Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

I’ve seen a lot of live cover, but in over 50 years, I’ve never seen a live cover that necessitated an epidural.


I’ve handled hundreds of live cover breedings and done maybe fifty via AI and fresh chilled. None of those are as difficult or invasive for the mare as ICSI.


I’ve witnessed many live cover breedings. None were horrible. Proper live cover requires a receptive mare and a stallion that is properly trained and not allowed to be a raging fool.

Edited to add that I forgot. I have (once) seen a stallion attempt to savage a mare. It was terrifying, but the guys handling him prevented him from seriously injuring her. The mare belonged to my employer.

She had her own breeding stallion and he had excellent breeding manners. The stallions of the other breeders that I worked for were all polite with mares. They were trained to be that way. Stallion handling is a skill.


You mean mid fours(thoroughbred recip)? The only thing other than that under 20k is a horse owned by someone else that I’m helping advertise. I only have one 2023 foal that was going to be sold still available and we are looking at syndicating the jackaroo filly. Out of alll my foals. I’d say that’s pretty acceptable. Glad you see my posts!

How’s the grey mare with the abdominal tumor doing?

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Absolutely amazing.

Oh good. That’s nice to hear.

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Whatever “amazing” might mean here.




Can only assume “amazing” means not dead?


Sure. She’ll be back any minute now to post ‘amazing’ photos of the mare.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: true story!

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fingers crossed!!


Who is the dam of the Chacco Blue II foal just born?

I saw this post on FB just now

“Looking for quality jumper semen to do ICSI on short notice. Have a Grand Prix jumping mare with excellent breeding to be put down tomorrow. Need semen asap”

In light of all this talk about the discomfort of ICSI, this post really rubs me the wrong way. The poor mare has something critical enough going on that tomorrow is her last day on this earth, and you’re going to put her through that??


I think there might be some sort of egg harvesting procedure they can do as the mare is put down. I’m not sure of the specifics though, or how that impacts euthanasia procedures.

I can appreciate where you are coming from. I’m curious about the veterinary specifics though.


I would ask if it was KS, but she doesn’t have any quality mares. lol. But I would gather she would do something like that in a heartbeat. So many people out there just for the money with no regard for the horse. As we have seen recently all over this bb. :sleepy:


The mare will most likely be anesthetized, the ovaries will be harvested, and then the euthanasia solution will be given.


I know someone who had it done this way. I still find it… strange… and I can’t imagine doing it to my mare, but the mare is unconscious and then the procedure is done before she is put to sleep. So she’s totally unaware the whole time it’s happening.


I don’t want to imagine being in that situation, but if I had a very valuable, sentimentally important mare who I didn’t have at least one replacement daughter from yet, I would would give ooctye harvesting a lot of thought (or as much thought as you ever have time for in the case of imminent euthanasia). :confused: