Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

I read that completely differently. She seems to be de-escalating and employing the most diplomatic and kind language I can imagine in the face of a disgruntled person.

I believe that was requested above was YOUR communications to her, not more of her communications. This second reveal of private communications from her seems to only cement her reputation as level-headed, calm, civil, and downright kind. What someone was, understandably, wondering above was - what is your half of this conversation?

If you are so lightning quick to reveal someone elseā€™s private messages, why are not revealing your own part in that back-and-forth?

Itā€™s really unfair and uncool to reveal only her responses and not your own. And super suss.


Scribbler I ran my first recognized three day event at 7. I was never in the Arab world. I was stuck with a herd of Arabians to disperse due to my father/stepmother and their mess so I actually produced a few in the sport horse world after law school and chose one mare to breed to a Dutch stallion. She had 4 foals. All of which sold. All of which were bred specifically for sport horse.

And again you are wrong. Man I love you all and your idiotic thoughts lol! I rescued the Arabians and rehomed many and kept a single mare. This was after I had my own Kwpn mares.

Actually no money. I was 17 when she died and my father and stepmother blew through everything. Paid every dime of my way through college, law school, LLM, MS. Itā€™s called working hard and running a successful business.

What did you do your LLM in? Just curiosity as I did one, too, but not the typical one.


Mediation and arbitration



BS and MS in family and human development. Finishing MS in Mental Health counseling. There is no money in my law love of juvenile dependency and I would like to be an adjunct combing legal students and mental health counseling students in court proceedings for juvenile dependency. So everyone here saying I can make so much more as a lawyer needs to go check out the salaries for juvenile dependency state attorneys. Even at retirement you top out at 100 but you start around 50. That doesnā€™t pay bills. Itā€™s very easy common sense. And no I donā€™t want to just practice law to make money. I do things that I want to do because I feel a difference needs to be made.

I agree with this. She does braid well.

I also agree with the rest of your post.


Plus for everyone talking about the HA/KWPN foals you can see two presenting at the KY keuring next Sunday!

Edit to add this is a yearling gelding.

Fair enough. And there is nothing wrong with that approach. I took the opposite - straight to the biggest BigLaw there was. I traded my ability to say ā€˜noā€™ for the kind of cash that helped my family (Iā€™m another self-financed/helping the family type) and helped me do things I could never have done otherwise. No regrets and both approaches are equally valid so I hear you.


I do not have clients tiptoeing. I give respect and expect respect. If you donā€™t like my policies then find another braider. I donā€™t blackball anyone like other braiders. Itā€™s a free market. Clients come and go and I donā€™t want to retain anyone that is unhappy. But I do offer a service that makes it easy for clients to not have to worry about finding various braiders at various shows amongst states as I have a great group. As to people asking why anyone works for me. Because if you actually meet me in person and know me Iā€™m
Incredibly kind and generous. Just because I stand up for myself and am firm in policies here does not mean that I do not go above and beyond for employees. They get paid weekly immediately and I will choose not to work if numbers tank so that my employees are guaranteed their work numbers. We have a strong team because they know I will do this for them. They are put before me.

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I was that way up until my mother passed and I had to live through issues. It made me want to help others who felt helpless. My business does well billing out 20-30k a week. I donā€™t want for things but I also choose to spend my money on what I believe is something I would want to ride. So everyone talking about the money I spendā€¦.absolutely a shit ton! I donā€™t breed for money at all! I lose money. But I believe in it and so I do it and love it, yes Iā€™ve trusted the wrong people to care for my animals. Iā€™m an absentee owner and people will do what they want. But Iā€™ve also been taken advantage of from big time
Places because they saw $$$ walk through the door. I am who I am and I do not need to apologize for what I do. Everyone wants to take me over the coals and that is fine. Iā€™ve had two buyers come to me after seeing this thread. Mean girls will be mean girls. It is humorous though to read over everything and all the things I supposedly did or know. Anyone can look up the UBE scores from 2012 and see my name on them :wink:

FWIW, and it may be worth nothing to you, I do not see the majority of folks on here as ā€˜mean girlsā€™. People were genuinely shocked at the condition of your foals and your mares. And I am one of those people.

Most the pro bono I do is related to animals and animal welfare so this is something Iā€™m passionate about which is the only reason I participate in this thread.

I say this without snark - I am surprised your advanced degree is in mediation/arbitration because you are so caustic, both here and on social media. And I mean, remarkably so, not just the garden variety people having a bad day type of thing. Surely you must tire yourself of such frequent tension through several spheres of your life: braiding, breeding, dogs, social. Would you not apply some of the principals of communication and conflict resolution that surely you learned in your LLM programme to your own life an business?

To that end, what is your half of the conversation with Drew. Because, I am being level with you here: she comes off as so professional in what youā€™ve exposed. But, you must understand, exposing private communications like that is the nuclear option in a dispute. Nothing youā€™ve exposed shows her in a light other than measured and mature and utterly professional. What is your part in that conversation?


