Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

I had a glimpse of what it was, before I put Kasheare on ignore. It was something about the re-posting of photos from this thread, to this thread, and how I shouldn’t do that.

As I said in the first post about the PM, I have no interest in hearing from this person via PM or otherwise.

I don’t see her posts on this thread anymore but it was obvious by the responses that my honesty was being questioned.


Thank you for that, @Ghazzu. :joy:


Dude, you’re bitching that skydy is lying and you never sent a PM but then you screenshot and share the PM you sent her.

What the actual eff do you not understand about this. You sent a PM.


Thank you! I kept looking at that thinking: isn’t she showing proof that she PMed skydy? So, who is the liar then? :thinking:

I see there is one that says something like ‘Thanks for spending time with us’. Does that mean someone from COTH went to see her operation?


You are brilliant @Ghazzu

@skydy - you should totally make this picture your avatar :joy: It’s so cute.


I have wondered if Chicago Jumper (I think that is the right poster) stopped by when she was in FL a month ago. She never came back here to show pictures of the mares and foals so who knows.


That is an automated message from the forum. It’s not Kate thanking anyone. Let’s be honest, do we think she’s ever thanked anyone ever. Hopefully Chicago jumper is still alive?!


I see - thanks! I never got one (nor anything from ForumAssistant) so I guess I’m out of the loop, PM-wise.

Kasheare actually posted the message to skydy so that is a moot point, but to clarify the “Thanks for spending time with us” message from my account is an automated message sent by the system when a user reaches a threshold of participation.

ForumAssistant is an automated account that messages when a user joins and sends tutorial messages regarding how the site functions.


Ok that is hilarious! Everyone is a liar and then she makes a post with proof that she is the liar.



Thanks for the clarification. I’ll delete my post to decrease confusion.

FWIW, I’ve never gotten anything from ForumAssistant. Is that b/c it’s a newer feature so, if one joined before it was activated, one would not get these messages?

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I received a few things from ForumAssistant back when we first rolled over to this platform. That was long enough ago that I do not remember what they said.

You should have received one in 2020 when we rolled out the new platform. I just sent a test message to ForumAssistant to see if it was still active and it responded. Under related messages was the “Greetings!” message I received from the account when I first signed into my account on the new platform.

It’s just an interactive automated tutorial to help new users get acclimated with the basic functions of the site.


Wow, it seems longer than just four years ago.



Lets discuss just the things you, yourself, have posted here. Not posts by others. Just the things you have said. We will play along and pretend they are accurate, even.

First you tell someone that you have never sent them a PM and that they are lying. But then you admit that you sent them a PM in response to something. Responding to a PM is still sending a PM.

Now we will step away from the playing along and pretending you are accurate part and look at the facts, also things that you, yourself, have posted.

This is what you are saying is a reply. I suppose reply is an accurate word with the clarification that it is in reply to a public post on a thread, not a reply to a PM sent to you.

This is all clear just looking at the screen shot.

Red arrow shows that this PM was created by you, not Skydy.
Orange arrow shows that there are zero replies to it, so again, you started it and no one replied to it. Just you sending a PM to Skydy.
Green box backs up that no one replied, this is post one of one.

So, do you care to apologize to Skydy and admit that you were wrong on this topic, all using nothing but the stuff you, yourself posted?

No amount of foot stomping and name calling changes the fact that you are wrong here.


Yes, calling her a liar was totally out of line.


That’s a welcome message the COTH bots send out

I blow my nose on your tissue of lies.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: I love this so very much :heart:

Just running through the typical sequence here…

  1. Posters call out entitled chick who practiced bad horse management (insert picture of starved weanling), thinks she breeds expensive, exclusive, extraordinary unicorns and is the ultimate equine expert.
  2. Entitled chick flounces in and out in a huff - how dare posters speak ill of her, they all sit around in their bathrobes in Mommy’s basement, they do not even ride etc. etc. The usual sh-stuff.
  3. Entitled chick flounces back occasionally to howl that she is being stalked - when FB posts are not private and anyone can see them… ditto for this thread.
  4. Entitled chick sneers at how posting here is stupid and dumb and whatever… and yet she comes back to do it because it is “fun”… yet she is way too amazing and wonderful as an equine entrepreneur to have the time to do that what with flogging hay and DHH cross foals/weanlings, hauling horses hither and yon … and braiding on the side.
  5. Lather, rinse, repeat.

… that ^ seems about right. :thinking: