Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?


Well at least that one looks like it’s eating so I suppose we should all be grateful for that


Per that ad -

Not fair to face the baby mama life on her

I daresay most mares would much rather spend their lives raising babies, and preferably in a field with a herd of other mamas, than to have to live the life of a competition horse, living in a 12x12 stall with little to no turnout, little to no contact with other horses, and having to endure the stresses of training, traveling, performing, etc. :wink:

Aside from that - who is the dam of that filly? One of her DHH mares?


Does she even hear herself? “She was to be left in my broodmare herd as she is such nice quality, but she loves attention and learning. Not to her force the baby mama life on her” :thinking:wtf




Given how she treats her mares I think most would choose a life of competition rather than stay with her.


Just another ridiculous sales pitch since it is still on her payroll and didn’t sell the minute it was born. Maybe if “she” wants it soooo bad, others will too. What a joke. Just one of many issues with a narcicissist. They really do think they know everything and believe nobody else is not as smart as them.


There was also a since-deleted post in which she shared an email from a client, complete with that client’s name, because the client was refusing to pay a leave-in fee for braiding. When asked if the fee structure had been communicated to said client beforehand and if perhaps that should be part of her business practices, she kept repeating that the client was referred by another client (and that demonstrates that the client knew about an extra fee for leaving in the braids how?).

Not someone I would want to deal with for horse sales OR for braiding.


I found her long rant about no longer taking leave in clients because of this person who did not know they were a leave in client because they only hired a braider for one day, only one day.

Strange that braiders assume that a one day hire means something other than a one day hire.

I wonder what the assumed number of days a person is going to be using a braider is for when they are hired for one day? Is a person required to show for more than one day if they hire this braider?


What is a leave-in fee/client?

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Seems to be a $50 additional fee for clients who leave one set of braids in for two days of showing, rather than having the horse braided twice.

Unclear if it applies to those who only show one day per week in a division that requires braiding, or how it’s meant to be tracked. A lot of since-deleted comments were asking the same question, but it seems everyone is just meant to know about it and happily pay.


Thanks for that clarification. I had the same question as the above poster.

Count me as another person who wouldn’t have known that there is an additional fee for planning to leave braids in. That would definitely be something I’d expect a service provider to bring up BEFORE I’d paid or they’d rendered services.


Is the 2022 filly above (now a 2 yr old) the same poor creature pictured here?



Hmmm, comparing the markings – maybe so?


I think it is the same undernourished weanling filly, out of a harness mare with no competition record, that is now a 2yr old. She was in the keuring (2nd premium) in 2022?

How much is the asking price for this one? Apparently people will pay for color but an untrained 2yr old with that conformation behind can’t appeal to many. Perhaps a backyard breeder that breeds for color, and nothing else, will perpetuate this farce.

I hope not.


Why would one ever use a braider that expected money for not doing work? That’s just ridiculous.


It depends how it is framed!

“Hey everyone, I charge $150 for braids. Oh, you’re going to take them out at end of day and have me redo them tomorrow? I’ll give you a $50 discount.” vs “I’m charging $100 for braids. Oh, you want to leave them in overnight so you don’t have to get a braider tomorrow. Then give me an extra $50.”

The first option would make me feel like I was getting a deal, while also ensuring that the braider is making enough money* for the entire venture to be worth it. The second option makes me feel like I’m nickled and dimed.

*Apparently this entire disagreement started because Kate feels that using one set of braids across multiple days undercuts braider’s ability to make a sustainable profit. Ex. If the majority of people get braids on Friday and leave them in for Saturday/Sunday, it screws up the schedule. Braider A winds up needing extra help to get all the horses ready on Friday and then there is little/no work for the rest of the weekend.


And yet, on the other side of this making money coin, Kate Shearer is always bragging about the amazing money she makes as a braider.
So confusing that it is either one side or the other - it is so hard for a braider to make a profit vs. I make more as a braider than I ever would as a lawyer.

Her pricing is whatever it is. But she needs to communicate that to people up front and not be annoyed that a referral did not know by osmosis. Them not knowing is her fault, not theirs. She is a business person and in theory an almost lawyer, she should know that she is responsible for being clear about her pricing.


And then complains about her customers on FB!


So did she actually put this client on blast on her FB page?? Names and all?