Iā€™m caustic here because Iā€™m being attacked down to wearing flip flops. Itā€™s absolutely asinine. And Iā€™m actually a very good mediator and as I said if anyone here knew me personally (not what they heard or a one time interaction) Iā€™m very protective of individuals and help everyone. I want to see happy at the end as I will never have that with my own family.

Hopefully they load in order. That being said here you go! There are many that have left the Kwpn for various reasons after being told Bart was 100% sure he gave the right score I was talking to my client about things and how to handle and move on. I really did believe in them but it is politics and I just donā€™t feel like dealing with it. Obligated for my 3 going to KY but will be switching to BWP afterwards.

Also I deal with about 10x the amount of people that most do on a daily basis. I have 548 text I need to dive through after this week of braiding. I address immediate needs and then handle others after. If a personal assistant would be accepted amongst my clients I would hire one in an instant. I even still pay my dog sitter the 2k a month to manage the dogs schedule and clean everything even if Iā€™m home. Iā€™m trying to take stress off everywhere I can but my clients do not want to deal with anyone but me. Iā€™ve suggested paying to have an app made where they can make scheduling on it and that was a no. People expect me to respond 24/7. And I do. I genuinely care about everyone and helping them, but it lets my personal life issues slip through sometimes. But I now check cameras and am on things with the horses. I have a great support system that helps a ton. My problem is o trust. If I pay money for a service I trust you do it. Just like my clients paying for us. We get it done. That has not been the case. I moved my older 2 mares and a young 2yo filly back to Arizona to the fabulous repro vet Dr Souza. Because if we canā€™t get an ET then they will retire there happy. My 2yo filly will go into training with a good friend of mine who actually owns the Halifax colt targeted at GP, of which she has had many.

Lawyer to laywer here: your communications to her from jump are hyper emotional, super negative, contain WAY too much extraneous and personal info that is not relevant to the discussion at hand, and border on rude in several places.

Again, professional to professional: see how Drew responds to you? Never taking the bait, never lowering herself to trade blows with you, staying professional, unemotional, even thanking you for the correction. Just as an example, hereā€™s how you might have sent that first email:

Dear Ms. Kemerling (or Drew if you two are very familiar):

I appears that my first premium jumper weanling is missing from the Ocala post. I know these events have a lot of moving parts and I wouldnā€™t complain for no reason, but it is a matter of some professional pride for me so it is important that it get corrected at the absolute earliest possible convenience. Though I do not have them to hand, I have the sheets I was given and the scores posted do not match the scores on my sheet. If it would be helpful, I can have someone access those and provide them to you.

I believe there may have been a mistake in assigning scores for another foal to mine as the order of go was shuffled and a similar mistake was made at the event.

May I ask you as a matter of urgency to please double check your records and I will have someone access the records on my end, if need be, so that we can get this correct as soon as possible?

I appreciate your immediate attention to this matter as the cost of presenting is not inconsiderable and the results do have an impact on my programme.

Many thanks for your time and attention to this matter,
Kate Shearer


You do not understand the hostility behind everything though. So yes when I have a single minute to send a text from my phone about the issues yet again (2 out of 2 so far in keurings) I just wanted it fixed and the fact that it was 100% sure the scores were as they were I just said Iā€™m over it. Then to hear that my client that hosted a keuring was laughed at when they gave her a placard with keuring spelled wrongā€¦.I donā€™t need to give these people money. Itā€™s pointless. End of story. Yes I could be ā€œproperā€ and ā€œnoteworthyā€ in my emails. There is a reason I chose not to be :wink:

Also if you notice it was Kelley not Drew that corrected things. Drew was all about Bart being correct, just saying I do not need to spend 2k on a single day for maybe 10 minutes of judges time when they continue to have issues. That is my right and Kwpn is a private organization. They can do as they please.

I understand you think you are achieving something with the way you go about things but Iā€™m telling you, what you are achieving is not what you think. Iā€™m actually in a help me help you situation here. You are killing yourself. You are overworking by your own description because, even though you say this:

you have failed entirely to establish boundaries and demand respect from your clients as you grow your business beyond you doing every bit of admin. That is not someone who expects respect and has a ā€˜if you donā€™t like my policies then find another braiderā€™ approach. You describe a woman who is a slave to her clients whinging that they will deal with no one but her, wonā€™t use an app, wonā€™t accept a trusted employee as a point of contact.

In other words, the exact opposite of what you describe.

So, you arenā€™t establishing clear, consistent and reasonable boundaries as a business owner which in turn is hobbling the growth of your business. You are failing completely in standing up for yourself, your time, and your business growth.

But the one area you WILL exert yourself in is being abrasive and confrontational, saying a thing the most dramatic and disruptive way possible when you could be cool, confident, professional and get the same results with a fraction of the cortisol spike (and damage to your reputation).

If you communicate with people in the dreadful, unprofessional, combative way for a ā€˜reasonā€™, Iā€™m suggesting you consider engaging them in a completely different way for a fraction of the cost to you and for the same or a better outcome.

It just makes no sense to go through life this belligerent this much of the time. Itā€™s not healthy for you and not good for your business(es).