Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Haha I don’t think you care about me. You care about trying to belittle someone. There is a difference and you, for some reason, can’t seem to get there so you take as many different avenues as possible and still not working

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Very good reason. Thank you.

I think they are fun, so I change mine from time to time.

Thankfully the forum allows us both to do it how we want. That is a good forum feature.


To clarify, VHM was not the one who said something nice to you that they are commenting about.

You said something snarky to a very kind post to you by someone who is not VHM.

Are you having a hard time following the conversation?


You literally cannot help yourself can you? Since there is nothing else to take me down for you are literally now hating on me because I commented back to someone in an improper manner when it should have been addressed to someone else. This is literally your life? What you enjoy? What you spend all this time on? Oh my goodness thank you for the great laugh. This is the best trubandloki. I’m so glad that you spend this much time on me. You’re welcome to continue following.

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Exactly. I was referring to the empathetic post by @Aussie_2020 .

I have been called many things on COTH over the years. Probably many of them merited - whatever. But I don’t think I’ve ever been called evil or conniving before. Not even in the CE forum. :upside_down_face:

Huh. So strange. And here I was feeling kind of sorry for you. Sigh. Whatever.


I too thought that was a very kind and caring post.


Never feel sorry for a narcissist. They don’t care and will never, ever have one empath bone in their body. One continues to ask, why are you still here Kate? Certainly with all your friends and supporters you could find something more comical to respond too aside from being on this petty forum. BUT you can’t. Still not sure what you are trying SO HARD to prove? You are a proven liar, time after time after time, again, you have malnourished many of your horses but continue to breed and breed you build a bear program. Honest question? Yeah, you hate those. Why do you even bother coming on here? please, no moreof the “it’s comical” excuses. It’s getting old. You have and will continue to abuse animals in your “care”. You only care about the transaction. Period.


I’m sitting in hotel bored. What can I say. And I love all the people that legitimately don’t know me that have labeled me every which way. Not a single person that actually knows me would call me a narcissist. But hey whatever floats your boat good boogie!

All people here have to go by is the way you present yourself. So if they have come to an erroneous conclusion - maybe you should consider why.

You constantly post about how comical it is that people have concerns and opinions… how bemused you are… how hilarious you find this thread/forum… and yet here you are posting alongside us common folk. You even meet well-meaning posts with tiresome sneers and contempt.

You have labelled posters here as you please - with zero knowledge of their backgrounds and expertise and horsemanship. You know better! Maybe if you removed that giant chip from your shoulder… I have found that such things weigh you down and it is best to simply cast them aside. It can be done.

It is great news.


No giant chip. This post and all of you have spent so much time obsessing over little old me. That’s why I find it comical! I wonder who the next person will be that you jump all over. I have my popcorn so I’m ready and waiting for it. Truthfully though this is a mean girl site by people that do nothing but sit behind a keyboard. I would be embarrassed to be one of the people on here trying to belittle another. There has been 0 done here to help anything. The purpose served is nothing. That’s what I find comical. All the people with all the thoughts and all the judgment that have done nothing

What would you have us do? Feed your horses? Foal out your mares? Clean the stalls?

Many don’t realize how trauma affects them. It took me 30 years to understand the depth of loss that can happen to us. It’s like a type of PTSD. So I will have empathy for that teenage you whether you want it or not.


But didn’t you just say…


LOL! so what she is saying is “I am soooooo busy with my fabulous life” I have no time to come on COTH with you losers. But yet, here you are. :rofl: AGAIN. But alas, I am off to make anther charcuterie tray and invite all the other old invalids over.






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Adios! You will be missed good boogie

Comical - again. So full of disdain and contempt. That chip you will not acknowledge is getting in your way.

Sorry, Kate - I have no time to sit around a hotel room and be bored and post with the lowly riff riff that amuse imperial me. I do not sit at a keyboard all day. I just drop in while having lunch and doing farm paperwork, ordering supplies etc. All the minutiae of running a breeding farm.

You know nothing about what others do away from this forum - yet you sit there and judge and smirk and sneer like a “mean girl” … confident that no one here has your expertise, horsemanship, horse sense etc. THAT, my friend, is the comical part.


Glad you spend so much time out of your busy breeding farm day on me! That definitely is comical!

I really am honored that every break in the day you come on here to check on me and comment about me. Starting to sound a bit like a criminal minds episode with your obsessiveness on me right?