Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Heck, these days I spend most of my time around people who ride western, head down to Wickenburg for jackpot ropings or exclusively trail ride in the mountains, and they all seem to know the Chronicle and that these forums exist.

I think a lot of posters (and lurkers) come for less discipline specific forums like Horse Care but when they see a thread like this they can’t resist the allure of a potential train wreck.


Yeah, this.

I really don’t care what names are dropped. When a breeder can’t elaborate on why they chose to breed x mare to y stallion in an intelligent and informative manner, it doesn’t give the best impression.


Especially when the only answer this “breeder” has to that question, is that the foal can be registered KWPN.

So it is created from a recognizably named jumper stallion and a Dutch harness bred mare that has white markings, but conformation that no one would choose to replicate unless they were wanting to produce a less than desirable, low level harness horse.


I’m trying to remember, but isn’t there a civil suit involving Kate and someone else in Arizon that is scheduled to move forward this month over defamation or something?

I seem to recall it had something to do with a Plaid Horse group online and statements that weee made in that group.

I wonder if there have been any last minute settlements?


Is that the dam or a recip mare? Why does she have no tail?

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And yet, here you are, with all of us nobodies, posting over and over and over again.

It is always amusing the when the person complaining about other people posting in a thread has far more posts than anyone else.


She’s asking you. Why not just answer if you’re so transparent and straightforward?

Also, please answer how you’ve been in the horse business for 30 years given your age. You’ve been asked multiple times.

Evading giving straight simple answers makes someone look dodgy. You say your programme is an open book so, just answer in a straightforward way the questions asked. Answer without reference to other people/other people’s programmes. Just answer for your programme as yourself grounded in your own knowledge and your own thought process. No one cares about or is asking about these other alleged participants.


It strikes me that if it truly were someone else’s fault (the starvation etc) a responsible breeder/horse person/whatever would say something like:
“Yes, unfortunately I failed at my responsibility by putting my trust in the wrong people, and I’ve learned from that horrible experience.” and we would all say - “we get it, we are so sorry, that’s awful but now you know” and that would kind of be the end of the story.

When it happens repeatedly, and there are constant lawsuits and the responsibility is never claimed, that’s when people get suspicious that perhaps all is not quite as it seems.

I am not a prevalent (I think she meant prominent) person in the horse world, but I do ride and train. I have been on COTH quite frequently as of late because I’ve been ill and my barn is getting some repairs done by contractors so I’m stuck in the house avoiding work I really should be doing. Even when I’m not out of commission, COTH is in my regular routine, I often check Current Events in the morning to see what news stories I should seek out since I hate reading all the news anymore.

Lots of prominent riders, trainers, and breeders post here - it is the one equine forum that has that as a feature which is why I’ve stuck around for 20 years.


This right here.

This situation is liable happen to nearly anyone - exactly ONE time. After that, decent horseman would ensure every single t is crossed, i is dotted, and checks and double checks are in place.


I don’t even know who those people are, so if she was trying to impress me and other folks, maybe she should have given their full names and a brief description of why they are important. But I guess using only their first names reinforces her narcissistic self-image - “Ha, I am so special that I am on a first name basis with these famous people.” :roll_eyes:



Could she have found more common names to throw out there?

Like, if she said Amy Millar, Kent Farrington or Laura Kraut I would actually take a deeper look because I would have to be missing something. :rofl: everything is so vague in her posts going around subjects. I feel like we are on a carousel.

I will mention too… A lot of top-level riders don’t even know the bloodlines they are cruising around on. Many don’t buy foals or breed either. JS

Looked up who i think she is talking about (SANTIAGO LAMBRE):
Santiago rides Chacco Blue II … of course, he is going to say he will be a great cross to your mare.


I don’t understand what is so hard about showing the gray mare. You clearly are good at taking pictures and videos of your other ones. Unless you don’t want us to see her poor condition…


See now, there’s a problem :thinking:
All those people doing handstands, blood rushing to their heads, clouding the thought process…

To all you MeanOldMeanies & Non-believers, thanks for my morning chuckle.
In my Fantasy World, The Maestro & KantShutUp hold a joint seminar on breeding & training.
Complimentary guac & cardbordeaux to all attendees :avocado::wine_glass:



I think most of us who’ve bred sport horses could, in essence, interject the first names of the riders, owners and managers of high profile stallions like we’re all besties. Yet notice, most of us don’t.

Also, it looks like a breeding to Chacco Blue II is not restricted to “select mares.” He’s heavily promoted on facebook. So it seems like there isn’t much of a discussion required regarding a certain mare cross other than ordering X number straws of semen and paying for it. But I could be wrong.


Trainers too. I’m always skeptical of trainers who throw around names without being asked specifically. Maybe because I boarded at one barn a billion years ago with someone who kept throwing out Lynn Palm’s name, and I discovered later that the extent of her interaction with Lynn Palm was meeting her and getting something signed at an event.

If that’s the criteria, I should use Joe Fargis’s name WAY more often than I currently do (which is never, except when I am telling that particular story), as well as multiple other clinicians that I actually DID ride with that I don’t even usually include on my resume unless asked for specifically.

But then again, “Joe” is such a nondescript name that I’d have to use his whole name and that just defeats the purpose.


its because she doesnt actually see her horses and relies heavily on the barn workers. Plus they probably dont look any better and the barn workers arent great at getting the angles just so.


I almost choked on my coffee :rofl: :rofl:


Sterling Graburn once helped me hitch my trailer.
Do I get to use him as a reference? :thinking:
Sterling blah blah blah :laughing:


Especially if you are selling or breeding the trailer.


STERLING sounds much better than Joe. Especially if you say it like “Sterrrrrrling”…