Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

No worries I just talked to Stacey and Jamie about what you are talking about here and neither have any idea. So I guess if you want to fill us in that would be awesome

Hunter Holloway today. Margie kept the tags for 24 hours like she normally does and liked today’s baby post of the Royce colt as well. Payson lord posted hers of Simba that she purchased. Plenty of pics of phantom in Beck ratte. Wait but didn’t you say it’s tacky to name drop? Or is it only ok when answering your questions? You have me so confused on what rules to follow here. I think maybe they are just made as you go and name dropping is bad if I do it, but ok when you ask for it?

Or did I misinterpret your rules??

Awww hunny, hate to tell you, but that’s often just someone being polite.


No rules at all.

Actually all the posts stay up on the spy coast contact. So not being polite. But thanks for trying

Not a single mention on either of Hunter Holloway’s pages.


What posts? You assume everyone knows WTAF posts you are blathering on about? BTW, I never posted anything about deleted posts, just that likes are often people being polite


Because of course when you talk about people behind their back they are going to know about it?


You mentioned me evidently on your Facebook page, disparagingly.

I have zero social media presence. You should share whatever you have to say about me HERE, as this where the comments were made directly to you.

Me thinks you care too much about the “F-ing Idiots”
on COTH that care about your horses more than you do, apparently.

You should, as they keep proving to know more than you. Learn something. This forum has a lot to offer if only you could leave your vitriol banner behind.

Do you even RIDE horses? Real question.

I am curious if you have any idea of what’s behind what you are trying to “create”.


I read this discussion to look at the foals and discuss DUH horses. It has devolved into a lot of personal attacks and useless back and forth. Not interesting, not kind. I will scroll by.


And yet you still posted

I will say we have a couple posters getting personal and attacking things they don’t understand, which definitely undermines the valid points made here.

If Kate Shearer would stop breeding horses for no real purpose, feed the animals she already has, and cease the vitriol and unwarranted disgusting comments, this would be a pointless thread that would fade away.

If people would stop responding to Kate Shearer’s blabbering and BS and stay more factual, this thread might go back to being useful in a Google search for someone looking for a foal or to let a new boarder with a sob story into their barn.


I do think there is value in this conversation serving as a warning for anyone contemplating doing business with Kate Shearer. A Google search shows this thread near the top of the search results. Good on COTH for their SEO efforts.


If we want to double all the way back to the subject of the thread “Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping” and steer the discussion entirely away from Kate Shearer
 I will say that curious people should check out @TomNeese ‘s breeding program (Happy Dance Farm). He shared some about his imported tuigpaard mare on this thread - who jumped up to 1.3 meters, and her offspring when they crossed her with suitable jumping stallions.

If someone really does come across this thread and wants to pursue a DHH cross for jumping - contact Tom to learn more about good crosses. He seems to have produced some lovely horses :slight_smile:


Really, really lovely horses!


I think this clearly shows you have no idea what or who you are talking about and should do more research before trying to jump on a wheel less bandwagon lol

Kate has major FOMO. Again, if she had such a great breeding program, she would not be here.


My goodness. I question, like the majority do, how you decide upon what you breed and how poor conditions seem to overshadow your breeding program.

Your reputation precedes you, my dear. I had heard of you years prior in Arizona, no research necessary, the warning label was already out.

I tire of YOU attacking people. That’s when I speak up.

I hope the babies you have made do well in life. I sincerely do.

It is nice to see the pictures show healthier foals than what I have seen you produce. Good for you.

You could form friendships here, learn from some very wise people if you wished. Instead, you act as you do.

Not having a social media presence doesn’t mean I am a nobody. You just don’t know me.

In fact, there are MANY high caliber riders, trainers and breeders here. You just don’t know who they are.

The only bandwagon here has to do with the one you try to ride when you cross stallions that earned merit with mares that have not.


This is the most perfect post on this thread. Thank you!


Man your rules on her name drop but then asking names. Saying I should be on here to respond but then it shows I’m a nothing because I respond. Your rules here are so very confusing