Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Well you all want to talk about how shitty my program is and the goals….guess not shitty at all. Would you like me to name everyone with one of mine and the various breed inspectors/riders that have looked at mine? I mean come on now idiots.

The mare looks like she is in Arizona, is that a current picture?

Also, your breeding program is haphazard at best.

Lastly, we are not idiots.

However, the mirror might be a very revealing tool for you.


Haha haphazard. That’s why I have what I have and the buyers. It’s just comical. Continue on please

Your density has no bounds. Carry on.


Not does yours lol

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There are better horses found in the Bowie Kill Pen on a weekly basis, than what you have ever bred.

Facts. They don’t seem to be your friends.


Definitely an old photo of the grey. Actually, quite obviously. Be careful dropping names. Many of us know these people. Try not to be an idiot. lol. If your breeding business was so good, why the hell are you still braiding? Seems like a real garbage job comparatively speaking.
But alas, you will still remain a chronic liar. Is it time to repost some of your disgusting photos you have posted in the past? lol. comical. but alas. lol.


what are you, Winnie the Pooh? “hunny”?


Sad to hear you think that. Glad it’s one random keyboard warrior versus actual professionals in the industry.

well you’ve been threatening to all along, so yes, please go ahead and name them all and prove it.


So Margie doesn’t have your weanling on her page… and even if she did you failed to mention that it is by Royce and she has been advertising him.

Further, eventing team farrier for the Olympics does not equal Olympic equestrian. She also advertises the horses at Dutch Harness Horses which you refuse to do. Ever.


It was last month. Guess your detective skillzzzzz aren’t that great. As to name dropping please go blast me with everyone I name drop. I’ve told them all about this forum and they laugh at this mess with you all! I mean when will understand that you guys are doing nothing other than just humiliating yourself. And why do I braid and breed and do everything else I do….I like money. Lots of money. What can I say. Living the good life is nice. You should try it

So truthful comments made on The Plaid Horse are the only ones that damaged you?



Considering I won that lawsuit as they were not truthful……try again. Tuigpaard is a Dutch warmblood.

I am not a keyboard warrior, but that does sound nice.

I am someone who takes better care of their horses and has a lot more riding experience than you.

We can leave it at that.


Why do you even name drop? So tacky. So, is that mare now in Arizona??? I would be shocked after it gave birth to the tumor AND shipped across country, it would look horrible.
We will wait for your next answer… I mean lie :joy:


First off it’s on Margie page. She has 2. Second team farrier has one from bowie, one from wim cazemier and one jumper from me. Any other clarification needed?

It was not and is not pregnant. Why are you incapable of believing this and yes I spent over 10k to ship quite a few back to az to my original farm. Surprise surprise I was not kicked out of az like you all assert. I just thought it would be nice to spend more time in person with the babies since I am in ocala more than az. But that’s ok. Arizona is my heart and massive support system



I’m on both and she in fact does not have your weanling on it. Additionally, I am not disputing the farrier has your horse, I’m just saying SHE calls them DHH and you refuse to do so. It is interesting.