Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Was the gray mare Bianca actually the dam of the foal? Or was she carrying the embryo from another mare and Royce?

According to KS:


I believe Bianca was an egg donor mare

Bianca was the egg donor? Or the embryo recipient?

The egg donor. The foundation mare for the breeding program. Not the embryo recipient.


Hmm. I had the impression the black mare who colicked and died over the winter was the foundation mare.

But I have definitely not been keeping super close track.


I am under the impression that Reba (the black mare who passed awhile back) was one foundation mare and that Bianca is another. Reba was often a donor mare, though I’m not sure Bianca was. Bianca carried her own foals from what I could see.

I get the impression that Bianca is Kate’s favorite though. She’s talked at length about how she sought out this horse for her breeding program. In her own words,


Bianca is the actual dam of the foals she has carried. Kate used her deceased mare, Reba, extensively for ICSI. She has also used her mare Ivanka to create embryos from Galoubet semen. She has frozen those embryos and offered them for sale.


It was actually Reba who was the egg donor mare and the foundation of the program. Reba was by the DHH stallion Ulandro, and stood 17.3 and was black.

I believe Bianca is closer to 15.1. She was by a DHH stallion named Teo (I think). She has a filly by Jaleet, a colt by Diablo D’Esquelmes, and the 2023 colt by Royce. Maybe one or two others as well . She carried and delivered all those babies.

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Ok I clearly haven’t been studying Kate closely enough :slight_smile:

But but but
 aren’t you an alleged stalker? :wink:

I will admit I did some poking around in the America Dutch Harness Horse Association studbook a few months ago when participating on this thread, as I wanted to understand her mares pedigrees better, and how that fit with KWPN rules. Honestly
 I’m still not sure I really grasp KWPN registration guidelines. :woozy_face:


 WHY don’t I cross paths with people like you?? I breed them. Granted I haven’t put much effort (yet) in to putting something on the ground that will do 3’6"+ because QH people don’t want to jump that high, and generally people who want to jump that high don’t want a QH. It’s a vicious cycle

If there were more people like you who wanted that type of QH, there are breeders who would make it happen. It is disheartening to hear people in the open hunter world looking down their noses at QHs, or when they do get one in their barn they toss the papers and call it a “WB cross”. So as a breeder, why try to cater to that world when our world tops out at 3’??

There are plenty QHs who do have the scope for more; I’ve bred a few. I just wish I could find the people and the market for them. Personally, my focus is shifting more from the futurity horse to primarily the hunter that will be well suited for the hunter circuits. But again, need find people who won’t sneer at the idea of a stock breed :triumph:


@BroncoMo, please keep us posted!

QH people were absolutely appalled when I bred my all around AQHA/IBHA mare to a TB. It was a proven cross and I ended up with a little guy with textbook from over some pretty big sticks. He’s enjoying retirement now and I ended up acquiring a WB. But I would love to have another QH someday. They’re just something else. :heart:


Why would they be appalled? There are a lot of people breeding appendix QHs. My 30YO mare is Appendix, because her dam was appendix. It’s been going on for decades, in case you missed it. Sounds like you were hanging out with some clueless wonders.


I’ve bred some typey looking QHs with substantial uphill builds that people mistake for big TBs or even WBs. Obviously there are things about the QH that simply will never NOT look like a QH; the genetics are there for a reason. But the brains are unbeatable, the scope is there, the movement is gorgeous; I just need to figure out how to add the power.

I’ve been down in the dumps recently about breeding and selling. What I like in a flat horse, people don’t want because it’s too forward and athletic, but will be spectacular in the hunter ring. But I can’t sell a hunter prospect as a baby, and can’t keep holding on to them until they’re 3-5 years old and put the training in to them.

Sorry for the pity party. I’m at a bit of a crossroads and not sure where I want to go


I’m not going to try to multi-quote.

@BroncoMo. Hope the pity party has room for more than one. I’ll bring the chocolate and popcorn.

What you’re thinking about breeding is something I would have loved to buy a few years ago.

My late mare :heart: was very well bred. Naturally balanced, smart, and well muscled, and she passed that on to her babies. The retiree is built like her, with a small dose of TB. He’s more than 50% TB but doesn’t look it, especially not with those hindquarters.

I think there are buyers out there. Part of it may be finding not just owners, but trainers, that are open minded about having non-WBs.

@jvanrens. My retiree is 20+ now and appendixes existed in my area for a number of years before he was born. However, my mare was spectacular and some felt that I was “wasting” her by breeding her to a TB. I understand why they felt that way, they were entitled to their opinion.


Just curious, did your mare have full papers or appendix papers? If she only had appendix papers, I can understand people questioning your decision since you’d end up with a grade horse. Otherwise they could get stuffed IMNSHO :wink:

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I’d like to see the pendulum swing back to TB or Appendix. A Quarterhorse/Thoroughbred cross were great all around horses, but I think people rode differently years ago. (rode outside more)


I look for an APHA or AQHA every time I shop. I would kill for one again. I can’t find what I want anywhere in my area. The breeders seem to be very concentrated in parts of the country far from me :frowning:

Hope the mods don’t give me the boot for marketing my program :rofl: I always offer to help with hauling as I often make trips to the east coast. It seems no one out here in the western plains want hunters so I have to provide the option to haul them back east. I’m always willing to throw one on the trailer when I head that way for a show :wink: