Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

I find it interesting she also never responded to this…

Instead she just lobbed personal insults. In all fairness though, it seems like the criticism of her flip flop wearing really agitated her.


Harris Teeter failed to gain a toehold in metro Atlanta when they opened a few stores here in the late 90s.

My circle of similarly juvenile-minded friends referred to it as Hairless Peter.


I hope they are Staffordshire bull terriers

We have to be up early to scream at the kids to get off of our lawns!


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Thank the good lord I found my spectacles. I left them in the pocket of my house dress.


At least they weren’t permanently entangled in your beehive hairdo.


Or your pin curls.


Because that is all Walmart had. :rofl:


Typical. I’m gonna huff and I’m gonna puff and blow your whole house down! She never filed and the other people are probably just praying the “crazy” stays away.


That has been my observation as well. I’ve seen a few dressage riders in my area (North Texas) with them and they were bonkers crazy, horrible movers and had soundness issues. I would guess the soundness issues arise from being asked to do a job their bodies were not designed to do. I show hunters and cannot imagine a DHH bred offspring would be a very competitive hunter until the DHH was a few lines back on the pedigree. I also stalk pedigrees and since the microchip rule came into effect the horses showing now are more likely to have known lineage in their USEF data. Haven’t seen any DHH lines winning much at the shows I follow. (I don’t know DHH bloodlines super well, however I do know the prevalent warmblood lines that have success in the hunters and I look up the ones I find winning whose lines are new to me).


Agreed. Kate appears to take a Build-A-Bear approach to breeding. She seems to think she can pick and choose what attributes will come out of her crosses. That’s fun for making stuffed animals, but can be a hot mess when it comes to real horses. If you want to improve on certain traits, the surest approach is to breed similar horses to similar horses and hope to improve a specific area within a generation or two.


THIS! All day long. Well said. Just the facts. Square pegs in round holes.


I grew up showing Quarter Horses (all around and reining, my dad showed cutter). What I wish some breeder would do is breed a QH that would be competitive in the H/J world. I have had a few warmbloods and a few thoroughbreds and I really really miss the QH brain! At least there are QHs out there that move nicely and have the size to jump. They just need to be more uphill and scopey. Maybe they would max out at 3’, but they would be an ammy dream. My last foaling was a dystocia that ended in a fetotomy, so I’m out on breeding.


Just because it has a uterus doesn’t mean you have to put something in it


I’ve got one! She is by Last Detail and out of a Rugged Lark mare. The dam was the breeder’s junior hunter. We bought her as a 7 year old for my daughter coming off a pony. The mare absolutely loves to jump, has never said no, and is just so brave and forgiving. While she could be a hunter, the mare loves to turn and burn so she has found her success in the jumpers. She’s been champion too many times to count and has shown at the Las Vegas National the past three years. I would love to breed this mare but we enjoy riding her too much!


I LOVE Rugged Lark offspring! If you ever breed and want to sell the baby, I’d be VERY interested! I’m always happy to hear/see QHs having success in rated stuff!


And not just any available uterus will do!


Tee Array Lark was my QH for years. You can see by his name he has two heavy hitters in there. We did it all and well I might add. He could be a little hot and opinionated but he was my boy. We dabbled in WP, did heavy hunters, and he loved running first flight at our hunt. We then switched to dressage. Lost him at age 16 :sleepy:


We are aged meanies. She is a 1 trick pony who likes cheese.

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Hear hear. Three times I’ve looked for this and failed.

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