Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Honestly by the criteria KS uses, I am far more qualified to breed than she is. I actually sit on the horseflesh she wishes she was breeding. And have ridden with trainers who have been to WC finals and worked for someone (lived on their property for 2 years) who has repped the US in multiple Nation’s Cups.

But alas, we are all nobodies and KS sells her foals to Olympians. :joy:


Scot Tolman has. I’ve only lost two mares and it was one year. Never multiple years.

Hey guys what do you think of these two mares? They look good! 5 star event rider mare and top breeder in the US mare. Please do comment. Breeders you all have even mentioned as top class….

Just because someone else has thin mares doesn’t absolve you of your own poor care.


Did not refer to you at all unless you are the owner of my emerald filly. And I’m sorry but we talk often and she would not be on here speaking how you do. So guess you cannot figure out how to respond to the right comments on here

Dude, I didn’t get why you think what other people do absolves you of your poor care. It doesn’t. At all.

Do better.


I have no poor care. But if we want to continue to begrudge then let’s name and showcase everyone!!! Katie Ruppel’s mare and Jan Marquardts mare!!! I’ll continue posting lots of pics of babies and mares from all the breeders and I hope you all harass them too! I mean Scot Tolman lost I believe 3 mares and like 4 foals in one breeding year alone. I will check back daily with all the breeding announcements for you all to view at your leisure. I hope you speak out about them as well.

Not at all. I want to make sure that all you cothers attack everyone the same amount for sure! If health and care is the reason for this then you absolutely need to share these pictures and mares and care with everyone using names as well!

I’ve seen the photos of your horses, so don’t try to gaslight me.
Once again, just because other people have thin mares, doesn’t make it ok. It also doesn’t make the condition of your horses ok.


Oh also let’s add that Jen Arevelo stallion foundered and that’s why it was not showing for 3 years and lost it license. She is one that actively speaks out against me because I think it’s BS SHE WONT TELL ANYONE THE TRUTH but the registeries know and why no license. And she breeds him to literally anything that walks through the door. I think I’ll continue this and share everyone’s dirty secrets!

I’ll save you a lot of trouble looking for info, as we all know I’m also a breeder. Here are mine this year (so far). https://www.facebook.com/share/p/TEFFkjJNfZDrzPhr/?mibextid=qi2Omg

And yes, some of these are recipient mares.


You saw photos from a single time! What can’t you understand? There’s a freaking police report and insurance investigation ongoing in my favor. But you can’t seem to wrap your head around that. I’ve posted many pics and videos of my kids on my page. But now that we are all here about horse welfare I’m going to continue to share every bad picture of all these prominent breeders and owners. Might as well since you all speak out against horse welfare you need to care about all horses!

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No worries! And you saw the first of mine born in lovely shape mare and foal. So we can go tit for tat I guess if that’s what you are looking for?

@Hillside_H_Ranch Very nice! Your mares and foals look great. Congratulations!

Yours are walking videos so this doesn’t apply, but foals that are turned out will play enough on their own, so if a person just spends some time watching them they can get good videos without chasing them around.

LaurieB has some good ones on the breeding forum of her newest colt playing in the pasture.


Actually in Europe they bring foals into a stall for 24 hours then let them out and chase them to get the most exaggerated movement. And I have great turnout video of mine but people ask for specific things so yes sometimes encouragement is needed. But you’re right you know best skydy! Would love love to see your foals

Who what?

I think maybe you are confusing me for someone else or something else - no idea. I commented generally on the whole situation. shrug I don’t know who “she” is.


You said that I used the word prevalent to describe you. So unless you are the only person I used that word to describe then maybe, you didn’t know what you were saying?

Nope. I just said I wasn’t prevalent, as that was your criteria for who could comment. shrug but I still commented because I really don’t care whether you believe I should or should not comment.


What other people do or don’t do has zero–ZERO–relevancy to your own neglect and abuse.

Do better.



I went to Scott Tolman’s page (Shooting Star Farm). He has a gorgeous DHH mare on there. She does not look a bit like any of the DHH’s on your farm.

Did you talk to him before throwing his name out here a couple of times as an example of someone who has lost more mares and foals than you have? Or are you BFs so you felt you didn’t have to ask him?