Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

I’ll refrain from answering that one on the basis it might get me in trouble with the mods.


I mean I’m sure you want me to disappear and go away but that’s hard when you all stalk me so….

Taking vengeance on the seller for changing her mind and blaming others for “making me do it” is a classic DARVO move. Underscoring WHY choosing to refund the sale price and not release the mare was in the mare’s best interest.

Gee, posting on an open FB page and open forum so people will see and comment on your activities is exactly the opposite of “stalking”.


What an immature and malicious person you are. So, you are denied a horse you WANT and the response is to sue for damages?

What harm could have possibly been done to you? Did you sprain a finger calling your attorney so fast, like a litigious bully? Did someone dare to tell you …No?

Bravo for them, I hope these frivolous lawsuits come back to haunt you more and more.

No one who cares about their horses would sell you a mare. PERIOD. You are a puppy mill breeder of junk. Yes, junk. I am no idiot. Look in the mirror to find your insults a target.

Thank goodness you show everyone who you really are.

That is what YOUR reputation verifies and what you prove to be the case continuously.

You should seriously come with a warning label.


Again not legal with a paid for an enforced contract

First of all, you are not 5. You do not need to base your behaviour on the behaviour you perceive from others.

Second, how does anyone here being courteous have anything to do with how you treat the seller. The seller is not on here and has not been discourteous.

Third, and this is the most important bit: you can always choose to be better. Better than what you have been, better than what you perceive from others, better than the situation allows you to be.

You can choose to take the dignified, adult, decent path and simply unwind and walk away. Please strongly consider that choice. It would reflect well on you.


Bahahah I only laugh at this after I sold US team individuals two foals this week. But yes I’m a puppy mill breeder. Darn you caught me! Hands up I’m guilty!

Nah I’m good, we will go the legal route as we already have. Thank you so much coth!!!

Keep playing here cothers. Can’t wait to see what I wake up to! :slight_smile:

What a toxic, empty, shell of a person to choose violence in this situation instead of dignity and grace.


So I’m the bad person for enforcing a paid for contract. That has no dignity and grace? Because I’ll point out a whole bunch of peeps that the. Have no dignity and grace lol

I would not believe that claim from you even if your tongue came notorized.

You offer no proof. Classic move on your part.



Well, there we have it.


Ok night all! Will love what I wake up to. But alas must leave the cothers currently. I do love hearing all about myself! Can’t wait to learn more when I wake up. Night night

You can tell she’s getting off on spouting repeatedly "neener neerer neerer you caused me to hurt this woman, you caused it and now you all will suffer, neener neener neener.

Definitely not someone I would want to do business with let alone sit next to on a city bus.

What if the lawsuit flips upside down on her because the woman brings reams of online info showing abused horses and posts of Katie jeering at all and sundry?


You sold a foal to a farrier.


And ‘it’s called adulting’. :roll_eyes:

The lack of self-awareness is stunning.


I’m with you, I want names, I want proof before I believe anything from that source.


That’s actually not the “American rule” on fee shifting. The prevailing party in a contract action is only awarded fees if there’s an enforceable fee shifting provision in the contract. The default rule absent such a provision is that each party bears his/her own fees.


Lies? What lies? The photos that you have posted publicly clearly demonstrate abuse. From the starving mares and foals to the disgusting foaling conditions. That’s all it takes for someone to nope right out of selling their horse to you.

You want to buy? Do better for your horses.