Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Meanwhile it appears that this one has sold.


Since you made me look, this one is QUITE a nice mover. Anyone hauling from TX?

2358 Cute TB Bay Filly - Bowie Livestock (bowietexaslivestock.com)


He tracks up quite nicely behind! Bless him for ending up there. He is quite long but that doesn’t mean he belongs there. Prayers for a safe landing.

She is lovely!!!

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Do they allow you to bring cheese into the Krobar? Seriously. I’m interested.

Yay. I hope he went to a nice home.


Wow. She looks like she wants to win the large pony hunter under saddle classes down the road.

I continue to be impressed by both the horsemanship and the salesmanship of these guys.

They manage to show these horses and make them look appealing in some pretty darn rudimentary circumstances. I also like how the guy has the telltale signs of riding bareback on the back of his jeans.


That filly is a cute mover!


She is, poor thing.

It’s so sad to see them in such a bad situation.

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It’s also true that she only visits her horses very occasionally, from evidence so far maybe once every couple of months. She has them tucked away in various states. So she can’t step out and take a photo, or check on the health and weight etc. She makes a living braiding at shows full time which is a hard life in that it’s constant travel, overnight physical labor, rough on the body and apparently involves a great deal of constant interpersonal drama. Not to mention potential loss of toes when you are wearing flipflops to braid Arabians at 2 am in tornado weather :).


Ugh, stop it. :cold_sweat:

I’m actually getting shipping quotes.


Aww, there are a bunch of DHHs today on the Bowie page.
Regardless of this Kate person who obviously has mental health issues and the hundreds of people who are obsessed with interacting with her online, I would encourage anyone looking for a cool horse to try a DHH or cross thereof. Not if your singular objective is to fast track to the highest level of whichever English sport, but if you looking for a big horse with a lot of personality, willing attitude, and athleticism, that will bring a smile to your face everyday, I’d give it a try. And for anyone genuinely curious about how these horses do in various sports, there are some good Facebook groups to check out.


If needed, we could start a shipping pool for contributions.


Go for it! And then post pictures!! Lol.

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I would imagine so! Just buy it there. I saw that they serve flights. Perfect for cheese tastings.

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Cool! I could use a drink at the grocery store sometimes, just to help me get over the price of food.

Oh well. At least I have a good selection of cheese.


Henry needs a buddy… and we need another fairytale to follow along with :slight_smile:


Not for everyone.

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Yessss! I can share the name and number of an excellent quarantine lady I used if you should need her!

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Not to be a COTH EnablerTM, but I feel compelled to point out that she is a very cute mover, the right color and, like Henry, will no doubt grow into her head and face once she gets some groceries and love. And also, come to think of it, I believe you have the perfect rider for a hony.

No pressure. Just pointing this out. :sunglasses: :grin: