Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

I’m curious what specifically about the conformation of this mare makes Kate think she’s a good candidate for a cross with a jumper stallion like Chacco Blue II?


Out here in the real horse world where we are not scheming and plotting and sneering, many of us have done far more than you from back when you apparently were a child genius in the horse industry. Multiple disciplines. Multiple breeds. 35 years full time. I am older - but still working with horses 24/7. Honest. Real. Not crazy. Occasionally on the keyboard - like now, when icing my bad knee.

Yes - including breeding and foaling out Warmbloods.

You have proved that your management skills have been lacking in the past… that is on YOU. Own your sh-stuff. That latest video of a mare in decent condition with foal at heel does not excuse or hide what has happened to horses under your care.

I cringe every time I see the photo of that poor starved weanling but I know, I know - not your fault, Everything that goes wrong is always somebody else’s fault.

Name dropping - and shifting to another person’s losses as a means of justifying your neglect in care in the past is just not cool. Why do some “horse people” do that? I lost a foal a few years ago after a bad dystocia - but I did not immediately go around howling and saying - “oh yeah!!! Well, look at This Farm - they lost more!!! OMG!!! Look!!” I am not referring to your 2 mares who died - but your general lackadaisical care in the past and persistent attitude…

Sorry - I cannot saunter across the country down to wherever the hell you are currently and peek over the fence at horses you may have now decided to feed appropriately… congratulations on being as competent as many of us have been 24/7/52 - for many years. Like @Laurierace - who is a very respected breeder.

I have yet to lose a mare #knockwood - operative word being YET.

Oops - I forgot to add LOL and bahaha… oh well.


yikes! That mare really has no redeeming qualities for breeding except her 4 white socks. lol. Which is why she was picked! For her majikal color!


I am sorry. I did not go back and check to see who the right person was. Thank you for clarifying!

Do you have pets? You never know what they might be doing with your computer at night when you are not looking.


Why would she be a great match though? That’s my actual question. Especially since you plan and analyze. Was it something in her conformation, temperament, bloodlines, or?


I am glad to see that you have figured out how to minimally feed your broodmares.

What ate that poor mare’s tail?


the emaciated grey has no tail either. the horse probably ate it. lol.


I don’t think you’re making the point you think you are…

Member for 23 years vs member for 3 years…

Not to mention when we start a topic it’s likely because we are looking for advice/to interact, so of course we are going to engage more.


@dkcbr my apologies I thought you were the poster many many posts ago who was a friend of the person who bought the filly that was in awful condition that was a main point of discussion in the thread. I’ll go dig and see if i can find who that was.

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yes that’s the one thank you. Kate posted that the owner of the filly had apologized for who knows what and I was just curious if you had information if that was the truth, since I kind of doubt it.


Sure. Sorry about that.

Maybe ask Santiago, Brian and Juan Pablo….all of which I talked to about it

Only reason I mentioned another person is that I’ve lost 2 mares in 7 years of breeding, and it’s due to “neglect” per coth. How about you talk to breeders that lose multiple mares and foals every single year!

Right because no one that Is actively involved and busy has time to sit on a ridiculous forum and start topics and threads about others. No one that I know that is very prevalent in the horse world has time for this and the ones I tell about this post say they didn’t even know coth still existed lol

Man guess I’ll continue to post……no redeeming qualities but ask Juan Pablo, Brian, and Santiago. I guess we all decided absolutely that I was stupid to match this mare with the stallion. I think you all very underestimate what people with hands on the ground think about my mares and that’s ok. Because I trust the high end people that talk to me constantly and we analyze every last thing. This mares emerald filly went to a very prevalent h/j trainer. So to each their own. You all keep doing your thing thing and I’ll keep doing my whole living life to its fullest thing

You’re the mare owner and breeder and the one ultimately responsible for the cross. It’s your thoughts that matter. The fact that you are unable to articulate specific processes for your breeding decisions speaks volumes.


How about you tell me what breeders lose multiple mares and foals every single year? That would be red flags flying at every fence post. Your neglect is not the mares dying from such issues (assuming they were healthy enough to be foaling candidates in the first place which may be a huge assumption on my part based on what you have shown us in the past) - but the condition of mares and weanlings under your care. Breeding and foaling is not anything to be taken as cavalierly as you seem to do… if you have finally started to manage them correctly - do you want applause for something you should have doing all along??!!

That is not how this works. That is not how any of this works - not out here in responsible horse land.

Whatever. I have had to spend time off my feet this afternoon thanks to my bad knee - but time to get back outside and get back to work. That 24/7 job you seem to have disdain for … and foaling season has started - which can make it feel like 48/7! :slightly_smiling_face:


no worries! I hope all works out for everyone involved - what a tale.


I mean, I have a child, a full time job, live at a barn where I ride 5 horses a day. The community here is great and plenty of people who are involved in various ways in horses enjoy this forum and “know it exists”.

I also happen to own an incredibly well bred mare (one who is by a stallion you have mentioned breeding to, which is why I’m fascinating with your breeding…choices) and rode a Chacco Blue today!


I really don’t understand Kate’s hatred towards these forums. It must be because she can’t control the narrative (ie. she can’t block people or shut down posts like she does on FB). What she doesn’t seem to understand is that there are many more people on FB (a forum she uses ad nauseam and seems to place greater significance in) who are just as horrified at her breeding and management practices. She just can’t see the numerous posts because she’s blocked them all. lol bahahahaha