Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Yikes EMS is the repro clinic we use and have semen stored there from our Hanoverian stallion….think I’ll take a hard pass on the offer of eggs !!


Rest easy Reba. Sorry you were only used as a uterus to an end.


I think she was more used as a egg producer than a uterus.


Yesterday I received a letter from KWPN-NA establishing a Code of Conduct for our members, which covers both horse welfare and civility toward KWPN-NA staff and members, including on social media.

I commend the KWPN-NA Board of Directors on taking this important step to protect the welfare of all KWPN-NA registered horses.


How will it be enforced?

Just out of curiosity. I like the idea, but is there going to be a reporting avenue, or… Did it say anything about the “mechanics” of it?


This is what I wondered too.
Great that they have a policy in place. That is step one, they can’t enforce something that does not exist.
But just making the policy is not good enough.


There will be a published grievance policy, with an established committee that will deal with any matters brought forward. Members may do so via a signed, written correspondence.


There are mechanisms for enforcement, which I am sure will be laid out in greater detail with time. I personally think this is a wonderful first step towards holding breeders and owners accountable. Rome wasn’t built in a day, this is a large undertaking.


Would you rather the KWPN did nothing? I don’t understand how people have been wanting something to change and then when KWPN takes these extraordinary measures people immediately say it’s not good enough. We should be ecstatic that the KWPN is well aware of the exact issue that we are discussing and is taking steps to get it handled. How many other breed organizations have a code of conduct?


Do you just like to be angry at posts?

Did you read my post?

And this

Yes, I added that just having a policy is not good enough. Because that is the truth.


I’m not angry at anything? I’m having a discussion. The email basically came out TODAY and you already think it’s not good enough knowing basically nothing except what Fordtraktor posted. Has a breed organization ever had to come up with a code of conduct to deal with one breeder? I happen to think this is HUGE and am interested in hearing more once KWPN releases it, they’ve been likely working on this and wanted to release a basic heads up to show they are working on the issue at hand.


I think it is great, like I already said. I too am interested in hearing more, like how they plan to enforce this.


Found these in a couple of minutes of googling while working:

AQHA Professional Horsemen Code of Ethics https://www.aqha.com/pt/code-of-ethics
AQHA Judges Code of Ethics https://www.aqha.com/pt/judges-code-of-ethics
And of course their rule book is available on line.

PtHA has their code of conduct in their rulebook:


Thank you both for sharing information about this to this thread.

I think this is a remarkable and admirable step forward by KWPN-NA.

Anyone who is involved with breeding in NA has seen “situations” pop up regularly over the last several years. There have been multiple serious neglect cases that have been discussed on social media once someone impacted finally spoke out… and this often seems to result in a “dam breaking” phenomenon… where multiple other people then speak up and it becomes clear problems have been getting worse for some time. Often these situations seem to involve neglected mares , or someone who seems to be collecting a lot of mares on breeding leases, etc…

Anyway… if this is a step forward in terms of registries (KWPN in this case) trying to play a constructive role in terms of how these situations evolve, and if that helps prevent vulnerable mares and foals from getting into really bad situations… that’s really excellent news. These cases are so disturbing and sad when they happen.


Bingo. You’re an educated breeder. I was reading yesterday about a sire/dam line combo in barrel horses that are phenomenal. Those owners know what they are doing and the results speak for themselves.

But someone else will buy some unproven half brother to the same stallion and cross him with some mare from a sale and wonder why the baby can’t run. Duh.


I think everyone is very pleased, if not ecstatic that KWPN-NA is doing this. Some of us just asked a question out of curiosity because we hadn’t seen the email (I no longer own a horse registered with KWPN nor am not involved with KWPN-NA).

Asking if they happened to mention anything further, such as a plan for enforcement or reporting seems natural. It’s not a criticism, so please do not take it that way. I think that we all understand that this will take time to develop and is a very positive thing.

Some just wanted to know more, which really is not a bad thing. Totally fine that it’s still developing and we don’t have all of the info now, but asking questions is how we find this out. It’s not coming from a negative place, in my case, anyway.


Nobody said it wasn’t enough. They genuinely asked how it will be enforced. A completely reasonable question considering the size of the KWPN and their membership.


Oh that’s so interesting. I can’t help thinking it’s no coincidence that this code of conduct comes in due time after K has been so publicly horrible to both horses and people.

I do know other breeds can expel people and horses over bad behaviour. I know someone who bought a colt. The owner lied about the site. It turned out the sire was owned by a crazy lady who’d been expelled from her registry for really awful behaviour that also harmed horses. The colt is nicely bred but cannot be registered because the owner of the sire is banned.

I can imagine a WB registry getting started, not even thinking about code of conduct because they assume anyone involved is high end well funded respectable etc. And then they get a low end grifter move in, and need to deal with that.

This letter would explain KS losing her mind on FB again yesterday.


I agree people and organisations often equate wealthy folks with better behaviour. Sadly, high-end and well-funded are often the worst actors of all and get away with it for a longer time than the low-level bad actors b/c the posher ones have more influence and bring money/visibility and they also are more comfortable throwing their weight and their threats of litigation around.


Yes. The goat post was noteworthy.