Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Fair enough if she doesn’t care. I just wanted to make sure she saw that she did that in case it was inadvertent.


You’re a good egg @vxf111.


So are you getting tired of us or are you entertained by us? So mercurial!


Flip flops at a kuering? You have got to be kidding. Yeah, that is appropriate footwear for that activity


My phone number. I’ve given it before to many!

Considering that chestnut is a recip and not the dam lol! But yes if you think that conformation is wanted

I’m just a spectator. Why can’t I wear what is comfortable?

You can - but it’s stupid. And I will tell you why I know, although it is embarrassing. I used to work in the late 90s early 00s for a BNT barn. At some point, I started wearing Tevas. My feet were wet for 12+ hours every day. I was honestly wondering about trench foot (I read a lot of history but not much science).

Any sort of parasite or biological thing never occurred to me (actually not until I started reading this thread :astonished:). I just didn’t want the bottom of my feet peeling off at night. My bosses were horrified, but I insisted that I always knew where the horses feet were. I was VERY careful.

And then I was leading a horse, saw something hazardous on the ground, and pulled him towards me to protect him, and yup, broken toes with all sorts of nasty stuff ground in. Not at all the horse’s fault, not a lack of care or attention on my part (maybe the opposite).

Also, if that was dumb (yes it was) and unlucky, I was supremely lucky that this actually happened at a show on a racetrack - because my completely uninsured self was covered for that EMS treatment by the racetrack workers insurance. If it had happened at literally any other show, I would have had to pay the bill.

And those were Tevas – specifically designed for hiking and whatnot. Flip-flops are FLIMSY (alliteration bonus points?) so they not only don’t protect the top of your feet, they don’t provide stability or traction.


Oh, and Kate? If you are only spectating and are not handling the horses at all WTF are you doing this???

JMHO, but if you aren’t going to get close to the foals you breed and take such internet pride in, why bother?

*edited for typo


Do you ask owners the same thing? Because I’m good at what I’m doing and producing quality horses. I enjoy matching and seeing them succeed but I do not need to personally handle my horses at a keuring when the handlers from overseas do a much better job. Same as asking someone why they don’t derby their own horse when they have their trainer do so. I mean that’s just a silly question from you

I know you’re talking about at keuring here, but what have they accomplished under saddle? How do you know what you’re doing works?

And we’ve already been over the placings and photos of your foals at keurings so we don’t have to rehash that part.

And speaking of matching, if you answer one question here, what’s your logic behind crossing Baloubet to a DHH mare?


I will type up on a computer my entire breeding theory for you all, but my mares are old imported work horse lines. Not what is happening here in the US. My first one is still with the family I sold him to in CA almost 12 years ago. I like what we imported 20 years ago. Thicker, sounder, saner. I see so many clients that spend 6 figures on a fancy horse that only their trainer can ride. I wanted to change that. The old gelder and harness lines and conformation is not what is bred here in the US. Yes obviously need a shorter back and more 7 pelvis/croupe. I have adored baloubet for a long time but he is known to be hard mouthed and difficult. Matched with my mare that crossed incredibly well with a heartbreaker son (Halifax van het Kluizebos) I thought she was strong enough to balance that out. Same with chacco. My mares I have for their brains. I balance conformation with brain. And while some breed only for professional horses I want my horses to have a lovely 1.20m/psg/2star home that the ammy can actually enjoy and not need 5 people holding the horse to get it in the ring where it needs to have its legs lunged off it and all the perfect prep in the world. What we saw in the show ring 20+ years ago I personally favor more. That is what I want and breed for. Not the new fad.

