Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Exactly, poor thing thinks if we have horses on pasture, we don’t feed them. ummm, ok


Re: the mental health angle

I certainly think many mental health issues are at play here, but I do not believe people should stop having conversations about those who may be mentally ill because of it. A few reasons come to mind, a large one being that if an individual decides to enter the mental health field as a professional but are mentally ill themselves, people should know. People should be accountable for their actions and how they choose to participate. I’m not making any implications here but fortunately, when you google the main character of this thread, this thread will show up and it will provide enlightenment for many.

It reminds me of a registered nurse actively working at the VA hospital who was committed to a mental institution. While the nurse was a committed patient, she was still actively trying to run the inpatient groups because she was delusional enough to believe she had NOT been committed and that she was still doing her job as usual. These situations actually happen. It’s scary.

Unfortunately, mental instability often causes many to suffer, including animals. The discrepancy here isn’t a minor incident, at least one animal has been starved, KS has admitted to locking a foal in a stall for escaping a pasture, we’ve seen pictures of the poor gray mare in abhorrent condition being ridden who could have also been bred despite an abdominal tumor. One can try to deflect and pretend that people are angry for minuscule reasons like calling a horse a “Dutch WB” but the reality is is that there are much bigger issues at play. We shouldn’t cover that reality because someone else won’t accept it.

All my humble little opinion and such.


I can’t find the post I was going to respond to but I have one more thought before I go out and enjoy this beautiful 77 degree weather. @Kasheare, you know, you are right that there are a few people with DHH crosses for sale that do NOT have 6000 post threads about them online. Maybe take a little personal inventory and consider why that is.

WB out.


Enjoy WB! Our temps are amazing as well. Gym tonight but pony boy the next 3 days with a lesson on Saturday! whoo hoo!

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I will clarify, my stated concern is not of the “oh, poor KS” type. I’m more noting that there seems to be a decline in her comments….seeming more unhinged than is typical. Though today’s are more coherent.

My concern is what can happen when someone crosses the brink. I’d bring up examples but that would run the risk of doing the last thing I’d want to do….bring in politics. So maybe a better reference is LK. It is not at all that I feel bad for KS….my past posts make that clear. Hope that helps clarify.


The fact is there was but I was not home and the person getting paid was stealing so yes that does seem to throw a wrench into that equation

And the only one unhinged here would be you to bring up anyone actually harming another. You literally are idiots and thank god it’s the same people on here unrelenting and not actual people out there doing the real interacting. I feel sorry for you all that you think what you are doing on here is healthy. And yes for the most part I comment on here when I’m driving long distances because I get bored. Never on my laptop. But really I so wish you all great success in your keyboard warriorism and the impact you make on others. God help if you try to tear others down that don’t find your complete lack of reality funny.

There is no “yes but” . Not only do you own those horses, you created most of them.

Ultimately, those horses and their care are your responsibility and yours alone. If you hired incompetent substandard help that is also your responsibility and yours alone. Do better.


I appreciate your perspective and concur.

I view this situation much like I view a puppy mill: the puppies are the ones that suffer and should you purchase one, you are actually supporting the overall operation. But that one puppy is happy you are giving it a better life. I just wish KS would stop as she is not bettering any breed or creating the oh so coveted ammy mount. Her so called “business plan” is all about making $$.


I actually don’t think her ‘business plan’ is all about making money, or even exists. No one does ICSI on harness mares to produce jumpers (with expensive, out-of-fashion semen) and has a valid business plan. Especially someone who boards all their stock. She can’t be making much money, if at all.


Wait didn’t you all tell me I wasn’t making any money because I was doing icsi? I’m confused what it is??? In fact I am breeding what I would want to ride which is a sane and sound amateur mount. No there is no money in it and I fund it by working. I do it because I love it. But yes if you think I’m making a ton of money then oh I so wish.

Quoting because I love being right in less than 30 seconds!


I think you meant ‘depending on the person’ however, regardless, I have never once opined on your breeding so take that up with someone else. I have commented solely on your failure to properly care for your horses and babies. And please do not come back with so much as a single word about how ‘it wasn’t me it was people I hired’. That’s also you b/c that’s your responsibility. Once and I’d give it to you. But you have too many instances of badly kept livestock. I will literally never get out of my head the pic of the aborted foal and foundering mare both lying in a stall so filthy there’s no way it had been cleaned within a week of the pic being taken.

My second issue with you is your constantly bringing other parties into this discussion without their knowledge or consent - posting communications you’ve had and facebook posts made by other people without redacting any of their PII. Such bad form, at best.

Don’t use other people as human shields against criticism directed at yourself. Either engage and defend your behaviour (or, with others, your breeding) or disengage entirely. Dragging others on here in some sort of attempt to direct people’s criticism elsewhere is cowardly and grossly unfair to people who have nothing to do with this conversation.

Just stop.


The thread about Nosey comes to mind. Gorgeous fields. Obviously fed high quality feed in addition.


Why not just breed one or two and then ride them? Seems like campaigning successfully on a few of your homebreds would build your breeding business and allow you more time to braid and ride?


I truly don’t think Kate knows what it’s like to ride these types…:woman_shrugging:t3:

I love love my mare with all my heart. She will die with me. But…I’d probably never buy another Baloubet because of the way they’re built (typically) and the way they travel (I’ll reiterate for them millionth time that selle francais are French trotters aka CART HORSES x thoroughbred). It’s too hard to manage for the level we compete (1.10m).

Granted, I’m not Scott Brash or Rodrigo, lol, so maybe they’ll buy Kate’s Baloubet babies since I’m not the target market there :wink:


I thought people who read and refer to your public FB page were “stalkers”.

Which is it?

Yes, if you hire someone to care for your animals you are still responsible for their care. You’re the owner.


There was a post you made outlining your justification for your foal prices. Someone made you an offer and you were offended as you were trying to recoup your costs. So obviously you are thinking this a money making effort.


I hope the IRS is not reading this thread. Probably not but you never know. Not good to state you do not have a profit motive.


Clearly it started that way. The new BIG thing! Now, it is pretty much a failure, so now it is not for money. I still don’t understand why these pro ride stallions bred to probably unbroke cart horse mares with zero record are not flying out the door especially at her prices??