Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Again, another persons fault. How long was the mare without food and water? Clearly the stall had not been touched for well over a week. How do you not have ANY friends who can drop by your property while you are off working and not managing …at all… those moms and babies? Serious question that you will give some fabricated answer too, but alas…

How sad that that mare had to go all through that because of you. YES, you.


I have heard and or seen entitled individuals act as if they are the only one whose life matters, but if they act as if it is a matter of life and death that their horse is braided for a horse show and that kind of attitude is enabled, WOW


and to kowtow to that behavior. reread. you just said that. :grinning:


Seems there should already be a backup plan, so these demanding clients will still have someone to do their horse’s hair in case of an emergency. What if one of KS’ dogs had an acute injury? Or KS herself got stuck in the ER for hours? There has to be someone who, in a pinch, possesses the gifted hands necessary to doll up a mane, since it’s “a matter of life or death.”

It just comes across as the mares and foals being a lower priority.


I can think of so many things that really are a matter of life and death, braiding a horses mane and or tail for a horse show does NOT make it on the list.

If a client told me something like that, I would be sorely tempted to tell them to take a long walk on a short pier.

But I guess everyone has their priorities. :roll_eyes: Especially when all you care about is the almighty buck.


Ladies and Gentlemen! We have BINGO!





But that doesn’t mean it actually IS. There’s a huge distinction.


That doesn’t make it so. Your priorities are seriously out of whack. .


Do you know which one? Or, at least which state they’re in?

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You can’t even keep your own stories straight. I imagine that WHH owner would love to know that you have changed your stance on how you feel she took care of your horses. As before you accused her of not feeding them enough, not getting their feet done even though you were “paying” for it and for not training your babies for free. Where you yourself posted of the abysmal care your horses were receiving.




That you enable this kind of entitled attitude to the point that you abdicate your duties to your living, breathing animals, is not admirable at all.

Previously you said you allow your clients to bully you into not growing your business properly by getting a scheduling system established b/c they will only deal directly with you via phone/text/whatever. You cannot even employ an assistant b/c your clients would refuse to deal with such a person. And you kowtow to all of this.

Now we learn you indulge people who act like braiding by you and you alone is a ‘life and death’ issue. And that you indulge and enable this behaviour to the point of being so out of touch with the care of your own animals that…well, we’ve all seen what happened/happens.

That’s not good business, it’s not good character, and it’s not admirable in any way, shape, or form. It shows someone who is bad at animal husbandry and bad at business.

‘My clients are so out of touch and self-involved they think of braiding as life and death and I enable and indulge that delulu at the extreme expense of living creatures in my care up to and including the death of more than one of them’ is not the flex you seem to think it is.


Some 20 years ago I had an elderly diabetic dog. My hours at work were 10 am to 8 pm, meaning I was home to feed the old man breakfast and give him his morning insulin, and was able to scoot home at lunch to tend to his needs, but had to hire a pet sitter for evening duties.

One evening, through no fault of her own, the petsitter was unable to make it. I called my boss and told him I had to leave to take care of my dog, it was something of an emergency, and the sales staff was going to have to cover me for about an hour. He told me under no circumstances was I to leave that desk, to which I replied, “deal with it. I’m not letting my dog suffer a preventable health crisis. I can either be back in an hour or not at all - the choice is yours.”

We owe the animals in our care this much.


Now imagine that instead of one dog you had 18 or 19 dogs, you were breeding them out the wazoo and you lived/worked in a different state. And when they were starved you said, “not my problem, I wasn’t there.”


Help me out here. Is she now back at a place she threw under the bus, and that is putting it lightly? Who is this dead baby? Just when you think it can’t get any worse. :nauseated_face:


That baby is from 2019 or 2020. She made that barn owners life a living hell after that. Threatened to sue her for multiple things. It is humorous that she is now saying her horses were getting excellent care there when she tried to get this facility shut down and raked the owner through the coals of her FB page.


Now she is back at that same place?

Different place now. The person that has some of them now will go broke before she lets any horse get skinny.


I guess time for an update. Here’s just a couple quick photos. Still non of the poor grey mare though

That Royce baby is the only nice looking DHHx she has produced.