Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

I don’t want to :heart: that, but I completely agree.

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Didn’t we have more options in the past? Not just :heart: ? I’ve been on here 20+ years OMGiH and I think we used to?

Major lurker; second ID name - only with my new job have I begun commenting fairly frequently.

We had a “thumbs down” option for a little while several years ago, but it didn’t last long. I think it was getting a lot of passive-aggressive usage and got deactivated for that reason?


We used to have a nodding head (yes) emoji but that left when the system changed.

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yes, I know someone who did this with their best mare. Not something she did lightly. But the mare was proven and phenomenal. Mare was not conscious for harvesting.


It’s postmortem but I am sure she really appreciates you taking her heartbreak to COTH to criticize her for something you clearly know nothing about. Nice job.


I think that egg harvesting was attempted on the ASB mare who collapsed and badly injured her little rider in the lineup at the Kentucky State Fair Championship show. The mare had had an aneurysm, so there’s no way she felt anything if she was even alive.


If anyone is interested in learning more about post mortem ICSI, this is informative:

They take the ovaries out immediately after death, and harvest from there.


There has probably been more progress too, in the 4 years since the article was written.

It does seem a little weird to me and I don’t know why, but I wouldn’t blame anyone for doing it. The mare won’t feel a thing.


That’s what seems strange about it to me… I can’t imagine being in a state of mind to think about something else while also preparing to put a horse down. But I don’t fault people who do it. I just cannot imagine being able to make that kind of decision under that kind of stress.


The mare was dead when she hit the ground according to those in attendance. I’m so glad I didn’t see it and that poor little girl loved that mare.


Agreed. I think we know the same person that did this, I found it a bit odd as well. But the person in question was very odd to begin with so… :crazy_face:

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I think for me it would depend a great deal on the reason for the euth. This almost sounds like maybe a chronic thing , quality of life type of thing as opposed to something sudden or acute like a nasty colic or broken leg

I could see wanting to get a foal as an honest expression of love for the horse and a cope for grief and loss. Not just a calculated opportunistic move. I can’t see myself reacting that way, but then I’m not in a position to breed. But can you harvest eggs at any time, or does the mare need to be ovulating, whether by natural cycle or drugs?


For ICSI the mare does not need to be ovulating. She just needs to have eggs in her ovaries.


Honestly as long as the mare is not in pain for the procedure, I would have zero problem with harvesting eggs from a beloved mare, especially one proven at top sport. Those are the kinds of mares that SHOULD be reproducing.


I agree there’s something about it that feels a little … squicky? I think it’s the whole “harvesting” from a dead or dying animal, idk. But yeah, really, this seems to be not nearly as concerning from an animal rights perspective as “regular” ICSI, since the mare isn’t feeling anything. I wonder if retrieving after death is legal in Sweden…?

Extracting semen from stallions after death has a far longer history, and doesn’t feel as “weird” somehow. In the end, though, if a valuable horse dies, especially without progeny or eggs/embryos/semen in the tank, retrieving after death seems fairly prudent?


God forbid the unthinkable happens I will absolutely be giving this a shot, but will remember not to post about it so asshats don’t add insult to injury.


Another thing to consider and to plan for if you breed and have a really good mare that you love.

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I wouldn’t do it to a mare I loved, but then I wouldn’t do it to any mare. It just smacks of squeezing that last pound of flesh, reaping/harvesting that last dollar out of them. Everybody sees it differently and that’s ok, I don’t know why anyone is twisting their panties into a wad over someone else’s opinion. :woman_shrugging: