Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

I think she just wants attention and thinks it’s all about her.

Actually… many people are participating on this thread because of concern for her horses. PERHAPS because there have been multiple, public incidences of serious neglect and malnutrition involving her mares and young stock over the course of the last 2 years.

And she’s publicly posted images like this… as though this is ok…

But whatever. In Kate’s mind, we are all obsessed with her. Sigh.


complete with chewed off tail…


But none of them are of Bianca? (I checked.)


:cricket: :cricket: :cricket: :cricket: :cricket:


I’ll assume Bianca is dead from foaling out that “tumor” or starvation, since Kate Shearer can’t post one measly (edit: CURRENT) picture of the poor thing. Nothing on FB.

Her lies and BS get so tangled up, I sometimes wonder if Kate even remembers which mare is Bianca and which one is her latest egg factory.

I do love the “I’m getting so many apologies and messages of support in my inbox!!!1!” line. Such a familiar lie from Kate and other train wrecks like her.


I also checked Kate’s FB hoping I would be wrong and a picture would be posted of the mare in good condition. No picture.


It takes some serious mental distortions to find it amusing that the public believes you starve and neglect your horses.

We know that none of this is based off of fantasy like KS would like everyone to believe. Fortunately people did come forward with evidence and KS herself has admitted to her animals not being fed and locking a foal in a stall for escaping the pasture.


Agreed whole heartedly. Foal dead too I would assume. She will come back with some BS “you people are so crazy and obsessed with me” blah blah blah. Meanwhile…horses are still starving and she is trying to breed anything she can. so gross.


It would be so much better for everyone if Kate just took up one of those virtual horse stable games where you can breed for color and nothing actually dies when you lose interest and forget to log on.


No one is “pissed off”, Kate. Honestly you aren’t worth the energy.
What we are, is very sad and very concerned for your horses that keep ending up in neglectful situations that are always anyone and everyone else’s fault and responsibility but yours and nothing ever changes.


Or complete BS.


Going with complete BS


Complete BS for fifty Bob! I don’t even think she realizes what a bad liar she is. :rofl:


Love the trolls. Especially the magikal (is that how you all spell it) alfalfa. When it’s fed 2 flakes twice a day what a horse looks like. Actually put on a diet because she’s fat! Also yes the owner of the filly that had you all up in arms continues to message me to be friends and apologize and say it’s the nicest filly she’s ever had and things didn’t happen like the crazy lady Dwb or whoever on here said. So let’s stop the lynch mobbing now everyone. Go serve your purpose trying to harass someone else lol! Been fun but alas gotta go

I don’t think you’ve ever quite understood that you are not the important factor in any thread that highlighted the abysmal condition of your mares and foals.
Any human who saw them would naturally be “up in arms”. There are no trolls here, just advocates for welfare and care.
If this is indeed a current picture, then I’ll be the first to say thank goodness she looks like she has been given the respect and care she deserves.


And I don’t think that you realized the situation with a shitty barn manager stealing hay and everyone bounced back within a week. For goodness sakes but there we are 7 months later lamenting over the same shit. For goodness sakes! But alas no….you all wanted to comment on how shitty my breeding program is and in what I’m breeding but surprising Margie Engle has my weanling on her page, the us eventing team farrier for the Olympics bought a foal from me and many others. So this entire 7 months you all have continued to try to harm me has not done a single thing or changed a single thing for me. How dense are you? I was due to be home Nov 18 from the show when the foal was picked up. You hate my breeding great. Go look at Jessica wisdom who has a pure tuigpaard from me and what it looks like and the $$ she’s selling for. Like come on people on here. You might all be powerful in this tiny forum behind a computer but you have no idea what’s really going on in the world. Good day idiots

It’s sad that one has to be publicly shamed into taking care of their animals.


Oo ah! Name dropping and big $$. I’m impressed.
Again - glad she’s being fed.




Not publicly shamed at all. Again I was shipping in 15k semis of hay for my horses. The farm manager was not feeding mine but rather his and his bosses with it. So thanks anyways for trying there hunny