Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

We’ve seen her asshatery perform in other discussions before, I’m not surprised.


When I was deposed, I was asked what, if any other, litigation had I been a part of or started.

You know that question is so they can build the “you’re just a sue happy grinch trying to get money out of us” defense.


She sounds more like Lauren Kanawreck all the time!


I feel bad for the woman with the mare, because she didn’t realize all of the crazy and BS that goes along with Kate. It is not COTH’s fault, and if a seller withdrew on me, then I’d just walk away. There are many other horses out there. The seller obtained some info, in whatever fashion, and acted based of off the info received.

I do want people to be held accountable for their actions, but someone revoking a sale isn’t a hill I care to die on, especially if they refunded my money.

This whole debacle is just more advertisement for Kate’s brand of crazy. I don’t blame the seller at all for wanting to back out.

There’s a huge lack of personal responsibility with this one, but we already know that’s not new. It’s a trend and honestly some people live their life this way. We can go on and on about it, but I genuinely feel like some people are so mentally not ok that they cannot comprehend or see the problem. Nor do they want to.

Some of us have seen this with other individuals too. It is everyone’s fault for saying xyz but in reality, this is a direct result of someone being a shite person and receiving the consequences of their actions. Then they toss their toys of the pram because they can’t handle that.

It’s utterly gross to recognize that someone is in a rough spot and then sue them when you could’ve simply walked away and moved onto the next horse. Then there’d be nothing to talk about it. No drama, but what’s the point to life if there is no drama? :roll_eyes:

And to think, none of this would’ve happened if horses were fed, basic animal welfare standards were upheld, and if someone didn’t have a insatiable appetite for drama.


What the freak does the term hubby bunny have to do with this conversation. It sounds like an adulting fail to me.

Do you understand that your keyboard warriorism has actual consequences? Because your tantrum here today makes it very clear that you do not.


And what, praytell, is a “factual lie”, hubby bunny? Hypothetical, not directed at trub, but just pointing out more nonsense.

I haven’t posted much, if anything here, but this latest is beyond the pale. @Kasheare, it is NOT illegal to cancel a contract and have parties returned to their original position. It’s done all the time. It’s been presumed that you were offered a refund and that was not enough for you. So you must be suing for specific performance. That’s a high bar to meet and is usually only granted In real estate transactions. Other goods and services are not considered unique, generally.

And, since you could have chosen to be made whole by a refund, that makes it your choice to pursue further damages. Your choice. Just you. What you are doing doesn’t hurt anyone on this forum. Just you and the poor seller. And it further reveals what a self-centered, inconsiderate…person…You are.

Cancel the contract. There is nothing illegal about that. It’s adulting.


Isn’t one of Kate’s recent lawsuits about who was responsible for, or at least contains accusations of neglect, that was present at the last facility? Isn’t that like an admission that the seller had a right to be concerned about selling her horse to Kate?


Absolutely a garbage thing to do.

It’s called adulting.

And being a decent, intelligent, non-vindictive, drama-avoiding member of a community of repeat players (a concept anyone who really went to law school would recognise and respect).


When I’m in a tight spot financially and need to quickly sell a horse due to a lot of other life problems on my plate, you know what instantly makes me cancel the sale? If a random person on the internet contacts me through social media and says “Don’t do it, the buyer is a bad person”. That’s it — no more questions or desire to dig into the situation; I just cancel the sale immediately and face down the consequences. No questions asked — the ladies of COTH have spoken, so it shall be done. Because random people on the internet are always right… right?

The seller came to her OWN CONCLUSION, based on information that the buyer freely posted — not because COTH “made her” do anything. What leverage did this random COTHer exert?


I backed out of giving an older mare to a social media contact about a year ago because I got two separate messages informing me that she had been charged with neglect in the past for starving her horses.

I politely let her know that I’d found a more local taker for the mare. She politely accepted my explanation, and the mare’s new owners love her to bits. No drama. No hurt feelings. No lawsuits. Because everyone involved behaved like rational adults.

Novel concept, I guess.


