Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

This thread has truly reached the epic train wreck stage.

I’m not qualified to judge a breeding program, but I do know what a healthy horse looks like, and yes, the “just gave birth” tuck around the stifles is a thing.


You still have not shown a recent photo of your grey mare. Is she still alive?


Pseduo-jumpers produced by a puffed-up borderline psychopathic person who proudly proclaims pats on the back by prominent, pre-eminent, prolific, phenomenal pandering professionals who are full of prevaricating puffery. :upside_down_face:




You just won the Prize :trophy:


Wonderful alliteration! Reminds me of the children’s book Princess Prunella and the Purple Peanut.


I don’t know why Kate is getting a pass on the dark bay mare with the Chacco Blue II filly. You can see all her ribs and she has no muscle whatsoever. That isn’t my idea of a healthy broodmare. Just because she’s dark is isn’t as glaring as some of the others, but she still looks like garbage.


The lack of neck is a huge red flag that the rest of her is pretty damned thin too.


Please post links to your fb pages. All of them.


I’ll post for HBK. lol.

I don’t have to prove anything to you old, biddie, nasty keyboard warriors! You can come to my farm anytime and see my horses! Peter, Paul, and Mary and many other 5* eventers are waiting in line for my babies! You just wait. But alas, I have to work now. bahahaha. lololol.


An address would be helpful to come “ anytime”

All of THIS ^^. Thank you. I meant to bring that up in my previous post but failed to do so… it was long enough, anyway.


She did supply an address at some point. There was a member on here that was going to go visit, but I don’t know what happened with that. If that individual decided against it, I can’t say that I’d blame them.


Generally her stock has not so great neck confirmation with blocky heads, so I gave a little leeway on the neck thing, and I probably shouldn’t have!

I have seen some horses with thin necks but alright bodies, but that’s not common nor is it desirable, really.


I told myself to keep schtum about the pic of the bay horse but geezus those feet. If I knew the person responsible I’d feel obligated to giving them a good slap. What is going on with that?!


Just saw this.

It’s great that the mare is very docile, but many horses are until you actually start working them and asking something of them. If they’re malnourished they can be docile too. I’m not sure in what context this mare is docile. If I heard, “docile and sensible at competitions, when traveling, or for an amateur jumping a course” that’d be more interesting, IMO.

I can’t argue wanting a better hindleg.

Not sure about improving bone by using Chacco Blue with this mare, but I understand that some like hotter rides. It depends on your clientele/market, really. I don’t know a whole lot about what Chacco Blue produces temperament wise.


By the way, if anyone is still stuck (as I am) on the annoying use of prevalence in this thread and the amazing doubling down of the use of it - prevalence is typically used to mean widespread or common, particularly as it relates to things:


Therefore, for a person to be prevalent they are either widespread or common, which doesn’t say much for their prominence or pre-eminence which are the words I think she was going for.

While it can be used for people, that’s fairly atypical.



Based solely off the ones I’ve personally ridden, they’re a bit quirky… Hence my suspicion for KS’s reasoning for breeding to the notoriously quirky Baloubet (my personal horse’s bloodlines). Baloubet is also a French trotter x tbred cross, so even more peculiar that she would then breed that to a DHH.

But honestly, what do I know? (Seriously, I don’t plan on ever breeding but maybe one time and it’s a pipe dream at this point).


There was never an address posted in the thread. I think she posted a phone number for people to text, @chicagojumper i think it was, was going to be in the area but I dont know whatever came of it. But no address for anyone to stop by “anytime”

[quote=“jvanrens, post:4264, topic:789934, full:true”]

Well, Virginia Horse Mom and Alterration got started on it first!

Be we forgot a few: priestess, preaching, proselytizing, prideful, personal, pardon, pedantic, yada-yada. :laughing: