Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

One, have never said a thing about “her stallion” as she does not have one. So there is that. And I’ve had a long time relationship with this person. So maybe you should double check your facts before being so demonstrative in your allegations about what I have said etc.

Two, at least you semi know this person and know it was a mare/foal next to mine. I definitely would have a chat though with this person you know so you can clarify your stuff.

She did have a stallion by the name of Chauncey, just because she doesn’t have him anymore doesn’t mean you didn’t talk bad about him when she did have him. Nice try tho.

You are very good at painting yourself as the victim. And until someone experiences first hand who you really are as a person, they will not believe what others say. Until one day it happens to them and they wish they would have listened.


That was not her stallion first off. She rode it for Stacey who owned it and I braided it for Stacey. I never said a thing about that stallion. I had nothing to do other than I braided it like 8 years ago. Try again

Still a stallion she trained and had in her care. You can try to save face but those you talk trash behind their backs always find out at some point. Let’s not get started on what you used to say about Stacey.
Keep being in denial. It’s ok. I would want to be in denial too if I was as nasty and evil to people as you are.


Kate called posters on here “f**king morons” so I’m not really sure much can be said or done to make her look better. But that’s jmho :woman_shrugging:


I was not evil to Stacey at all. I was upset that sometimes I could not be paid for my services. But I never spoke about her horses or Jamie or anything to do with that stallion. So you really need to get your story straight. You forget that there are just as many people that know the truth and that what you’re saying never happened. But I am thankful for Stacey that decade ago because that’s when/how I met Jamie. Guess I’ve never screwed her over in all this time like you assert I do to everyone

Also I never touched that horse when it was in Jamie’s care. I didn’t even know it had gone to Jamie. I was so far out of the situation by years at that point. Really need to get your facts straight whoever you are lol

And finally everyone should know by know I don’t talk behind peoples backs I say it publicly and to someone’s face. If that doesn’t shine through on here then you don’t know a thing about my “reputation”. So if you are saying I so called talked behind peoples backs that’s a clear false statement.

Still name dropping I see… :roll_eyes:


Ok I’m confused you don’t want me to name anyone that has anything to do but then say I can’t name anyone with anything to do with my things so what would make you happy good boy?

I don’t really care what you do, but name dropping just makes you look bad. You blatantly lied about someone having 2 of your babies on their facebook page. That’s all.


I did not blatantly lie about anyone having my babies. What in gods green earth are you talking about?

I’m sorry you random person dislike me so much that you consistently have to try to find something to complain about in regards to me. I wish I had that time to spend on someone else’s life. Alas I’m way to busy with my own life and business to spend this exorbitant amount of time obsessing over someone else’s life!

Usual response. Meeee??? Honestly, imo, if your breeding program was so fruitful, you would have peaced out long ago and not given another mention to any of us plebeians. lol

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but, you are still here. :rofl: MANY of us dislike your horse husbandry. btw, who’s facebook page had two of your babies on it like you said? I forgot. :kissing_smiling_eyes:

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Because I have always stood up for right/wrong so I do respond. You’re right I should give two flying f***s. But I think someone needs to speak out against the craziness that you all create on here. There is a reason that you all continue to try to “harm” me and I continue to succeed. I mean hey if that’s what you like to do as you have nothing else to do in your life but sit on here and track my every move then good on you! Have fun. I live a fulfilled lovely life. I’m sorry you hate others successes but hope you get the help you need to make sure your life is as fulfilled as mine is. :kissing_heart:

Again, who’s facebook page had 2 of your babies on it according to you?


Multiple! :slight_smile:

:+1:t3: 🫶🏼 :roll_eyes:

Can we also get back to my original question. Can you please tell us again, who had 2 of your babies on their FB page?

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