Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Looks like you’re the one doing the harm. WTF is wrong with you?


It’s actually a situation you put us in. So yes attorneys are now involved in the sale. Thank you

Once again, your complete lack of personal accountability is just amazing.


No it’s because someone on coth contacted her, those are her words and literally reached out to her to tell her how despicable of a human I am….after sale complete. So the attorneys are handling it at this point, maybe you all should fundraise for her attorneys fees since you thought it best to get involved. I can’t do anything but lol at all your nonsense

I bought a horse. That’s what I’m
Personally accountable for. Coth members chose to track the woman down and tell her of alllllll my bad things. But contract was finalized. So this is now what happens in adult world

In the adult world I live in, a person would walk away and realize they were simply not mean to have that horse. Because most adults see no reason to add legal things to the life of someone going thru a divorce because they did not get a horse they wanted to buy.
The adult world also involves the fact that anything COTH might have told this person was simply sharing stuff you yourself shared on social media.


No. Responsible adults don’t starve their horses. Responsible adults don’t leave their mares to foal out alone. Responsible adults are accountable for their actions. And responsible adults recognize when their own mistakes have blown up a deal.

You want to be a grown up here? That would be admitting that your own actions caused this deal to go south, taking the money you paid for this mare, and leaving the poor seller alone.

For shame, Kate. Do better.


All you good people on here that think you are doing the good thing just got this woman into a huge legal entanglement and there we are now. So accolades to you!

Take responsibility for yourself and your actions. I did nothing. Literally nothing.

You don’t have to sue this person.

YOU are CHOOSING to sue this person.

Maybe take a beat, think about the bigger picture, and call off the attorneys. Take your money and walk away. You’ll be made whole and you will not add another horrific act to your long list of dubious qualities. If you sue and harass this seller, you will only make it harder on yourself. If you can show that you are capable of being decent and empathetic, it will help you in the long run.

Your choice. Again, I did literally nothing but comment here very occasionally and entirely to urge you to feed your livestock. I’m okay with that.


I’m choosing to do nothing! I paid full price and coth got involved. As you seem to always do and everyone including the us eventing team farrier who just got a foal from me ….you all go based off asinine bs. For goodness sakes come see my horses. My phone number is easy 480-567-5699, I’ll send you to the farm, This is not a difficult task!

If you think you can’t do anything in the context of legal action you voluntarily initiated, then you need to go back to law school or go to a better law school. You can stop any legal action you’ve taken right this minute. Simply ring your legal representative and tell them, ‘pencils down’. Walk away with your returned money and call it a day.


Lol. Your whole complaint here is

“Wahhhhhh you meanies told someone about how I’ve abused my horses and now she won’t sell me her horse!”

Jesus, woman. What’s wrong with you.


Not even happening. Sorry contract paid and fulfilled! That’s what happens in legal adult actions in case you didn’t realize. Thanks coth!!!

Not even remotely. Completed contract

Are you suing the seller (or even threatening to do so) in order to either force the sale or get damages on top of your returned purchase price?

If yes, you are choosing to hurt this seller. You could simply take your money back and walk away. No lawyers involved.


Lawyers already involved thank you Coth forum!!!

I know adulting world is hard to understand but….contracts are contracts.

So, you admit you are pursuing legal action against this seller even knowing you could simply take your money back and NOT pursue any additional remedies under the contract?

That is a YOU problem and something YOU are choosing to do and YOU can choose not to do. If you do pursue this poor woman who is in a difficult position, that makes you an awful person. I hope you reconsider and allow her to lose the sale, make you whole, and put both parties back to where they were before the contract was signed.

If this was some dodgy bait and switch seller, I’d say, sure, pursue your remedies. Knowing she’s in a difficult situation and wants to unwind the transaction (for whatever reason) why not be a decent person and simply walk away without hurting her further?


You are not sounding like an adult.



Well, clearly there must have been enough evidence of abuse presented to the seller to cause them enough concern to back out.

That will be good evidence for whatever lawsuit. I’m sure no one will hold someone accountable for not selling an animal into a home with a history of horrible conditions.