Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

I’ll be here all week.


And - a break from the ongoing discussion to refocus briefly on legal issues. It looks like there was a pre trial conference on 03/29/24 regarding this lawsuit, and the trial is set to begin on 04/29/24.

Anyway… there’s that. For anyone curious.


The part I bolded - THIS is what assorted people caught out in their training or management or whatever on SM always say - as if everyone reads a small thread in a small subforum in a small forum at the COTH website (or Facebook or Reddit or X or wherever said person has been discussed) and everyone always agrees with the complainer that the whole conversation is stupid and ridiculous and the complainer is amazing and clever and beyond reproach - and oh yeah - to prove it, they bought one of their horses or signed up for lessons or donated money or whatever… it is not limited to just the horse world.

It is the old many people are saying you are all just meanies and poopieheads and I am awesome thing… it is as if there is a script that must be followed.

The conversation is not ridiculous when there is photographic evidence proudly posted by Kate herself of the terrible condition some of her mares and weanlings were in - all while she bragged about her care and excellent breeding program. Prior to desperately throwing people under the bus and blaming anyone and everyone other than herself for the condition of horses in her care.

Grey mare video?


Coming from a confirmed pathological liar, this is par for the course.

Waiting for picture of the grey mare??? You know, the one you said was doing AMAZING.


These two things seem to not agree with each other.

Does no one know what COTH is or are there many out there reading the thread and telling you how stupid it is and buying foals?


This post is deeply confusing. First half, you say COTH has caused good breeders to stop. Second half, you say nobody has stopped because of COTH. To make it more baffling, the sentences making these two points are actually consecutive. I swear, I read the post five times, assuming I had misread. But, nope, it really is that convoluted.


Because she is so bad at constantly lying, and gets it wrong all the time. bless her heart. I’m would be highly surprised if she even graduated high school.



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Interesting. I didn’t consider that aspect of the whole Shearer vs. Lunsford dispute.

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Stop being so suspicious. /s

She’s an attorney AND a mental health professional. Just ask her. Or maybe she’s ALMOST a mental health professional? Still taking courses or something?

She did a whole interview a few years back and explained that she makes more money braiding horses at shows than she could as an attorney. So she decided not to pursue her law career any further. :smirk:

Of course she also periodically claims to be studying for the bar. :thinking:

Oh. And she has claimed that the identity theft issue from years ago prevented her from being a lawyer. :face_with_monocle:

Huh. So many explanations.


How many freaking times do you need to hear that it is not a lack of feeding available. My god there is a freaking police report and charges filed against the guy from November! Dense much? Virginia horse mom go back to being that

Guess who no showed for pretrial conference? lol

You are right a lady is now still unable to sell her horse that required taking the mini with it while she goes through a. Divorce! Such justice!

I said it has not affected me at all. Better reading comprehension is needed

Absolutely no education at all :wink:

lolol bahahaa


As an adult very aged woman do you liked questioning someone who is successful with the education and business that they have? I’m confused why you would not spend more time focusing on your life rather than mine. Yes I’m aware of who you are and I do love your rants.

Sure, Mother Theresa
Everything happens for a reason. and you ain’t it! Who in there right mind would want something to end up in your herd. You would have sucked the eggs right out of her before the trailer even parked.


Wow taking yourself down to elementary school hate now? Absolutely bring on the comments about my weight. I’m not ashamed. I mean really you think comments like that are hurtful? Come on now hun

Pot, meet kettle.