Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

this is the Cornet Obolensky daughter a couple of months ago just the day before I backed her for the first time. Prefer to start them early during their 3yr old yr but got buried with too many horses to ride and got a late start


Yes, I think itā€™s a little less consistent and that was kind of my point- to say there were no nice KWPN foals that year because Kateā€™s was reserve champion is unfair. Itā€™s one opinion on one day for baby horses that are changing rapidly from someone who may be looking for something very different than what you or I look for.

As far as the qualifier vs finals, I know mine jumped significantly better in the qualifier because he was a little impressed and by the finals he had fallen in love with Klaus and the grain bucket and felt the goal was to get to him as fast as possible :roll_eyes: I was surprised he scored as well as he did in the jump chute part but just because he acted like a goober then doesnā€™t mean heā€™s a bad horse. The winner of his class was one who I personally wouldnā€™t have considered for myself based off what I look for. Those types of shows are an activity to get them out and get another set of eyes- that opinion is one piece of information on what you have, but not the end all be all either way. Certainly not enough to justify an entire breeding program with.

I think hunter breeding has less variation in whatā€™s presented and less overall information for the judges to evaluate, too. They arenā€™t loose and cantering which is something they get judged on at keurings and the YHS shows. I donā€™t personally place a lot of stock in future success by a baby horseā€™s ability to change leads cleanly when getting chased around a small ring, and I canā€™t determine how important that is to the judges. I know itā€™s not super important to me but I donā€™t profess to know more than the European young horse judges. Same with hunter breeding, I donā€™t really care about a splint but thatā€™s a big deal in that venue from what Iā€™m told. Everyone is reading tea leaves trying to pick the next superstar to a certain extent.


Iā€™m in agreement with you! What makes Hunter breeding a lot more consistent is that itā€™s Hunter judges evaluating only for that type. YHS and inspections are judges from a European background trying to judge against type eventers, jumper, dressage, and huntersā€” and it ends up being inconsistent because the judges are not from all of those disciplines but rather prefer a specific type even if the horse is aimed at a different discipline than that type is generally aimed at.


I personally think foal inspections, and our babies have been premium in five out of six weā€™ve attended (the exception being dead last at the KWPN !), have about as much validity as lining up a bunch of TB babies to piuck the one who is gonna win the Kentucky Derby


Honestly I stay in the hunter ring, along with some light trail riding so I havenā€™t exposed him to much he can object to. He crosses water and rides out with other horses nicely. He can be a bit spooky at times, but really, get him in a ring full of jumps and heā€™s laser focused. Heā€™s also sweet.

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I thought this was the white mare that was terminally ill? How fortunate that sheā€™s recovered- hopefully finding out her condition was a nutritional issue and not health related is additional evidence against whomever is responsible for the shape she was in:


Well that photo certainly looks much better, but of course we donā€™t know when that photo was taken.


I was thinking the same. Looks like thereā€™s a watermark in the bottom right corner. I doubt sheā€™s had a professional photographer in to take pictures lately.


The photo has been used since 2021 or earlier: https://warmblood-sales.com/horse/utero-foal-biancadiabolo-desquelmes


@TomNeese, I just saw a post on FB from Jim Robbins that said you got to ride Tripoli!
I am positively green with envy.



This mare was in ROUGH shape last fall. Kate claimed over and over on these threads that the mare had a big (but benign) abdominal tumor, and was retired from breedingā€¦ but fine health wise.

We have asked her over and over to share current pictures of this mare to prove that its condition has improved.

Just a reminder, this mareā€™s name is Bianca. Sheā€™s in her later teens. And hereā€™s the picture of her condition from late fall of 2023 for anyone who has forgottenā€¦



Donā€™t forget this extra pitiful photo of this same mare.
The one which Kate states has horrible conformation- exactly the sort of mare one should breed with.


I just went digging back through the thread for that one. Thanks for sharing it. That was from September of 2023. Bianca had a colt by Royce last year, and was in APPALLING condition by fall. And they seemed oblivious.

I did find images early on in this thread of Bianca from 2022, heavily in foal and WAY underweight from a previous neglect situation which Kate blamed on the boarding barn where she was keeping her mares.

This poor mare. She just ends up bred, but not fed. Over and over. Sheā€™s in her late teens. She should be retired from this insanity, given proper care for her teeth and feet, and FED.


And for love of God, stop breeding this conformational trainwreck!

Poor mare :persevere:


To me, at this point her conformation is the least of the problems with that breeding. And with her horrible conformation, that says a lot.


Just because it has a uterus does not mean you need to put anything in it.

Jebbbus, feed that poor mare or retire her from breeding. Has she not done enough!

Isnā€™t this the mare who it was claimed had some sort of abdominal tumor?


Yes. This photo from early November 2023 sparked that discussionā€¦


It came from the public post KS put up on Facebook when she claimed she was getting out of breeding entirely and selling everything because of the backlash on social media after the photos of the malnourished Chacco Blue weanling went public last fall.

At the time, many people zeroed in on the poor condition of this particular mare - Bianca. She had a colt by Royce in April of 2023. She was seen in photos and video from late summer of 2023 with the barn worker riding around bareback on her. She looked like a creaky coat rack. Poor thing. Itā€™s understandable when a mare loses some condition while nursingā€¦ but this mare was in alarming condition. Sheā€™s in her late teens. The Royce colt was weaned by November. We questioned KS if the big belly was an indicator that she had been bred last year (possibly on her foal heat)ā€¦ and we were horrified if that was the case because she was so obviously malnourished. Kate swore that the belly was a result of a large benign abdominal tumor and the mare was completely fine.

It was interesting though, Kate removed that mareā€™s photo from the Facebook post, but left the others. She has since refused to provide updated photos of that mare when we have questioned how that particular mare is doingā€¦

And nowā€¦ itā€™s clear she wants to breed her again.

Sooooā€¦ I think itā€™s safe to conclude that the abdominal tumor story wasnā€™t true. What I am still wonderingā€¦ was the poor mare in foal in 2023 when we all saw the photos of her pitiful condition? I think she looked like she was both starving AND in foal in this one picture from November 2023.

I hope and pray if she was in foal that she was fed properly before delivering this spring. Poor old girl.


@Kasheare. Come set the story straight. Tumor? Going to let Bianca live her days out with you?


I think it is pretty clear that the mare is starving as well as pregnant. The ā€œtumorā€ story was just another lie from HBK mouth. :pig2:


Having HBK get a story straight is like running through fire hoping not to get burned. She is a vile human and always will be. We can only hope this whole breeding thing will end but it wonā€™t. She just sucks on so many levels and the horses and babies suffer the most. If someone is stupid enough to pay for her overpriced garbage, thatā€™s on them. And, yes, they are garbage for 25k and upā€¦