Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

I remember when she posted it. She thought it was great and showed how clever he was. :roll_eyes:


The furthest Iā€™m willing to go here is that all horses look better when theyā€™re fed.


Sellers can put any kind of price they want on a horse but very often take less, esp. when they need to get the horse off their payroll. They may know the horse isnā€™t worth what they are asking, but maybe some noob will fall for it and pay the list price. And if she is marketing through trainers, she may have deals like, ā€œHey, I need at least $10K, but letā€™s market it at $25K and split the profit.ā€

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True, but if I saw a horse like that who was out of my budget but also didnā€™t check all the boxes, I wouldnā€™t bother inquiring.


That could be. I paid 7500 for a 3 y o DHH cross 4 years ago and that was a LOT of money for me lol. I am an OTTB and Arab person! I bought him for lower level eventing, jumping, trails and whatever else I feel like doing. I absolutely love him and while we are very slow to actually get any show goals accomplished due to various issues in my life, he is not the limiting factor, thatā€™s for sure! Personally I feel like he is a nicer horse overall than say a typical OTTB (way better feet (barefoot on rocks!) sounder, quieter, more presence, and more talent. Now, this is not to say that I donā€™t love an OTTB, donā€™t get me wrong!!! I donā€™t think there is anyway that I will ever spend more than $10k on a horse, if that, so I wouldnā€™t even look at Kateā€™s horses if I was shopping. But I do like them.


No one is disputing this. Where there is conflict is that KS seems to want to hide the damā€™s side of the equation and make grandiose claims about the future of the foals. And then crappy care that many times that comes with an owner who is never in the same state of her breeding program, the majority of the mares and babies frequently moving, and the not insignificant detouring from the path of truth. Such as the emaciated grey mare with a tumor who was living out her days and in reality turned out to be pregnant.


My guess is Saratoga is a novice on many levels and there is nothing wrong with this. NOBODY wants anything to do with KS because of her horrible horse husbandry, her constant lies, and letā€™s face it, her questionable stock. Who on earth would ever pay her prices to buy a puzzle with missing lifelong pieces for what she is marketing them as. Itā€™s pretty black and white.


Thanks for letting me know something I didnā€™t know. Who knew B is pregnant?! Bahaha

I guess then the people that have bought my stock, such as Jessica, must just be morons in your opinion. Iā€™ll make sure that your opinion is passed along to them

I never said anything like that. Please try to read for comprehension. You have lied 3 times about the whole Jessica situation. Who even knows anymore. Why doesnā€™t she have the papers if she bought the horse?


What have I lied about with the Jessica situation? Iā€™ve not lied about anything. Iā€™m definitely interested in the supposed lies here now lol

She needed to microchip and send in hair for Dna. Once done then papers would be printed and sent to her. She hasnā€™t done it. Nothing I can do until that happens. All the paperwork has been filed and when she sends in microchip then papers will be printed.

I mean you did say this above did you not? Who on earth would ever pay my prices to buy a puzzle. Well Jessica did. Soā€¦.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I did say that. Donā€™t see the word moron there at all. Please, again, try to read for comprehension. So basically, you have one person who has bought one of your viking ships! Good for you! Please keep breeding. You are soooo good at it. We all know, she took it on to try to make a buck and looky there, she calls it a DHH??? Why didnā€™t you? We all would like to know. Why do you keep hiding the mares Kate? [Edit]


My babies are registered jumper type. Nick is a full tuigpaard. There is a difference. What are these 3 lies you have asserted that I have made? Iā€™m dying to know.

These are not quality well bred animals for any discipline. Several very nice harness and driving horses have been posted in this thread.


A point of clarification - are you Nickā€™s breeder or did you purchase him?


I thought Kate said in the fb post she had the horses papers. So now there are no papers since the paperwork isnā€™t complete. Hmmm.


Registered Jumping Type :rofl: 3 lies? oh goodness, how I would love to play tit for tat with you. Itā€™s your favorite game. The game of deflection. But, me along with others, have tired of your overall immaturity, lack of any empathy, and the overall hubris.


Itā€™s always something.