Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

If you send a PM and it is not responded to it will frequently not show there.


And this case in point is why I follow because of the ridiculousness is that are the people on here commenting and making 8 million threads. Many of us follow when we are bored because it is a train wreck and not from us. But alas that’s cool. You all keep doing you and posting lies. Keep it up! I’ll keep working my butt off and enjoying life with my friends and clients

I have not posted any lies.


Here we are using copyright pics that the photographer is pursuing issue with which is why they were taken down. This is what was sent in a reply.

How are you incapable of following the discussion and responding. Obviously you are not, but we were discussing the sky whatever chick.

How are you incapable of having a conversation without insulting everyone and everything?

I was just stating a fact. You are claiming we all lie. You did not say that one person lies, you said we all lie. I was pointing out that you are incorrect because I have not posted any lies.


Plus if you send a PM you can still delete it and it won’t show up in the list.

So this doesn’t prove Kasheare didn’t send a PM to Skydy.


New math?


do you mean skydy? Typing ‘dy’ sure is easier than ‘whatever chick’ unless you were purposely forgetting the name of the poster in an effort to try to make it look like you don’t care.


All these photos of your COTH notifications yet not a single picture of a healthy broodmare. Weird priorities.


Well she is a whatever chick lol

Absolutely for sure……except I’ve never deleted a thing

I don’t need to have a normal
Conversation with a bunch of keyboard warriors that matter 0 in the real world. That would take the fun out of this

Do we know that Skydy is a female? I assume that is what you mean by your slang term chick.

Is this as honest as all the other things you have said?
Are you talking universally or here on COTH?

So, to you making up things and being rude and condescending to a whole group of people you do not know is fun?


I expected no less from you. Keep showing everyone who you are Kate.


Allowing for 14-year-old me responding in kind to your recent comments:

You forgot the lol’s

Your friends keep failing to support you by ‘liking’ your posts (did you forget to direct them here to enjoy the trainwreck highlighting the abysmal care of your horses?)

‘Skydy’ has only five letters - not that hard to spell it out. I guess the chewing gum vernacular of ‘chick’ sounds cool in our teenage neener-neener way.

8 million posts is a teeny bit exaggerated - your overblown ego is poking out again.

Adult me also hopes that the horses are now well fed and cared for.




I guess noone wrote the bar exams.



@skydy, can you un-ignore long enough to see what it is. Never mind, that is a stupid idea. Who wants to read what Kate Shearer sent in a PM.

It is so funny that Kate Shearer is so insistent that she has never sent you a PM but yet there it is.
I guess that is just another Kate Shearer lie, like so many of her other lies.