Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Oof, not a big fan of the “I’m turning the yearling stud colt out with a heard of mares bc he doesn’t like his other options”. Someone on this board wound up with a young filly (Lusitano?) that had been bred, due to the breeder keeping some half siblings together in a herd.


Horses that are bred with extra special DHH brains don’t jump/test the fences and get hurt (except that hers have). I guess they also don’t breed mares even when exposed to them either (except when they do, which I suspect eventually is what will happen). /s

So this “stallion prospect” (one of two?!) is now being allowed to be loose with his half sibling by the same dam. Who on earth thinks that’s a good idea? He won’t breed them until he does breed them, and then someone or some horse could get hurt or there could be an unwanted pregnancy.

Meanwhile, does this mean there are going to be two stallions on property, with mares, in a place that has fences that apparently can’t consistently contain the horses. That’s a recipe for a bunch of escaped horses fighting or getting loose and running down the road. This is worse than just willy nilly bad choices breeding. This is setting up a situation where someone might get hurt having to rush in and separate these unruly horses that just up and leave whatever pasture they want whenever they want.

I always learned that if you didn’t have sufficient fencing to keep a stallion contained, you weren’t equipped or set up to house a stallion. What do I know, I guess?

If I was a mare owner boarding at a place where the owner was ho hum about an ungelded colt freely jumping into whatever paddock he wanted I would be really upset. The last thing someone with a riding horse wants is for it to get randomly pasture bred because of someone else’s negligence.


A 16 month old colt can for sure breed a mare/filly.


But he has no idea about his man parts. She said so.


Thanks for the LOL!


So if you breed to him do you get the DHH genes or the Royce genes. And the Arabian mix - kind of like dill pickle juice with hot cocoa and a splash of catsup. In varying amounts.


So what you’re saying is, is that the For Pleasure filly is in foal by the DeNiro colt, and they’re half siblings.

Well, that’s one way to fix traits. /s


It’s giving backyard vibes.


The 64 thousand dollar question here is….

Will she try to register it with KWPN? Register B?

Would it technically be considered a dressage horse under their breeding rules?



The Royce colt out of an unproven DHH mare who was neither ridden nor driven? Or am I forgetting if we know the driving history? To breed to Arabians now? What in the world is happening. Bizarre doesn’t even begin to cover it.

Will the colt perform in any discipline before being bred?? Or just send to an inspection and call it good?


That’s the Crazy Hoarder starter set.


…or injured because she rejected the attentions of a big derpy yearling stallion who is indeed aware of his man parts but hasn’t quite got the manners or mechanics 100% figured out.


Here is the rest of the “see more” from the post about the colt being turned out with the mares.


The sheer stupidity of failing to realise that you and your employees cannot and have not had eyes on this colt every waking moment of his life. Talk about you don’t know what you don’t know.

And he very well may not have shown breeding behaviour. He never will - until he does. How can anyone be so stupid as to not get that?

And bringing it up is ‘nonsense’.

This is just getting weird and sad at this point. This is not adult behaviour. It’s not professional behaviour. It’s not even common sense behaviour.

Something is seriously, profoundly NQR here.


It just reeks of soooo much desperation. Kinda reminds me of all the weird Lay’s potato chip flavors. All I see is big board bills with horses that she thought would all sell for 40k right at birth. lol. Well, we see how well that went. I have said it before and will say it again, she would rather burn in a pit of broke down cart mares with vials of semen before she will ever admit IT IS NOT WORKING. Her narcissism and shocking infantile behavior will never change. As always, the horses lose. At least they are being fed.


For now……and at whose expense?




Since KWPN has made it abundantly clear they do not share her enthusiasm for her breeding direction, I doubt there will be any kind of inspection or stallion testing. I suppose she could try some offshoot registry like American WB Assoc. But why bother? Bred to a registered Arabian mare, the foals would get 1/2 Arab registration. Voila! Instant Arabian sport horse!


Don’t forget in her communication with KWPN she said that she was switching to another registry, BWP I believe:



Am I reading this correctly? She thinks it is funny that her 16 month old colt has gotten in with the girls? I don’t have a problem with him being in with a pregnant mare - she will teach him manners. And while the 8 month old filly may not have started cycling yet, it is pretty likely that the 18 month old filly is already cycling. And she and the colt absolutely will learn about their male/female parts the next time she cycles.

So how would she market a foal from that cross? The colt is dressage/harness and the filly is jumper/harness. I dunno, maybe she can market it as a driving prospect. For a while in Germany, De Niro offspring were being sought out as CDE prospects, so maybe that can be her next shtick. :roll_eyes: