Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

:speak_no_evil: shhh

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Maybe sheā€™s a winter baby, so three by jc terms, but really only 2 years and a few months in actual time.

Btw, Dorcas is Greek for gazelleā€¦ Just sayinā€™, she looks dorky right now, but just you wait!


I think they have to be chipped to be registered now. Anyone can do it as long a as itā€™s on their paperwork.
They sent me the chip
For my colt when they sent me his registration packet when he was a baby

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Perhaps a good deworming might help.


Thatā€™s exactly how they do it.my vet chipped my foal here at my farm . It doesnā€™t have to be anyone at the track like in another post

I actually had my Colt chipped prior to receiving the packet from the jockey club because we had a hurricane coming. So I still have that chip, and I just put the chip thatā€™s in him number on all the paperwork and it was no big deal.

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I was going to suggest the same thing. :scream:


If ks is breeding for brains and ammy friendly horses, that bloody sire must be why this horse should be in a professional program.


She is alive, and has a uterus!


This! I should be able to keep this horse in my backyard without fearing for my life and not need a high end pro to help.


I keep consistently seeing poor necks, heads (which may be a matter of preference but the neck attached to it doesnā€™t help the picture), backs, and sometimes leg or other conformation features on these horses bred by KS.

Iā€™ve definitely seen some horses with undesirable conformation perform quite well, but I canā€™t say that Iā€™d purposely set out to breed this ā€œtype.ā€ It seems that in these crosses, the foal heavily favors the DHH side of things, which further demonstrates how important the dam is.

Favoring the DHH side might be ok for some things, but generally not for upper level dressage, hunters, or eventing IMO.


thats an interesting observation!!

However, I suspect that she feels that the colt has a huge future that will show the rest of the true genius that is Kathryn Shearer.


Exactly!! There are plenty of horse with questionable conformation out there to be had already. We dont need more. Just look at the Bowie auctionā€¦:frowning:


Interestingly the casquino was marketed as a serious hunter prospect and yours was not.


Iā€™ve noticed the DHH dam side coming through strongly in all of these foals as well. Beside the heads and necks that you mentioned I see many straight shoulders and hind legs close and out behind.

I hope that Kathryn/Kate Shearer will rethink these crosses and get some advice and education about functional sport horse conformation, as well as taking into consideration the temperaments of the horses she is using.


This horse is a better hunter/jumper prospect than anything Iā€™ve seen KS produce. Iā€™m so thrilled this sweet little horse got a soft landing. Please share pictures of her glow up on COTH!


Most of the horses Iā€™ve seen at the Bowie Auction lately (I will freely admit I donā€™t spend a lot of time there) are nicer looking.


I canā€™t wait to see a ā€œglow upā€ on this one!


She isnā€™t any more, poor thing. This one is out of the mare that died of colic recently. I feel sorry for anyone who loses a horse like that.

I do like the Jackaroo best of what she has bred. It is the only one I have seen that actually looks natural cantering. Most of them really prefer the trot, exactly what top jumper riders are looking for!

In her page she has a link to another Jackeroo baby for sale, and that foal is light years nicer than hers. Not even comparable.


I believe the uterus comment was what accomplishment/accolade does the dam of either baby have.


My heart sinks every time I see pictures of her mares and sale horses. I feel so sorry for them all and I donā€™t like making fun of them. Poor things, I hope they find caring owners that will cherish them. Her breeding operation is wrong on all levels. This woman seems to have a very big problem between her ears.