Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Have a nice night ladies and gentleman and theys and theirs. I need to go work now. Enjoy arguing amongst yourself. I do hope that since this thread was about welfare someone steps forward to bring out the welfare in multiple other breeding programs. If not then clearly we can see it was not about welfare like everyone justifies it to be. Hey you all do you. I just love the tad bit of entertainment when I do pop on here.

Not at all. Update your word usage

You’ve been on a tear this evening. Did you hit Happy Hour a little hard or something?


God help me, all I hear from K’s direction is




Who knows what word she meant. :rofl::joy: Prominent? Prolific? I dunno, something that actually describes a human. :joy:


You are on point. It was probably prominent.

I just went back and looked as I thought she was commenting about prolific posters or something, but nope. It was more general puffery.

  • I feel proud of all the “p” words I worked into this post :rofl:

Perfect, prominent, phenomenal
and mostly, prevalent
.use of p words. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:



I’m hearing something a little different



So yet again we are moving towards a group hate over a proper word usage instead of the uproar that you all have about neglect and animal welfare? I absolutely love how when you don’t get your group hate way you transition. Best transition in the past has been group hate on my flip flop usage and the amount of comments on that has been epic! Now about a word. I cannot wait for what’s next! Let’s focus on the main point you all have which is animal
Welfare and the need to be consistent against people on all forums! We need justice for all the neglected animals posted.

From reading the replies here, I can tell that Kate/Kathryn Shearer is continuing to excuse her poor breeding practices and lack of education as far as equine breeding is concerned.

Unfortunately we (collectively) seem to be wasting our time. Kate/Kathryn Shearer is not honest or forthright when it comes to her lack of care or breeding knowledge.

It’s a shame for the poor animals she is breeding, and too bad that she refuses to learn the basics of breeding for performance and of the care and nutrition of broodmares and foals.


I think she might be insinuating that some of the posters on here are like viruses. You know, like, “Measles is primarily prevalent among unvaccinated children.”


I think that educated breeders are prevalent amongst those who vaccinate, understand the proper nutrition for broodmares and foals, and understand the nuances that are required when matching a stallion with a mare.

I’m not seeing any of that understanding from Kate/Kathryn Shearer.


Good heavens, Kate. That was quite the performance.

 you are all about dumping on everyone and everything else - and still not taking responsibility for the horses you had mismanaged and all but starved. Look at the picture of the filly you sold again and the horrifying condition she was in - and own it. All you do is assign blame elsewhere, make excuses, sneer about how stupid others are and whine about how persecuted you are.

Tossing squirrels out frantically in all directions to CYA is not the way to go
 and just makes YOU look bad. Do all the breeders you are delighting in sneering at know you are doing so?

Please tell us what some of those very badly put together mares you have been using have to contribute to your fantasy about them producing Grand Prix show jumpers. What specifically were you looking for? Or were they just cheap DHHs and you think the stallion can overcome everything
 something no good breeder depends on.

Uh huh.
You did not seem to be that concerned with horse welfare when you allowed horses in your care to almost starve to death
 you simply didn’t care. You protested. You denied. You prevaricated. So for someone who was so completely unconcerned about the welfare of her own horses to suddenly be all sunshine and rainbows and begging people to go after other breeders
 yeeeeah no. Not buying this latest tap dance.

Dragging other names in to try and hide behind only reflects badly on you - not them.

The irony in that ^ comment does not disappoint. Wow. :roll_eyes:

You mismanaged those mares and foals
 and you proudly posted photos of horses in bad condition! So it seems that apparently you did not recognize that there was a problem. And now, in a pathetic attempt to CYA, you splash gasoline all over the place and then try to light it on fire and hide behind the smoke - and seem to be very proud of yourself for being so childish.

Congratulations. Once again - that is not how any of this works. The horse industry is too small to take such delight in burning bridges.

It seems that what some friends on the big show circuit told me about a certain pro braider was all too true
 shame on me for thinking they might be exaggerating.


Apologies for the hijack.

Your friend’s horses aren’t 100% representative of the breed.
There are some very nice DHH (NOT including the subject of this thread’s stock).
Not all are Krazy Things.
I live in the Midwest, near a very large Amish population & the DHHs were being bred & sold here over 20yrs ago.
One family had a stallion they drove to church on Sundays, bred to mares (AI & Live Cover) during the week. Horse’s name was Smokestack something (sorry, aging memory fails me :roll_eyes:).

BTW: People do ride Hackney Horses (& Ponies) as well as show Fine Harness & Roadster.
Another Amish friend had a Hackney Horse stallion, won a World Championship in Canada, just sold for high 5-figures.
Family is trying to re-establish the Hackney Horse, has mares with his bloodlines & a crop of good-looking 2yos.
Last year, when they held on Open House, they had buyers coming from as far as CA.



I’m curious
what are you doing? Has anything you’ve got on the ground accomplished anything?

Seriously asking.


Prominent, pre-eminent, prolific, phenomenal pandering professionals who are full of prevaricating puffery :laughing:

I’m sure we can fit a few more in there.


Wait, didn’t you call that stalking previously?

Consistency. It’s important.


No, you don’t. That’s why you are here.

You have made countless immoderate (and that’s being kind) posts on your facebook (which is both public and promotes your various ‘businesses’ and, yet, simultaneously people looking at it = stalking :thinking:) savaging clients, other braiders, your own employees, random dudes in bars, etc. You are in the top ten big, noisy drama llama horse-related folks. The way you slag off former employees and over share about their private lives and slag off former clients and say nasty things about their horses, is shocking.

Now you’ve added dragging in the names of unrelated breeders to this thread, complete with pictures, in a pathetic attempt to deflect from your own animal neglect and abuse.

None of the above is even remotely letting ‘people function and do things on their own’. You were infamous well before this thread about your disastrous breeding situation for all manner of on-line carry on and attacking people you’ve worked with and for and who worked for you.

If there is one thing about you that is proven beyond any standard of doubt based solely on the social media footprint you have created on your own, it’s that you most certainly DO NOT let people do their own thing. You seem to have not met a social media flame war you didn’t happily initiate and/or embrace.


My bad. Can someone help a girl out and link to the posts in which KS explained being in her 40s with 30 years in business? And the report on the grey mare with current pics?



If you can’t articulate clearly why you planned a mating in more than one sentence, involving the dam line, a multigenerational pedigree, the conformational attributes of both parents, and the sport records, you shouldn’t breed.

If you can’t tell the difference between a mare who doesn’t have the body reserves to hit peak lactation (like Kate’s bay mare) and a mare who literally foaled an hour ago so she has a tuck in her flank, you shouldn’t breed.

I hope that grey mare is at peace, wherever she is, and that at the very least, no one is riding her. :cry: