Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

I’m wondering if at least some of the horses are in a different location now.

The last couple of videos that have been posted don’t look like they have the exact same background as the previous ones with the trucks for a paddock fence.

five legs and all…
what a terrible photoshop job!

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That is funny!! I missed it so went back for another look. Yep, 5 feet.


I had the same reaction. When she turns to walk away you can see ribs under all the way up her ribcage to the shoulder. :cry:


While you were busy tossing people under the bus to deflect attention from yourself, you forgot to include this photo of the chestnut mare from 2 days prior to her foaling. Clearly you are not experienced enough to recognize that a newly foaling mare (Placenta still not passed) often will look tucked up for the first 24-48 hrs post foaling. Is she fat as a tick? No. But she looks far better than alot of what has been shared from your “program”.


Grow up already.


Where, oh where, has our little plebeian gone? #Pword lol. bahahaha Can someone post the majikal 5 legged horse?


I am not the most observant so it took me a minute to find the missing “5th” leg. This boy has 3 front legs.


Don’t feel badly I missed it too until I got on my laptop

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I had to look closely, too. But now that I’ve perused it ('p" word!), the background is also photoshopped.


Perhaps another horse was behind it resulting in the photoshop and the extra foot?

I knew the horse was pasted into the background. Thought the oddness in front was the horse picking up the right front without looking really closely.

I hope you are not referring to me? I will say whatever I want, I have no restrictions. Your continual Groundhog Day drama just bores me. I have better things to do. I have said what I wanted to already.


My user name are mixed up between my phone and computer. Sorry guys.

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To be fair, not all of the LH foot made the photoshop leap either so I think it does have four feet… 2.5 fronts and 1.5 hinds.


How is the filly?


Love that you are showing a random horse here. Not mine

You do not own the filly so no was not talking about you [edit]

10 hours after birth. You yourself said mares look sucked up and I’m sorry the mare is in perfect health here 7 days after birth. My goodness. When literally none of the vets or anyone that daily has hands on the horses says any of them look bad you have to wonder about cothers lol

I am glad that you seem to be finally taking better care of at least some of your horses and managing them correctly… compared to the pictures of mares and foals in bad condition that you so gleefully shared previously. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Never said that. Literally didn’t even know that until the knowledgeable people on this thread pointed it out. Please keep the posters straight.

This is also important if you’re ever going to practice law. You have to remember which party said what.