Also you are right my personal homebreds are just at the age to get out under saddle. But how many breeders have you all diminished that gave up well before that? I mean I can’t magically snap my fingers and have things showing. It’s a waiting game. I’m very excited to see mine move out of in hand showing and into under saddle. Time will tell. You wonder why there might be an issue with breeding in the US? Luckily I will not change what I believe and see and what many others see in quality of what I’m doing. All my mares were purchased only after I had purchased an offspring or two from them. That being said I think that maybe, just maybe, cothers could maybe figure out why their horses are so expensive these days when they dwindle people with the right intentions and a good eye and those people (yes I know a few that have stopped because of online harassment) leave and stop. This is not a conducive thread to including anyone in anything. You can go after as many people as you want on coth but so far everyone that you all have started massive threads about are still succeeding in the horse world? Name one person who you have managed to shut down with your internet warriorism? Just curious what good you think you are doing. Many mention this thread to me when we talk and say it’s the most ridiculous thing they’ve read and have appreciated my responses and then even bought a foal after we talked! So you are not doing what you think you are. Hopefully some on here will learn to live their own lives but until that point I’m fine with continuing the thread and seeing what all the people here have to say about my flip flop life.

Let’s reply to a few things here.

  1. “ Also you are right my personal homebreds are just at the age to get out under saddle. But how many breeders have you all diminished that gave up well before that?”

Well, if those other breeders have broodmares and young stock that are obviously significantly malnourished… hopefully they have stopped breeding and decided to pursue other hobbies, regardless of what the horses are or are not eventually doing under saddle. If you aren’t willing to feed it, don’t breed it.

  1. “All my mares were purchased only after I had purchased an offspring or two from them.”

Oh. Ok. So why don’t you share with everyone the show names, and show records of the mature offspring from Reba, Bianca, and Ivanka that you apparently purchased a few years ago before you started all this breeding. Have any of these mature offspring started jumping? Are they jumping 1.1m or higher at this point? Or… are they primarily unbroken broodmares with no show records, who hang out with their mothers as part of your larger herd?

  1. “You can go after as many people as you want on coth but so far everyone that you all have started massive threads about are still succeeding in the horse world? Name one person who you have managed to shut down with your internet warriorism? Just curious what good you think you are doing.”

Well, recently there have been updates concerning the Byrd Rareshide matter. There was a larger COTH thread about this last year, people from COTH actually intervened directly to help starving horses that were in desperate shape, and eventually that whole case proceeded to court and she was convicted of animal abuse. Hopefully no more retirees suffer a similar fate with this person. Also, the thread on COTH has probably raised awareness of what can go wrong when sending one’s horse off to do retirement board at a place that is somewhat far away, where you can’t do regular welfare checks. So… that all seems like a positive result from “internet warriorism.”


Other than the safety issue with flip flops, there is a hygiene issue. Anywhere there are horses there are parasites, yes even with a good control program. Many can enter through skin.
Plus the “jiffy feet” look is neither attractive or professional.
As far as your programme, I doubt anyone is actively trying to
“Shut you down”. Most are concerned and rightly so with the emaciated appearance and poor condition of your horses (rightly so) and the fact that you have an established pattern of this and nothing ever seems to change. One could almost set a clock by your MO. Move horses. Vow to be more attentive and this will never happen again. After a short time, mad scrambling to find a new situation because lazy or otherwise poor employees were taking your money and not caring for your horses, not feeding them your special majickal hay and OMG now I’m suing everyone. Lather rinse repeat. Never your fault, never accepting responsibility , never making changes. Moving across the country SSDD.


As my son would say “Pause” cuz that don’t sound right. JS


I think this thread has accomplished immense good so far: it’s warned away potential buyers and sellers (ie. The mare you were going to purchase in Washington) and it’s caused you to begin feeding your horses somewhat more appropriately so they don’t look like skeletons. Win win!


There’s an Ancient Chinese saying about this I think:

“He who walks through a barn with bare feet will suffer an itchy bunghole.”


And most breeders evaluate their approach as they go. I dont know numbers of foals per year KS has produced, however, there has definitely NOT been any evaluation and adjusting for what is working vs what isnt working. What if in 4 years this breeding focus is a disaster? At 10 foals per year that would be 40 babies brought into the world with questionable futures.

KS is not a conscientious breeder. Broodmares not taken care of. Foaling and foal care pawned off on barn staff. She is simply trying to make a buck and thought she would fly under the radar.

Every time she comments about her opinion of COTHers I laugh. She has no idea who COTHers are.


You may owe me a keyboard. Be right back after cleaning up sprayed coffee.