Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Yes, we are talking about some horse being marketed as a warmblood and the bad photoshop job. Thank you for noticing.


This thread is like Groundhog Day. I understand the intention but my goodness same shit different day. I hope all the mares and foals thrive. Changing someone’s entire way of dealing with their world is futile. Lather, rinse repeat


And who you have sent communications to and who you have not sent communications to.


:joy: :rofl:


[quote=“Virginia_Horse_Mom, post:3690, topic:789934”]
She was publicly advertised as for sale for $4000, but that price included one dose of Kjento and one dose of Qaside, and a companion mini.
[/quote]Can you post a link to the sales ad? Or send it by DM?

You do realize there are breeders in this thread who can tell the difference between a ten hour old foal and a several days old foal, right?


You do realize that it is NOT the vets job to tell you your stock looks like S or that the mares conformation is hideous. Right? They are there to do their job and leave. I would love to be a fly on the wall in that vet truck to hear what they really think. lol. bahahaha


So 10 hours after birth or 7 days after birth? Make up your mind, already. :roll_eyes:


I found that mishmash of a post confusing, too. Did she mean the photo of the pretty chestnut mare, who was in the process of passing the afterbirth, was taken 10 hours after foaling? Yet then she seems to refer to the photo of her black mare a week after foaling. :thinking:

I’m not sure what point she was trying to make other than attempting to compare apples to pears and claiming they’re both oranges.


Luckily my vets love my animals and what I’m creating. Both small animal vets have a puppy(well now aged) of mine. Large animal vet in az has one of my foals. I guess I’m not doing anything too wrong.

In addition I showed a skeletal with backbone sticking out chestnut mare by a big name breeder. You all defend her. Her mare looks 10 times worse than mine that foaled yet she is ok and somehow mine still are not. Then in deference to another poster here saying my black bay mare is terrible I posted a picture from just yesterday 7 days post foaling. How is it that hard to follow? It’s really not complicated

Why would you show another mare to your vet? So stupid. Did you also show her a pic of your grey mare? btw, hoping it is still alive and not bred again.

If I was your vet, I would barely say a word and if I did I would say how fabulous your stock is and how your breeding plan is AH-mazing. Why? Because your reputation precedes you as a very nasty, opinionated, litigeous, back stabbing, throws people under the bus, spills personal secrets for all to see, and last and not least
doesn’t take care of your animals. The list goes on and on, but these are reasons why (smart) people steer clear of your daily shenanigans and smile and nod and GTFO.


It is you who is missing the point. Its very frustrating.


What are you even talking about. :face_with_monocle: The chestnut mare you posted is far from skeletal, it has a high wither and the area around both sides of the tail head are sunken from her muscles relaxing so she can deliver her foal. :roll_eyes: You really are completely uneducated about what a mare should look like during parturition. Educated yourself before you toss your next handful of rocks.


Not to mention based on the picture of the chestnut mare that was posted from a couple days before foaling she looked pretty good!


This is a true statement. I work for ACC and its very rare to have a livestock vet report abuse cases. We have 7 horses right now the tech reported it to us and in her initial statement she stated she wasn’t sure the vet was gonna go on record about the complaint. Sad but true


Guess you all will just have to continue to stalk me to see my animals then because I’m getting tired of the ridiculous comments. Wish you all well (not really though a few of you can go pound sand). And no I do not need to listen to the cothers as they have served no purpose but entertainment when I’m bored. Sorry guys but that’s all you are

Absolutely abuse abuse abuse!!! Report!!!

:unicorn: :unicorn: :unicorn:

I have a question for KS: before buying or leasing a broodmare, what conformational qualities do you look for? Length of back, length of leg, angles of shoulders, tie in of the neck, pastern angle etc and blah blah blah?

:unicorn: :unicorn: :unicorn:

emojis for funzzies and hopes for getting an answer.


Let’s see the grey mare! oh, yeah, you won’t. :cricket: :cricket: :cricket:


Then please, pick up your toys and go. You really are not wanted here. I wonder why you even continue to post.