Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

You can name her Kate. Full name…Kate the Barbarian. Great stories for the horse shows and dinner parties. :rofl:


There is an 18 year old Haflinger there. https://www.bowietexaslivestock.com/product/2325-gentle-haflinger-gelding/


Kinda ironic that on this particular thread that it is this sale barn guy who knows how to correctly use a whip to show off a horse.


Now I’m fighting the urge to buy a Bowie Livestock T-shirt.


The drunken goat cheese is great! Thanks for the recommendation.


Can you send a sampler to me in Canada? LOL

ETA: Just searched and if this is the cheese, it’s a little over what I’m willing to pay regardless of how tasty.

You know I would if I could. Probably difficult to get cheese over the border. If I lived farther north we could coordinate GPS locations and I could catapult some over the border. You’d have to get a baseball mitt…

No cheese shops or good grocery stores local to you, or are your cheese shops
Monty Python-esque?


LOL at the catapult! Can you build one that can shoot across the St. Laurence?

We have a very nice smaller grocery store a 5 minute drive up the street from us, lots of tasty cheese, Canadian, the UK and other assorted homelands, but I’ve never noticed this one in their cheese display, which can keep me entertained for longer than I want to admit. It might be pricier than they feel comfortable stocking for this small town.

The one I bought was a little less expensive than a good Gruyere. Maybe you could ask them to inquire about carrying it and what the price would be and promise that you will buy some and encourage other cheese fans that you know to try it at least once.

It’s quite mild for a goat cheese. Subtle flavor, not a big winey hit. I made sure to take it out of the fridge until it came close to room temp.

It would be great for a cheese and/or charcuterie platter, with wine of course.

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Not related to DHH breeding, but an article popped up on my newsfeed about a horse that recently took a gallop down I-95 in Philly. Small world - it turned out that it was a horse from Fletcher Street in Philly, which I remember hearing about from posts here on COTH years ago.

Article: https://www.inquirer.com/life/inq2/i-95-horse-freeway-fletcher-st-urban-riding-club-20240412.html

I-95 gallop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CN_UsIhvQh4&ab_channel=FOX29Philadelphia

Lovely horse! (It helps that he’s my favorite color.) But not exactly what I picture when I think jumping or dressage. Don’t get me wrong - he’s big and athletic so I think he has some ability to jump with the right incentive, but he’s definitely not a high-level competitive jumper.

(I love COTH. I had never heard of Fletcher Street Urban Riding Club before COTH and I’ve never really paid much attention to DHHs prior to this. But all kinds of interesting subjects are discussed on COTH and if you hang around long enough, completely unconnected things tend to converge.)


I know that ICSI has come up a few times in this thread, and as it turns out, there will be some exclusions from a certain registry:

I wonder if any other registries will follow suit.


Huh. Interesting.

Anyone looking for an Amish broke DHH mare. No papers currently, but they might show up.
Listed with a kill buyer in PA.


Ummmmm, I did the thing. :grimacing:


Can’t wait for photos!


Oh cool! Good for you! That’s something positive from this thread :slight_smile:


YAY! New thread for updates?? :heart_eyes:


I don’t want to jinx it, but once I safely get her home I’d be happy to share the experience. She’s entering quarantine in TX today.

Baby needs groceries.


Yassss! Can’t wait for an update thread for her glow up.


Jingles for healthy pony and a smooth quarantine experience!