Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Her FB page now says how excited she is to have new homes for ‘some of her best’. I hope it’s true and I hope that they land in safe, knowledgeable and forever homes where feeding them properly is not too hard.


Oh she was still posting sale ads as of yesterday in some of the FB groups.

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I just hope the broodies who are currently in foal are ok. And that poor mare, Bianca. She seems like a sweetheart. Poor thing.

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She’s never going to let her horses go for their actual market value because she is deluded in thinking their value is somehow based on her costs in getting these foals on the ground.


$8000 is a mercy buy. She should take it and be grateful.


Right? But then again, remember who we’re dealing with. :roll_eyes:


Apparently I need to contact my horses’ breeders—I clearly owe them a lot more money based on how much cash they had into my three girls before they came to me.

Let’s see… two Storm Cat granddaughters who were successful at the track for three years before coming to me at age 4 for just the cost to hire my BO to drive two hours away to pick them up. Oh, and halters. I had to provide my own halters.

And an APHA mare out of that year’s World Champion halter stallion that I bought for $1k because she didn’t come out with the Overo markings the breeder was hoping for.

Off to write a check for about $450,000! :rofl:


Right? How many of us have OTTBs by $$$$$$ stud fee sires? I’ve never paid more than $4k, but let me just go hand over the $100k+ I owe for them!


People use this sort of logic with houses too.

Prices are based on the market… not a sum total of what the inputs cost.

Just like with a house… poor maintenance practices and structural defects will negatively impact the market price of a horse.


Once again, to me, she is showing chronic hoarding characteristics. An excuse or a reason for everything.


And cars with all sorts of after-market mods. See: too many Honda Civics.


The very idea that the price someone will pay for a good you produced is equal to or greater than the cost to produce it shows a lack of understanding about commerce/basic econ so profound it’s hard to comprehend and adult wrote that, let alone an adult who claims all sorts of business acumen and financial/legal savvy.

Wow. That’s high school level econ stuff she’s missing there.


Yes, other breeders are feeling that YOUR business model is fatally flawed.

You have chosen the most expensive route (ICSI into a recipient mare) to get a foal on the ground, breed odd/not marketable crosses and then don’t care for the mares and foals properly.

Yet you wonder why you’re losing money and can’t get top dollar for the babies?

PS - look up sunk cost fallacy. Just because it cost you $15K to get the baby on the ground, doesn’t mean the baby is worth $15K.


So she was appalled and duly insulted that someone had the audacity to offer $8k for that colt? Regardless of whatever grand foofoo bloodlines he supposedly has, it’s a colt. And I’ve seen many far fancier ones. She is clearly delusional.

Get a grip, Kate. This is not the money-making business you envisioned. At. All.


And how many have OTTBs that sold for high 5 to 6 figures in the yearling sales, or won 6 figures on the track? At a certain point, the value of the horse changes.


There’s a gelding on CANTER that sold for $500k as a yearling - I’m sure KS would be shocked to see the low 4 figure price he’s listed for :woman_shrugging:t3:

Horses are only worth what someone will pay for them - and that can change day to day.


…and you can bet he had excellent conformation to sell for 500K.


If she’s been spending 11,000 a month on horse expenses, not counting vet, what is it going for? Clearly it wasn’t hay and feed and care.


Getting more foals from unproven mares in the most expensive manner possible, I would guess, while paying for dry stall board on the ones she can’t feed or take proper care of.


I rode a lovely OTTB who was purchased for $3 MILLION at Keenland. He was a 3’ amateur hunter dream. And also worth significantly less as such.

They say the way to make millions with horses is to start with billions.

Kate apparently is learning the hard way.