Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

I think one of the requirements is that after they fail to produce anything close to what HBK thinks they can, they can be used as a table for four with those flat backs. lol. bahaha.

:rofl: :rofl:


This is obviously not what we are referring to you and you know it. Besides the horrific conformation of the mare, that is a seemingly healthy foal.

Once again it’s your breeding choices that seem intriguing to us (and that word doesn’t always have a positive connotation like I think you think it does).

Can’t wait to see what your babies actually do when they’re old enough to prove what you’re doing is so majykal. Truly, I hope they do succeed. But to say what you’re doing is amazing with literally 0 proof of the babies actually accomplishing anything before breeding AGAIN, is wild.


I was a practice manager for various veterinary practices. I would have said anything just to keep your crazy away from me. I would have worn garlic and a cross if it helped.

This is the question I have. Why on earth would you use mares with inappropriate conformation for jumping along with stallions known for having quirky and difficult temperaments? The mind boggles.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the way the mare is tucked up in this pic. I have seen mares do this whenever the foal nursed during the entire duration of nursing, usually with a large foal. As everyone has so illustriously painted, you do not know what you are talking about.

What a sh!t show.


Plus the prefoaling pic of the red mare shows she is fine - but apparently that is skeletal according to such an impressive and respected breeder as Kate - who will merrily trash other breeders just to justify her poor choices and management of mares and weanlings - and proud posting of pictures to document that.

And yet you constantly come back with your air of superiority and sneer and condescend and act all high and mighty… and seem to need to find new ways to make yourself look even worse. The internet is forever.

No one is stalking your imperious self when you are blathering all over social media about your horses, your elite breeding expertise, your hay, your GSHs, your awesomeness, your rudeness - and whatever else is going on.

Is that mare a recip or the actual dam of the bay foal? And if she is the actual dam - what do you see in her that would make you feel she is what you want in a future Grand Prix jumper?? Just because it has a uterus and chrome, does not mean it needs to be bred.

How is that grey mare doing?

Inquiring, experienced, concerned minds would like to know.


what does that mean?


Hillbilly Kate


It all came about with the photos of the unkeptness, the flip flops while working and the coup des gras, the flip flops at the Keuring :face_vomiting:


Awh that s cute hillbilly
Kate! I think I’ll use that from now on! All because of flip flops :rofl::rofl:

And yes my flip flops will
Be at the keuring this year!!! Yay

~checks watch~ Ah yes, still waiting for the time Kate will show the gray mare…


awww. sweetie, it might be a little more than flip flops. but as you always say, you do you boo!
I thought you were leaving this thread??? Still here?? shocking.


We do “boo” in my house :slight_smile:

Still waiting for a pic of the grey mare???


Im curious whose phone number that is on his collar.


You might want to take this down unless you meant to publicize your phone number. I know you were the victim of identity theft before and I am not sure if that’s a cell phone/landline and whether you meant to put it out there.


She posted her phone number publicly earlier. Looks to be the same number. I don’t think she cares about posting her number publicly on this forum.


Shhhhh… you must be stalking if you even noticed the phone number in a pic that Kate herself posted - and also offered a while back.


oh em gee clutches pearls the horror /s :wink:


I’d just like to point out the big ol’ haunches and nice long hip on that chestnut mare. I mean, if we’re considering conformation and all that.