Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

There have been so many people here that have been with you on these forums as you have been breeding your special mare line, that you would have an army of COTH defenders.

I can’t say I’d blame you for not posting it though. Losing a great mare would be heartbreaking, and who needs criticism at a time like that?

I think there is a big difference between trying to keep a beloved mare line going when the mare must be euthed or has died, and what Shearer is doing.


Put the mare through what, exactly? They harvest the ovaries directly after euthanasia. The mare obviously does not suffer. Why would anyone have a problem with this?


For me, it was how it was written. If said person has such a great mare, wouldn’t they know people without having to come across as a town crier at such a delicate time? It just comes across all wrong to me. FTR, have zero problem on others who would do this. Not my business and as others have said, she won’t feel a thing.


Thank you but I wasn’t referring to Kate, I was referring to the person who is having to euthanize her very top of the sport performance mare and is being ridiculed on this forum for wanting to carry on her line post mortem. It’s ignorant and cruel that she got her heartbreak dragged onto COTH but even worse onto a thread about a habitual neglecter. That post should have been flagged and deleted once it was understood that it was done postmortem and therefore there would be no discomfort for the mare at all.


Not everyone keeps a supply of frozen semen on hand, and if they were reaching out to a network of other people that my have access to this semen, what is wrong with that?
Bad things happen to us all, horses get sick and they die too.
If this person had the financial means to do so, with a mare of this quality and was looking to responsibly and ethically harvest her ovaries in the event of a tragedy then that is their business. I would not give a single care for what the folks on COTH had to say about it.


I’m confused about habitual neglecter comment. I’ve never met you. You have never talked to me. I have 0 issue with anyone regarding any type of neglect and even received an apology from owner of said filly in question after all insurance/police came to fruition. So please explain how someone that spends their entire time with horses is a habitual neglecter after 30 years in the industry. Let’s try that one again

Yeah not going there, you have provided more than enough evidence to prove your record for all the world to see.


The way it was written, I assumed it was Kate. She has harvested in the past too.

Now that I know it’s not, I agree that it’s in very poor taste to be critiquing it here, on this particular thread, about garbage breeding practices “in the flesh”.


I guess I’m confused how my record of 30 years has been provided. It’s still comical.

Anyone that has dealt with a vet and knows anything….the vet specifically asks these days when putting a mare down if they want the ovaries harvested after. This is common vet practice now. How you all are in the black about it I will never know. I mean you are all experts right?





30 years of experience, folks.


Must only be your super special vet(s).


Because that’s COTH

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deleted due to tagging the wrong person

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Kate doesn’t have mares of that quality, as described


I thought it was her standard delusions of grandeur.


Girl, you KNOW it isn’t true. HBK is a habitual liar. That woman apologized to KS just like KS apologized to skydy. didn’t happen.


Of course. Just thought it would be nice for the horses mouth to come refute her lies.

ETA didn’t the filly’s owner post in the thread somewhere too? I can’t find it and I can’t remember her screen name but maybe she will chime in about the alleged apology as well


I have never met Kevin Spacey but that doesn’t make him NOT a habitual predator.

You have had multiple mares die of neglect in the last few years. You’ve provided pictures of concerningly skinny broodmares who’ve just given birth. The Chacco Blue filly was in terrible condition and YOU AGREED with that assessment. And no, it doesn’t matter that in all these situations you paid someone else to take care of them and those people flaked. Those horses were YOUR responsibility.

If this isn’t neglect then what is it?

You are in your 30’s (early 40’s at the latest). You were a CHILD. That does not count as being “part of the industry”. You weren’t part of an industry, you were a child participating in a sport (and some culture).


Well, being that most of have not had multiple mares put down like yourself, we don’t know this.