Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

That’s totally fine! But let’s make a thread for every others abuse and neglect! You are after all here for animal welfare. You need to stand firm in your opinion on animals and shouldn’t differentiate based on who the owner is. So please I beg of you to reach out to these people and address their welfare issues with their horses! Stand firm in your opinion on care! You absolutely need to in order to make sure that everyone follows suit

This is very true! And many like to jump on a bandwagon. I did years of research before getting my specific mares and pairing them with stallions. No one here seems to comprehend that. That being said I’ve seen some absolutely amazing appy jumpers! After all they do for the most part have blood in them! But someone needs to analyze the horse in front of you. I have read papers before and said oh wow and then seen the horse and said no way.

Yep, no surprise you continue to duck, refuse to admit responsibility, and shift blame. Par for the course. :woman_shrugging:


How is that happening. Clearly you are not reading? No ducking at all. You’re welcome on my fb page to see everything as usual

Since you are so concerned and have made multiple posts about it, you should reach out to these breeders and express your concern. You can also start a new, separate post about each breeder, or a global post about mismanagement of broodmares in general. That way, it won’t get lost in the train wreck of this thread and your life.


I don’t need to. I let people function and do things on their own. But because you all have shown such concern and absolutely use this forum to alert others of horse welfare issues I definitely think you should make some posts and share far and wide. You are concerned with the horse welfare after all right? You really need to make sure you continue forward protecting animals and people from these breeders 100%!

It’s probably a good thing you didn’t sit for the bar exam. Your ability to form a coherent, logical argument is virtually nonexistent.


Not sure what you are talking about? Feel free to look up records. My argument is very clear. This forum and all the people are very worried about the welfare of broodmares. I’ve provided pics and names of powerful breeders. Since you are all here to support animal welfare one would infer you would have no issue bringing up the welfare of these other animals with their breeders. One would infer if the individuals on her don’t want to do that then all they intended to do was find anything they could possibly use to “harm” me for a ridiculous social media front. But I really do believe you are here for animal welfare so I absolutely do believe that you would bring to attention the care of these horses to their breeders. You stand by your words and your beliefs so out of everyone I know you will have no problem reaching out to to Katie and Jan to express your welfare concerns.

Thanks for proving my previous assertion!


Don’t know how your logic works but it’s pretty easy above the inference. Please do contact those as you are soooo worried about broodmare welfare. If you don’t then I guess you will be saying neglect is ok by some? I mean you speak out about welfare you absolutely need to say something!!! I beg of you!

Spraying :poop: in others’ direction in attempt to deflect from your own lack of demonstrable care of your broodmares is never going to cut it here.
Tidy your own mess. If you have genuine welfare concerns for horses that belong to ‘names’ - then act upon them yourself; be legitimate.
Asking concerned posters to post about them on your behalf is disingenuous and vague :poop: stirring.


That might because when asked why you bred that mare to Chacco Blue you really didn’t have anything to say about it. Was it conformation, temperament, performance record, (I am not sure that any of your mares have performance records though) or something else?

I was not asking what someone else said about the breeding. You claim to “analyze and do years of research,” so I was just surprised that that there was no detailed explanation or reasoning when asked.

It can be both interesting and educational, not to mention credible, when a breeder can explain why they bred x mare to y stallion.


Not at all. You all have animal welfare as your number one priority. It’s why you all decided to jump on me from a random post. Why would you not speak out about these big name individuals and their care? I would expect anyone that puts this much time into myself, you would do the same for other serious welfare concerns? If not then that seems weird that you pick and choose then which animals you are concerned about and which ones can look terrible and which breeders have lots of deaths but they are ok in their care. If this standard you have applied is in fact a standard you believe in firmly then it should be universal to all breeders so one would expect you to hold all breeders accountable. Not just the one you think might be an easy target

I did have a detailed explanation that I thought posted. It must have posted to another comment. The mare is very very docile. I wanted something with a better hind leg and more of fire, but with size. The mares emerald filly was stunning but I wanted more fire for a 1.30m ammy horse. There’s a fine line with too hot but not enough. I love the mares demeanor and movement, strong shoulder and jump, but wanted to improve on spice and bone.

Not the questions you’re being asked, no.

Answer with a reasonable articulation of your choices answer how you have been in the business for 30 years when you are only in your forties, answer about the condition of the grey mare with recent pics, answer for the state of animals we’ve all seen pictures of.

Answer by yourself, as yourself, for yourself. Don’t drag other names in to artificially boost your position or to highlight others’ shortcomings b/c you’re hoping to shift the spotlight off yourself. Also, if you want to be successful breeding and selling, going after other breeders is not going to be your best way forward. I’m shocked you think acting like this is going to do anything but make you even more of a pariah in the business.

Just be straight. Answer questions. Answer them truthfully and from your own position without reference to others.

And do better by your animals.

And people cannot be ‘prevalent’ as Alterration rightfully noted. One thing that marks us (actual) lawyers is that we are precise with language. Someone being ‘prevalent’ and relying on people with ‘hands on the ground’ is a jarring read.


Aside from what you are doing posting pix of other peoples broodmares being tacky and downright nasty, it doesn’t equal what you have done. YOU posted the pix of your own starved mares and thin or dead foals. Wasn’t it you that put them up on Facebook? I’ve seen many, too may, ill-kept broodmares so I already know there are breeders out there that treat those mares as though they are foal machines rather than beautiful horses deserving of respect and good care. Too many that are borderline thin with plates for feet. But that doesn’t mean you are off the hook for having horses looking the same or much worse. And because I feel in a nagging mood tonight I’ll ask, again, for a current pic of your gray mare, you know the sick one that looks like a coat-rack minus the coats.


Can you please define a prevalent person? I’m not familiar with “prevalent” in this context??


As per usual you all don’t read other peoples posts and responses. All have been responded to

I don’t need to give you an education on how someone can be prevalent. Look up the word and usage. I’m sorry you are unfamiliar with the terminology at this stage of your life. All you’re doing is making yourself look uneducated here

I think she might be confusing it with the word “prolific.”