Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

If you were a lawyer, you would know that under a contract, you have no obligation to pursue all remedies. If you are, that’s you making a choice.

It has nothing to do with adulting. It is purely your choice to pursue all remedies rather than just take one of the available remedies (getting your money back) and walking away and leaving a person going through a difficult time in peace.


I completed a sale of a horse which included taking another horse as well. I absolutely am
Pursuing action against this contract since the seller has now tried to leave it because of coth. Sorry but that is real life and what happens. What did you all think would be the end result? I mean come on here you all are more educated than the comments here. Someone had to think this wouldn’t end well with your stalking right?

Except there is not legally. That’s what most you coth’rs fail to understand and the contract stands. So now she’s in a lot more of a debacle than before not only needing to sell the mare (someone here should buy her for sure) but now the attorneys fees and damages. So thank you Coth!!! The forum that just keeps on giving

I don’t need to. I made a contract with someone and paid in full. What you idiots did is on you. And her really now so congratulations. I do not feel sorry for someone who listens to the 20 coth idiots

There are people more and less active on here. None of them are stalking you. I’m certainly not and do not see your facebook except when it’s reposted here. I have engaged solely to get you to feed your animals and stop leaving them in deplorable conditions to abort and die and end with body scores of 1 and 2. Period. And I stand by everything I’ve said on that score.

You fundamentally misunderstand contract law. You do not have to pursue all remedies. That is a choice. You can make a different choice. Given the woman’s extenuating circumstances, you definitely should make a different choice.

Get your money back and leave her in peace. Please consider this option. It is the decent thing to do.


I am so glad to know this beautiful mare is not going into the circles of hell to die with a backyard redneck “breeder.”

Actions have consequences. Reputation matters in horse world.


I really hope one of you steps up to help this woman, take the mare and the mini, and pay for her legal fees. I mean you all really hate me enough I’m sure you can do a gofundme or something right?

And my reputation is unwavering. Just the psycho cothers lol

Lady, I’m not even in the US. I’m just logging on and seeing this latest crazy. I have done nothing. Stop trying to blame everyone and everything for choices you are making and have made yourself.

Stop suing the seller. Take your purchase price and walk away. You will forever be the bigger person and gain some respect for not kicking a woman while she’s down. You can do this. You can make this mess end for her. Please consider doing so.


Whhh coth has made me I guess “indecent”. Why do favors when the crazy coth ladies attack me. Nah I think not. I will handle this legally as should be and this poor woman will be and already has been addressed by my attorneys. That’s what happens. It’s called adulting

No. That’s called revenge. You openly admit you are taking out your frustration at some people here on the poor seller.

Consider not doing that. Show everyone you can not be a mean, vindictive person who goes after all she can get under a contract instead of just being civil and unwinding the transaction.


Great advice from lady not in the US. Glad you are following me from overseas. Not sure what you don’t understand about contracts in the US but no I don’t need to “be nice” at all. Paid for in full sale.
So yes the lawyers will do what they are paid to do and then charge them for it….in the us winning party gets attorneys fees on contracts in case you didn’t know

I don’t need to do anything. I bought the mare. It’s you idiots that caused her to try to cancel the sale and now why lawyers are involved. What don’t you understand again….totally start a gofundme for her attorneys fees

You absolutely don’t, but you could choose to. You don’t always have to go scorched earth. Doing this to this seller is not only morally bankrupt given that you know she’s in a difficult place, it’s also simply mean spirited and it will come back to bite you the next purchase you try to make.

You don’t have to be nice, but you could choose to be nice. Why not make that choice in this situation. Give a fellow woman in the business a break. Take your money and walk away. People unwind transactions civilally every single day.

Some might even call it ‘adulting’.

Adulting without rancor and vengeance is also adulting.


She. Is. Choosing. To. Break. The. Contract. Because. You. Abuse. Your. Horses.

This board was the vehicle for conveying that information. Most of which YOU have provided, in photos of starving foals and mares, and photos of disgusting foaling conditions.

The reason this fell apart is YOUR lack of care.


Not even remotely as vet and others have spoken to her. lol! It is singularly because of you idiots and now she’s in a legal battle on top of her divorce. So thank you all for that. Hope you feel accomplished

Adulting is doing business. I’m sorry that I stand for my business and money. Alas it is what happens. I feel for her only because she listened to an idiot here (all 20 of you) but alas is what it is and the lawyers are now handling it

That’s so similar to the textbook line from an abuser–“Look what you made me do.”
Shame on you.


No, thank yourself. Suing this woman is ALL on you.

You have a choice not to sue her. You have a choice to peacefully unwind a contract. You have a choice not to pursue all remedies.

Consider making those choices instead of the one to sue her. It would be the decent thing to do here and I’m sure you are capable of being a decent person.


I’m far from an abuser. I bought a horse paid in full and a cover told her just how horrible I am even though vets and others communicated with her. I guess I’m now not only an abuser of animals but humans in your language rofl! I just can’t with all you right now. Great job you all.
Great job!