Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

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Sigh. You can call me conniving if it helps you feel better about this whole situation. I do feel sorry for 17 year old you. And I am glad youā€™ve had luck selling some youngsters, and that all your horses seem to be in better condition (especially the grey mare) and the new boarding arrangements are better.

Good luck with it all.


I think you are a mean girl behind a keyboard with nothing better to do than berate someone else that is successful. Itā€™s a weird fixation


Girl. You are the number one contributor on this train wreck of a thread and you have constantly sat behind a keyboard belittling people. I really think a little bit of self awareness could go a long way in your life.


Iā€™m guessing she finally left the hotel room and got around to braiding.

Anyway, I think we should all just wish her well at this point. It is what it is. Maybe the next time she pops back into the discussion, she can share some pictures of her beautiful braiding work . That might be a positive change of pace and direction for this thread.


Everyone is entitled to their own definition of successful.




I do not even make the top 24ā€¦ but have no plans to change that. Not very obsessive of me, I knowā€¦



VHM, I think youā€™ve shown more than once here that we (g) are willing to ease the pedal from the metal and offer human empathy along with positive feedback regarding the conditions of the mares and foals that disturbed many people.

Kate, people here have acknowledged that the horses appear to be in better circumstances and have offered their sympathy for a difficult period in your life, that you described. People do that, you know, because they can relate to such events, and their empathetic selves feel it. Yet, you choose to swat those comments down because your fall-back position is hostile and combative, you get your rocks of, so to speak, on name calling which quite frankly seriously diminishes the points you wish to make. We get that youā€™re living your best life, so busy, so fulfilled, so wealthy, so knowledgeable etc., etc. Yet the only way you choose to highlight your version of reality is to present all of that with the typical sting in the tail of ā€˜all of you are such idiots that I canā€™t be bothered wasting my precious time with youā€™ - whilst simultaneously outranking anyone here for participation in the thread.

Of course, youā€™re free to disparage anyone in this thread as mean girls, idiots, comical and whatever else you learnt to retort in high school.

Hereā€™s a novel idea Kate - accept grace when itā€™s given and see if youā€™re able to return it in kind.


Side noteā€¦I didnā€™t see any well known riders ā€œlikingā€ any of her recent posts. Soā€¦thereā€™s that.


Iā€™ve been on the planet long enough to observe that truly successful people donā€™t brag continually about how generally successful they are.

They might highlight a particularly meaningful accomplishment now and again, but usually they let results speak for themselves.


So, which profile is just horses?


Bump! So can stay in purview of all. Crickets here with all the drama recently? No comments?

I guess no one was paying any attention to you or whatever the latest drama is that you are referring to.


Be well.


Ohā€¦ I thought maybe you would have posted the link to the supposed weanlings of yours posted by Margie Engleā€¦ but just your crickets. Got it.



Shades of LK anyone?


Quoting myself.

When you hit your teens, Kate, let us know so we can congratulate you on that milestone.


Will do! Just surprised none of you have seen the viral post about the TC fire. Would expect someone on here to say something after all you all investigate my entire life down to my footwearā€¦.

We are hoping that anyone who thinks you are the hero of the story or the source of great info does a simple search and finds this thread. That will give more info as to who you are and all of your worldly wisdom way more accurately that what comes out of your mouth