I have feeling someone just shared a couple of COTH discussions with the mare owner, and the mare owner said hellz no after seeing the pictures and the videos, anyone with sense that wants to do right by their horse would do the same thing. Notice how Kate Shearer doesn’t share the link to anything so her followers can defend her because her program is so marvelous? I wonder if any of them have seen her herd in real life? Personally I’m not renewing my passport and driving almost a day a half to go visit this person, but this is what our yearling looks like in the cold comfort of Quebec. Look at that round bum on her. We’re not planning on showing her as a hunter, she’s our STB, hopefully a good racehorse.


It’s called adulting. At least how it’s done by decent, adult people.

It is particularly disturbing that someone who styles herself a ‘fur parent’ of ‘fur kids’ now wants to force a woman to send her ‘fur kid’ to a home she doesn’t want her to go to. If you post endlessly that your animals are like your children, that is the paradigm you set up. Now forcing someone to sell you their ‘fur kid’ is beyond gross. It’s cruel.

I hope Kate pauses a moment and really sits with how she would feel if a legal process forced her to sell one of her foals or puppies to a home she REALLY didn’t want it to go to. Forget the money, the kind of heartbreak that would cause her. If she really goes ahead and puts another person through that knowing how she’d feel herself if forced to place one of her animals where she did not want to place it, she’s a monster.



Hush now. Adulting is hard. And for some - it is apparently extremely hard.

Uh huh. Your reputation that I am aware of and have been warned about by friends in the hunter circle is demonstrated by your current childish me-me-me behavior.

@FitzE has given you good legal advice - but you just want some kind of nasty twisted revenge… and seem to enjoy that.

The true character is blaring at top volume now - for all to see and appreciate. As in…

Wow. Just wow. Have you been drinking? Serious question - because I seriously cannot imagine a sober, sane person reveling in inflicting pain and distress on another with such glee.

And now the seller and everyone else can see what you are truly made of - thanks to your words and actions.

But you will not “wake up”. You will never take responsibility for your own actions and words that get you into repeated messes.

All your latest posts here will be just more evidence that the seller made the right choice. I hope that mare does not go to you by some fluke - what revenge will you seek on her?

Sorry to disappoint - I am not “stalking” you - or anyone else for that matter. I do not even know where the hell you or your horses are - nor do I care. Plus being a farm manager is a 24/7 job requiring few days off and lots of adulting. Something that seems to be in short supply in your posts on this thread.

I find your delight in sueing the seller to be very sad - and your complete inability to see that it is the result of your actions is even sadder. The horse world is not that big - and when you merrily go around pouring gasoline on things and dropping lit matches, you have only yourself to blame for the results.


No. Contract being denied because of YOU.
Because of you and YOUR POOR CARE of your others horses that were starving and living in filth. No horse deserves to end up in your “care”.
Ffs Kate, look in the mirror and point your finger at yourself for a change. At least try to behave as a responsible adult.


How would damages be calculated?


Loss of exploitation factor of the mare’s reproductive capabilities?


And she thinks it is all us that makes her look bad, but she posts this on her Facebook public wall.


What is really fascinating is that you’re missing the concept that your behavior with this sale will also be spread forward to other potential sellers, and not because anybody here actually contacts them. All a seller has to do is search your name and this thread comes up, with pics of your horses and your immature posting behavior.

So now, in addition to the issues with proper care of horses, you will also be known for suing sellers when you don’t get your way. What we’re seeing here is “I was helping this poor woman out because she’s in the middle of a divorce…and now I’m going to make things even worse for her because you all made me do it.” Nobody here did that. You did it all by yourself. All your posts are out there now, and the horse world is large but news travels fast and wide. You’ve just made it even more difficult for yourself.

Be an adult, accept the refund and move on.


I could not be more proud that a band of us prevented the sale of a mare to a certain life of malnourishment and pregnancies in horrid conditions.


This is a true statement. Although it doesn’t mean what you think it means. Your reputation wholeheartedly speaks for itself. In fact, it shouts.