cats are my “children” and I am their “parent”.
Wait, no - your babies…
Of all things KS, I am not going to poke someone for how they refer to their pets and how that relationship is in their life. Some people use terms that I do not use, but it certainly is not a thing worth looking down on someone for.
In KS’s case, it’s a very deliberate attempt to make her seem “caring” and maternal towards her animals; if she actually loved them like her children she would have provided better care – I think that’s partly why she’s being mocked.
I’m convinced there’s ‘some’ people who simply do not have
the compassion/caring gene and
should never have the responsibility of caring for
dependant animals.
yup. It’s more lipstick on a pig. It’s still a pig. All this karma, lawyer BS. Does she really think people buy this crap? She should never have any horses, let alone breed them very irresponsibly. My eyes will always go back to that poor mare with the slipped foal lying in feces. So sickening. Plus of course, all the other photo’s.
Plus the chronic dissociation with the actual cruelty that has been going on for years.