Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?


the disconnect from reality is impressive


I know.

No one I have known who has had a mare put down has been asked about recovering the ovaries. Not a single one of them.
And it is not because they were not a really nice horse or the vet was clueless to all things special.


I would assume this would only happen only if your horse is put down at the clinic/hospital. Iā€™m not sure how this would work if the horse is at home or your average boarding barn.


Phew! Now I feel better because when our last two studbook Trakehner mares were put down, the vet never mentioned harvesting ovaries. I was beginning to feel left out and not speshul enough.



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@dkcbr, they are asking because Kate claims the owner of the crazy skinny filly has apologized.
Wanting to know if that really happened or not.

I am confused what insurance has to do with it.


I seem to have been tagged by mistake, as I have no idea who Kate is, or the owner of a filly is, orā€¦anything really since this is the first Iā€™ve seen of this thread.

Unless somehow I am sliding into dementia and donā€™t remember posting on it.


I think @DWBFL is the user who can comment on the filly.


@Annie10 could you please delete / untag / whatever me, as I know I am not the poster you were looking for and am clueless about any of this. Thanks!


See there you go clearly showing the lack of understanding of what happened during that two weeks I was gone. So insurance was involved for all the theft on top of police for againā€¦.the theft. I signed a confidentiality waiver with the barn owner and settled but new information came forth about someone else on property. Itā€™s easy to request public records of the location and then you all can see actually what happened during that two week period when I was gone and it ended up not being my employee or anything. Iā€™m surprised that with the investigative techniques of everyone here no one has done a public records request after all itā€™s free.

Ok now here you are crossing the line. Iā€™ve had not a single mare die of neglect ever!!! A mare ruptured a diaphragm giving birth and was humanely euthanized. That is not neglect. Try to get your story correct as you definitely in your words are committing libel here with an untrue story.

Talk to Scot Tolman about how many mares heā€™s lost the last two yearsā€¦.

2 mares in 30 years. I would say Iā€™m not far off. A ruptured diaphragm and sepsis infection even though vet checked her right after birth and placenta passing. How that is A LOT I will never know compared to other breeders.

Haha she cannot comment.

Are you not counting the two in Oklahoma who didnā€™t get fed? Thatā€™s neglect.

Also, very obvious you avoided talking about the photo I attached because the mareā€™s condition was indefensible.


so youā€™ve been ā€œbreedingā€ horses since you were 5? WOW :joy: :joy: and all these bony breadboxes are all you have achieved? Majikal!!! Go back to the kids table, Kate.


The two that passed away in Oklahoma are the only ones Iā€™ve had that have passed away. Diaphragm rupture and sepsis after birth. Neglect???

I love the kids table! They are actually real and honest. And they arenā€™t nasty old crazy woman on a keyboard that canā€™t do what everyone else in the real world is doing

Just because I love the people on here and their comments. My first foal this year by Chacco Blue II, stunning filly. 72 hours old in this video with an IgG over 2800. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll hear all about fencing and inadequate care. I can probably already list what the keyboard warriors have to say here. Maybe go try to do something for yourself instead. :slight_smile:

Congrats, my comment is correct. I said you had ā€œmultipleā€ mares die from neglect. Two is multiple. I did NOT say that every mare that youā€™ve had that has died was from neglect.

Again, failed to address any of the other cases of neglect I mentioned.