Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Sure - the mare is a step up. But… the sire brings Sandro Hit and Donnerhall to the table. And the dam sire is Fair Play - who apparently got to 3rd level dressage (per Horsetelex). Ulft is further back - definitely jumper. If you look more at the dam side… it’s a mix.

Anyway… if the mare had competed herself and had a record as a show horse, we could better evaluate her propensity to be the sort of mare who produces nice hunters.

But she didn’t. She was injured as a youngster.

Soooo… why does Kate think this mare will be a good choice for Hunter breeding? Sandro Hit can be found in MANY pedigrees, but some of his offspring are pretty spicy. Not necessarily a good thing for hunters.

I don’t know. To me, it looks like she probably got a deal on this mare… and will proceed to breed her indiscriminately like she did that big black mare, while touting the “Gelderlander” blood the mare has… which is actually pretty minimal and back a few generations. The mare has a Hanoverian sire, and the dam side has a mix of things going on, with Selle Francais and Trakehner in there as well as more traditional Dutch breeding.


I understand what is in her pedigree. I never said she was the be all end all for a hunter broodmare. Sandro Hit is her grandsire. So, there are other influences. Including some great brained stallions. I would not seek out this pedigree to breed a hunter. But she is indeed an improvement from the last one she bred a ton.

There are videos of the mare moving and she would not be out of place in a hunter class. IDK if that was because of her neck injury changing her head and neck carriage or if that was her true movement. And she seemed to have a good brain.


Fair enough.

We definitely agree it’s a big step up from the mares she has been using.


Links? :slight_smile:

I don’t feel comfortable posting them. I don’t think her breeder’s name should have been put out there by KS and posted on this thread. The videos are very easy to find on fb and YouTube.


It is amusing that clearly KS reads this thread and then goes to her Facebook page to say snarky things about the discussion.

Hey Kate, this mare is much nicer than any of your other mares. Good job picking a much nicer mare.


Yeah, and let’s also add for KS: PLEASE be sure this one is fed and is foaled out with people attending and in a clean stall with straw! And she is fed something other than majical alfalfa!


At this point in time I couldn’t care less what she breeds as long as she doesn’t farm out the horses with people she doesn’t know well, on the cheap, which is her “business model”, and then complain that other people didn’t take care of them when they are severely malnourished.

The mares and foals are your responsibility Kate/Kathryn Shearer and if you are paying for cheap care then you’d better well check on your stock.

I’m disappointed that Kate/Kathryn Shearer has decided to keep trying to make a buck breeding horses, because so far, her attempts have all been at the horses (and at least one owner’s) expense.


Agreed. Super unprofessional. ‘Haters gonna hate’ signals arrested development at the least and a background and love of drama for sure. I wouldn’t want to be associated with that as a buyer or a stallion owner. ‘I worship these lines’? Jaysus, it’s just so cringe and juvenile, it’s like a snarky teen wrote this, not a grown adult with whom I’d want to do business.

The biggest message this facebook post is giving is that this is a person so embroiled in personal drama and obsessed with engaging with her ‘haters’ that she cannot give it a break even just long enough to introduce something important to her business. That lack of impulse control signals a personality you’re best to steer well clear of.


What happened to her “I am getting out of this business because I no longer enjoy it” statement from a few months ago? Do the horses a favor and follow through on that thought.


Something on here must have hit close to home because she’s going on about not posting about horses anymore because haters. I assume she lied through her teeth to get that poor mare, and who knows if owner has figured it out yet? I’m also amused when Kate thinks we are stalking. If you follow a person on FB you get to see every time they make a post. That’s how FB works. It’s not stalking. It’s called Social Media.


All that meltdown and she does not even mention that some of us like her new mare. Geez. Way to go Kate, ignore the compliments.


No mare. Paid in full and now contract being denied because of you. So win for you but not the poor woman selling that’s going through a divorce and desperately needed to sell. That’s on you all.
No she owes me much more than purchase price now and attorneys involved. How do you all not realize your involvement in my Life gets nothing successfully
Done? You only harm others???


You are blaming us for someone seeing the condition of your other mares and not being OK with it?

How is that our fault?

I am sorry this mare did not work out. She certainly is much nicer than your other mares.


Because we brought to light your criminal horse care, abusive horsemanship and disgusting breeding standards. There, fixed it.


That is not necessary. You can waive your right to anything more than the return of the purchase price and NOT get attorneys involved. That is a choice you can make. I know you haven’t practiced law, but a contract does not obligate a party to pursue all remedies available to them under the contract. You can choose to simply unwind the transaction, get your money back, and both parties walk away.

If you have so much empathy for the seller’s situation, you can be a decent person and not hurt them further. You can get your money back and leave them in peace.

If she owes you more money and attorneys are involved, that is on you and very much a choice you are making in this situation.


You recognize that this woman is in a tough place in her life, and when she chooses not to sell you a horse because she finds out about the abject neglect and abuse you’ve subjected your other horses to, you SUE her?

That’s gross. You’re a terrible person.


I have another question…

You want us to feel bad for the woman going thru a divorce in desperate need to sell, but then you turn around and brag about legal means to get money out of the same person.
How do those two things work out in your head?
Interesting way to do life.
It sounds like this woman really was lucky to get out of this relationship with you, if you are that willing to have a melt down and get “attorneys involved”.

Edit to add - it looks like we all had the same thought/question. Those above me said it far better than I did.


Frankly, I think if the seller would post here, quite a few of us would chip in dollars for the suit. Goddamn. Just when Kate can’t sink any lower…she just keeps digging. What an awful human being.


This is definitely a new, terrible low. To know someone is in a difficult position and to hurt them while they’re down. Unbelievable lack of empathy, decency, even humanity.

There are many reasons someone may change their mind about selling an animal. It is often an highly emotional time and transaction. To try to hurt them even more is despicable. Lowest of the low.