Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Heard of me in Arizona? lol! Everyone knows me/doc in Arizona. It created a huge crater with two sides. That’s what happens when a man leaves a 17 yo child alone and moves in with another woman. I mean the horse world is small and everyone loved the saga

Sounds like you carry some stuff from whatever happened during that vulnerable period in your life. I’m sincerely sorry.


I don’t recall ever asking you to name names. I think way back somebody may have asked about all those 5* riders who come by and give praise and make multiple offers on your horses.

Your dad left your mom at 17 and moved in with another woman? Seriously? Good lord, that is a piece of white bread compared to others stories. Grow up man. Didn’t you try to sue your own father?


She did sue her own father.


My mother died from cancer and my father moved out within a week and into my horse vets home. I’ve been on my own since 17. And yes I sued my father for over 100k I gave him/my stepmother in cash to buy a property from them(they needed the money) that ended up having a massive tax lien on so I could not gain title. You’re right….white bread.

I am sorry that your father did not grieve in a way that you approve of and that it has clearly caused you issues.
It might be worth talking to a counselor or such to help you thru that pain, which you are clearly still dealing with.


Not dealing with any pain at all. I’m great. But also why I find things like this thread comical. Come at me from every direction and you will still get the same answers and the same person. I believe in honesty and truth and no matter how many times you want to say I have no idea what I’m talking about and breeding shit and abusing animals and wearing flip flops I will continue. It’s just comical here and I actually enjoy reading all the idiots comments on here.


I’m still sorry for what you went through at 17. I think it’s a lot.

Maybe spend some time with your dogs today? And skip COTH? My dog tends to make me laugh and improve my mood more often than not.


Your posting here has proven otherwise. It is great that this is what you are striving for, I hope you succeed at some point.


Succeed at some point? I already have a thriving business, great education, amazing home, spectacular animals and great group of friends. I would say I’m succeeding. But heck what do I know. I need to come to coth to find out about my life I guess from random people on here :rofl:

It’s traverse city and jhf. Work work work! No time to “relax”. And yes what I experienced is why I am and do everything I do for other children. All those that actually know me know this, but heck coth is the go to for everything on my life and knows it all. :rofl:

Look, it seems you have moved on some of your youngsters to good homes, the grey mare that many of us were concerned about is doing better, and you have rearranged your boarding situation and all your horses are in a better situation than they were previously (last summer and fall). That’s all good news.

I hope traverse city is productive.


Taking a comment out of context and then going on a rant about it might be considered not being truthful and honest…


@Kasheare. I’m very sorry about what happened to your mom and to you. That time must have been incredibly painful to you. I also lost my mom as a teenager. It was difficult.


You don’t have to be sorry. Shit happens. It is what creates and builds us up to be the people we are today. I just find it comical that the people on here continue to try to target my personal life when they legitimately do not know a thing. And yes I’m wearing my flip flops in traverse city for all those following that

Why did you change your profile picture?

You could just say “thanks.” Cause it was a legitimately kind comment.


Because I had this fun piece of art and I thought it would be fun for an avatar.

When you pay bucks for art, it is fun to share it.

Why don’t you have an avatar?


THIS!!! Even with a soft, kind, post, she still comes out swinging. Sad, she really thinks we care about her. Too bad. What a life it must be. So happy and full of joy. :roll_eyes:


Don’t need one. You all know who I am and can go ogle at the things I post whenever you want