Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

20k is over priced and no, person in this thread isn’t breeding the next Olympic superstar. We all agree.

I’m not a fan of her breeding program, but your post above was 100% going after “cart horses” and mean girl in spirit. Driving horses have value.

Would I buy a DHH, absolutely. They have great brains and are super fun athletic all rounders that are generally very safe. I love ASBs, Hackneys, DHH, and Arabians. Those are my preferred breeds.


Well, it is what it is. Many ARE cart horses and move like cart horses. She is breeding recklessly. I get what you like. No interference there. FTR, your buddy Kate is the actual mean girl. It’s unfortunately why we stoop. I know, not nice but you have seen all the pictures of her “horse care”. Yet, she keeps breeding with this newest one in a stall way tooo close to others. sad.


I’m no fan of Kate at all, but can we tone down the hysterics, please?

I know the person who is caring for those particular mares, and there is no “stuffing in cages” going on. :roll_eyes: You may not be familiar with west coast/AZ horse keeping practices, but those horses are in a “mare motel” type setup, which provides significantly more space per horse than a box stall. Honestly, being housed that way is much, much less stressful than fully enclosed box stalls; horses are herd animals, after all. The only runs that have more than one horse each are the ones containing mare/foal pairs, as far as I know.

While I may prefer to foal on straw rather than shavings, the runs as shown in those photos are in no way filthy as you have claimed.

Let’s direct the ire where it belongs and leave others out of it, shall we?


IMHO there is a world of difference between a “cart horse” and a “driving horse”.
Several lovely driving horses have been posted in this thread, to contrast with Kate’s “cart horses”


Kate I don’t think anyone is questioning that you are able to afford to feed and properly care for your horses. We are questioning why you aren’t doing it .


Never said anything about filth. I guess in my state, foaling stalls are used. idk. Either way, that Mare Hotel is not something I want my new baby foaled in with others so close while giving birth. It looks more like a mare mill than a “hotel”. Glad that some of her stock are there and being fed and looked after. No snark, I really mean it.


It’s usually not a good idea to be so adamantly critical of something you clearly don’t understand. Maybe google “mare motel” (not “hotel”) so you at least have an idea of what you’re looking at?


I’ll get right on that!

Being able to afford it and still not doing so is arguably far worse.


Your name calling, and general meanness actually starts to make Kate look better. You might reconsider this line of approach.


Nothing could make Kate look better. sorry. When I start starving horses, letting horses founder while slipping foals and have an emaciated herd, please let me know. thanks!

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I understand the need for lots of airflow if her mare is at a boarding facility in AZ. It’s hot there! But I personally would want my mare to have more privacy (in the stall section) and definitely more bedding.

Are you in AZ? It seems as though you know her.

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I am not in AZ. Never have been. Vacation, yes, living there, no.

There is typically a large paddock area connected to the stalls. Horses really do love them.

Agreed! My horses stall has a covered paddock extension. They do love it and it helps keep them moving when they are kept in for inclement weather.

Yes cart horse for sure! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Or this hbk bred from crap as well?


HBK bred from crap

Hbk bred from crap

I am not a fan of KS but to attack the living situation the recent foal is in is not it. I know the lady that owns that facility. Mare motels are very common in AZ. Too hot to have enclosed stalls. She takes great care of her own and any that are in her care. The horses seen next to her are a mare and foal, not 2 adult horses. Her stalls are very good sized, way bigger than a barn stall. I personally prefer straw over shavings when foaling but to each their own. Horses poop, there is going to be poop. Mare probably even pooped during the birthing process.

My only question is why this lovely lady continues to help KS out when anytime KS can talk crap about her she does. The vitriol she used to spew about this lady’s stallion and disdain for her training and care methods was mind boggling. But now that she needs something and has no other options she is all sweetness and love to her. See how long that lasts before she takes advantage of her as well. At least she is only stuck with 4 of her horses and not 10+ like most people get. And in her care the horses will get appropriately fed even if KS doesn’t pay for enough food.
When she does burn that bridge and is asked to leave it will some how end up being this person being evil. But at least she won’t be able to blame the condition of her horses on this person.