Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Jfc woman, what do you think is here? In this thread? It’s you acting like a brat, along with lots and lots of evidence of your abuse, nearly all supplied by you.

Spend the money you’re putting toward this taking CARE of the horses you have. It’s nearly foaling season. Why don’t you send your in foal mares to an actual foaling facility for a change?


I want the mare. My choice was to buy her. I’m not going to peacefully go away because a person on another continent on coth tells me to play nice. You all don’t so why would I? lol!

Maybe, since they are now aware, the seller will come in and give us the real story. Find a few comrades to network with….


I was going to make this point as well. It makes me sick. To see someone who could easily make a different choice in how she is acting and going after this woman blame it on people on a horse forum is pathetic.

Just. Don’t. Sue.

Just be decent. Let the other party out of the transaction, take your money back, and walk away, head held high.

Or sue and harass and beat her up for everything you can get under the contract and let THAT behaviour speak volumes about your true character.

I know which option I would choose.


My goodness you know nothing. Posting factual lies is actually a legal Claim hubby bunny. Learn the facts before posting first off and as I said ANYONE IS WELCOME TO SEE THE HORSES yet not a single person on here has. Come come come one and all!

Oh, honey–your actions tell that particular story.
And here you are, doubling down on it.


It is about revenge against coth, against the seller and against any one she feels has slighted her. Nothing but revenge.


Not at all. This is response to seller after she “learned” information from cothers. lol! That’s on you guys

When someone “desperately needs to sell” but then decides not to sell to an individual, I’d say the problem is with the buyer. Most people don’t do that UNLESS they are horrified at what they’ve learned about the buyer. Plenty of photos and words have been posted by Shearer that would make me stop the sale, regardless of how desperate I may be.


The fact that none of you can understand your little keyboard warriorism now has actual consequences dumbfounds me. Please pleas someone pay for her attorney now that it has had to happen. Plesss
Someone pay her!

Completed and pay for contract my hun

Hmmmmm. Seems like you don’t understand you are responsible for sueing the seller, who got wind of and maybe saw YOUR photos of your “horse care”, just as you don’t seem to understand YOU are responsible for the care of your horses. Period.


So, to paraphrase, ‘me, me, me! mine, mine, mine!’

That’s your defence? I’m not persuaded.

People are very emotionally connected to their animals and this person no longer feels good about sending hers to you. That happens for many reasons in a sale. Have the dignity to allow her out of the sale without punishing her to the greatest extent you can.

By doing all you can to hurt her financially and emotionally, you play the role of ‘litigious American’ to the hilt.

The decent, adult thing to do here is to get your money back and leave the seller in peace. Don’t make it yet another SM flame war meltdown freakout. Just quietly unwind the transaction, get your money, and walk away. Both parties will be in the same position as before the contract was made and that’s a great outcome.


Umm…you do realize that judges and juries have a lot of room to do their own thing, right? They ignore, re-interpret clauses to say what they want them to mean, and just flat out rule against you because they want to; ALL OF THE TIME.


I’m well aware and as I said ANYONE CAN COME VIEW MY HORSES AT ANYTIME!!! But paid for contract so yah…after the fact because a cother fb messaged her. Comical. Now she’s in a legit legal issue on a sale of a horse on top of her divorce. All thanks to you lovely ladies!! Yay!

Which is the opposite of adulting. Revenge fantasy indulgence is not in any way healthy adult behaviour.


Nope. A real attorney has already told you that YOU can drop the lawsuit and not put a desperate person into still worse circumstances. This is all you and your ego. A fit of pique.

The seller re-evaluated the kind of home and care the mare would receive under your ownership and didn’t want it on her conscience. I applaud her for it.


Plus if this was “revenge against COTH” then Shearer would take it up with COTH, not people who posted on a bulletin board.


Nah at this point I’m ok with taking everything that is mine especially because of you coth people. So yes it will go to the ends. As I said she can probably use a gofundme

I’m so confused here,….so anyone can come see my horses and now I’m a bad person for holding a seller accountable for a paid for sale because coth said so. I should be courteous when you all are not? I’m so very confused by coth right now. Whatever should I do :rofl::rofl::rofl: