Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

That mare didn’t belong to Kate. She leased the mare from someone. When the owner went to claim their horse, she found the mare foundering and otherwise in poor condition.

Edited to add: Here is the earlier post talking about that mare.


Thank you. Since she didn’t own the mare I’m guessing she won’t count this as the stillborn foal that she lost? That’s such a haunting picture, I hope the mare is ok now.


No actually because I’ve never had any issues with someone else caring for boarded horses before. Sorry about that

I’m not sure if Kate counts this one as the stillborn or not. I believe she had 15 planned foals from the 2023 breeding season (mentioned wayyyyyy up thread), but there have been multiple late -term abortions and some absorptions since 2020 onwards. I think there was also one 2023 colt that died relatively quickly, within a week or two.

I believe the mare survived. She was returned to the owner and received medical attention.


I love how you all just make up stories. What 2023 mare returned after a deceased foal?! Man you guys just crack me up

Hi, I didn’t say it was a 2023 foal! I said there were supposedly 15 planned breeding in 2023 and, according to comments upthread, there were mutliple complications with those pregnancies. I’ve attached the comment below. Alas, you do delete posts and private’d your Facebook, so I can not go pull up those posts anymore (I did see them at the time though).

You did return a mare after she slipped a foal though. Attached are the pictures. Don’t know if she was a 2023 or 2022. Don’t think she was a 2020-2021 broodie though.


And with your vast equine experience you were totally ignorant that it’s a very real
Possibility. Sure.


We crack you up? This is one of the most disturbing pictures we have seen from your debacle. What was your excuse for this very sad and VERY disturbing photo. You were responsible for this mare you leased. You are a monster. You have taken zero responsibility for this foals death. trash.


It was 4 months along and the mare aborted. This was at the time of the big mess with the paid staff not doing anything. I was sent that picture. It was provided to owner and insurance. Vet had been there treating the mare for laminitis and the abortion was more than likely due to all meds given to the mare to save the mares life. This was the right thing to do even though the lost pregnancy was more than likely going to be a side effect. So yes if that is cruel then I am cruel.

It? disgusting


Once again, you’re shifting the blame. It’s the fault of the people you paid that this happened. From that description alone, we have several problems.

  • That stall looks disgusting. You saw the condition of that stall, let alone the aborted foal, and didn’t drop everything to see to this mare? She wasn’t your horse.YOU were leasing that mare and put her in this condition. You were not leased a laminitic mare, nor one skinny like in those photos. Even moreso than your own horses, you damn well had better been taking care of horses that Do Not Belong To You.
  • Mare owner says you returned the mare in poor condition and didn’t pay for the vet care mare then required.
  • No one said that providing live-saving medical care to this recip mare made you cruel. We/they have said the fact the mare was seen in this condition is horrid and you have a pattern of having animals in horrid condition.

Unfortunately I couldn’t just drop everything. I made a million phone calls and had people out there immediately with the vet. I’ve dropped things before and unfortunately there was about this many people that hated me for not getting their horses done. I have an unusual job and you all might not understand the pressure of having things done, but to the clients I work for it is in fact life and death. So damned if you do damned if you don’t

For your clients it may be life and death in the figurative sense. ‘Life and death.’

Horrifically, for some of your animals, it was actual life and death.

You claim to have a well-oiled machine of braiders up and down the coast making sure your clients needs are met. You needed to meet the needs of the living beings for whom you took responsibility.

You’re asking us to equate a demanding client wanting a horse braided specifically by you, not a member of your team, with a foundering mare and dead foal (in only one instance of which there were many).

No one is going to follow you down that path. It’s a non-starter and if you don’t see that, please stop taking responsibility for living things. Concentrate on your successful braiding business.

Getting someone’s braiding done personally by you =/= the life of a living being that, on top of having it’s own innate dignity, was also giving of itself to produce for you at your command.

Not even close. It is unconscionable to claim otherwise.


Hyperbole rides again!


I would guess that any client of Kate Shearer would be mortified that she is blaming them for her lack of care of that mare in distress.


I thought of that, too, as I was typing. How would you feel if you were her client and she was out there saying doing your braids is what made her abandon her own living animals? There’s a chip missing here. It’s insane that someone would equate braiding by a specific braider with the life of the very animal those clients supposedly cherish as though those two things are even close.


Let me understand, braiding a horse for a horse show is a matter of life and death?

Some of your braiding clients actually believe that?

For real?


If braiding is the priority, then she shouldnt be breeding. Its really that simple.

An absentee owner is at the mercy of the people who are doing the day to day work. This situation can work, if you own property and staff it appropriately. But it appears that truly investing in this part of the business isnt a priority.


When the vet is there treating the mare and telling me she will be fine I’m confused how I am doing wrong?

Yes in fact they do and act as such.