Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

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@Kasheare remember this from today? This lie?


Foalbook (vb) generally includes foals

  • by: Approved KWPN stallions, Erkend stallions or Erkend Thoroughbred stallions;
  • out of: KWPN Foalbook, Studbook, Register A, Register B, Auxiliary Foalbook, Auxiliary Studbook or Erkend studbook mares. Horses registered in the Foalbook may be presented for studbook without completing any other requirements.

So, does that say that any foal born with the right parents get that designation? That it has nothing to do with higher or lower quality, it is just how foals are registered until they moved to some other designation?


Here is the info from the KWPN NA Website for Register A Foals. And from reading thru this I would rather have a Reg A foal as there is potential for Keur and Elite status. I would not call FoalBook (vb) the highest designation, in terms of registration.

Register A (Reg A) generally includes foals

  • by: Licensed KWPN-NA stallions, stallions approved with an Erkend studbook
  • out of: KWPN Foalbook, Studbook, Register A, Register B, Auxiliary Foalbook, Auxiliary Studbook, Thoroughbred or Erkend Studbook mares. Register A foals are eligible for keuring premium grading classes. Horses registered in the Register A may be presented for studbook and Ster without any further requirements. However, to be eligible for Keur and Elite status, further veterinary requirements may need to be completed. These may include radiographs, D-OC and/or performance.

You do realize that VB is the highest registration and is eligible for all predicates without the extra that A foals must go through right?

Are any of your mares studbook mares? Are any of them ster mares?

You talk quite a bit about retaining some of your fillies for more breeding. Did these fillies receive first or second premium as foals?


In fact they are!!! :slight_smile: But since you are so good at finding things I’ll let that be your next assignment to find them all! Have fun! My drive is done and I’ve arrived in Raleigh so until next time!



And yes first premiums. But didn’t you all say above keurings don’t matter? Can’t keep track of you all.

Was Sasha first premium?


It sounds like it just means that you used a licensed KWPN stud…

So, once again, all that means is anyone (literally anyone) with a few thousand dollars for semen and a uterus can breed. Just because fancy sounding things come out of it like “vb” or “first premium” doesn’t make it right.

I’ll look forward to seeing the KB initials join the likes of the PS, PR, SCF, and LS.

From the sounds of it, we’ll be seeing some in the 5* in the coming years.


She always leaves without answering questions. It’s on my bingo card. “but alas, I have to work” lol.


Right. The main emphasis being on either Licensed or Approved. Approved stallions with qualifying mares can go into the main foal registry. Licensing is a bit different and can be provisional and can mean stallion testing hasn’t been done yet.

There really isn’t a huge difference with vb versus reg a books. Both are eligible for keurings as foals and colts are eligible for the studbook. Registry A mares can have foals by approved stallions and be entered into the vb.

ETA: also FWIW, the top producing KWPN dressage stallion in the US for the past few years has foals with registry a papers. He has been the number one producer of premium foals for a few years. The stallion is approved with the Eurkend studbook which is why his offspring get reg a. Registry A does not mean subpar quality and does not mean lesser quality than vb foals.


Thank you @Warmblood1, I appreciate you explaining the details!


My pleasure


You are speaking of Gaudi, correct? I did not know that AES was erkand and have been wondering how his foals were getting KWPN papers since he did not complete performance requirements due to injury. He is for sure a wonderful horse though and has a superb pedigree!


Yes AES is erkend by KWPN as they are a WBFSH studbook.

My mare by Gaudi is reg. A, which does not affect earning predicates like Ster/Keur/etc. Her foals by approved KWPN stallions will be foalbook (VB).

Register B is a different story however.


Yep, Gaudi. He’s a super producer with a good stamp. You can usually pick them out of a field. Sometimes the most vetted and athletically proven stallions are not strong producers who reliably stamp their genetics.


I have always found the KWPN rules to be too complicated for my tiny brain. Add to that the different categories under their umbrella. So I am curious - if a mare is foal book in the “harness horse” division, then is it foal book in all the categories, specifically “riding horses” - jumpers or dressage horses? So that is how the foals from DHH’s are VB? And this transfers to riding horses? Confusing to me.

I did read this - According to KWPN breeding guidelines: “In principle, the breeding direction of the father will determine the breeding direction of the offspring”.

“Riding horses produce riding horses, and harness horses produce harness horses. However, this can be changed if necessary. Some of the most talented KWPN jumping horses excel in dressage, and vice versa.”

I still find it strange that the Saddlebred and Hackney Blood can be added to riding horses along with traditional bloodlines even if it is an open studbook.